How much water do you drink a day?

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How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Spartan26 » Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:21 am

Do you drink 8 glasses of 8 oz of water each day?

What would be a typical total beverage consumption for you per day? Break it out, please!

Do you notice any difference in yourself depending on how much water you've consumed?

Do you drink more, less, or about the same amount of water on the weekend vs days of the work week?


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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Madrigal » Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:31 am

Spartan26 wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:21 am
Do you drink 8 glasses of 8 oz of water each day?

What would be a typical total beverage consumption for you per day? Break it out, please!

Do you notice any difference in yourself depending on how much water you've consumed?

Do you drink more, less, or about the same amount of water on the weekend vs days of the work week?
I don't understand the 'glasses of water' thing. Does anyone really drink glasses of water all day? I drink coffee all day, it used to be mate but I need a new straw and stuff. I find myself craving mate again since I quit smoking, so I'll probably get on that soon.

It's impossible for me to calculate how many mugs of coffee I have every day, but I can count them sometime. Probably between 6 and 8. Then I have half a bottle of wine for dinner and a glass of water after that.

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Mashy » Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:44 am

Madrigal wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:31 am
I don't understand the 'glasses of water' thing. Does anyone really drink glasses of water all day? I drink coffee all day, it used to be mate but I need a new straw and stuff. I find myself craving mate again since I quit smoking, so I'll probably get on that soon.
When my ex returned from South America he gifted me a mate gourd and that lil metal straw. It was really cute but I found it hard to drink a cup every time without the mate becoming too bitter. Are you guys accustomed to the bitterness, or do you drink super fast before it overbrews, or both?

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Madrigal » Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:02 am

Mashy wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:44 am
Madrigal wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:31 am
I don't understand the 'glasses of water' thing. Does anyone really drink glasses of water all day? I drink coffee all day, it used to be mate but I need a new straw and stuff. I find myself craving mate again since I quit smoking, so I'll probably get on that soon.
When my ex returned from South America he gifted me a mate gourd and that lil metal straw. It was really cute but I found it hard to drink a cup every time without the mate becoming too bitter. Are you guys accustomed to the bitterness, or do you drink super fast before it overbrews, or both?
The water is supposed to be hot but not boiling. If it boils, the yerba is "washed out", as in, you get a bitter taste in the beginning and then the rest tastes bland. Another reason it shouldn't boil is that you can't really stop it from burning your mouth when you're sipping boiled water through a straw.

That said, each serving of mate should be about 2 or 3 sips worth. It shouldn't be like a cup of water, you just dampen the yerba so you can sip it a couple of times. There is a special way to insert the straw (at an angle and to the side) so that the yerba stays fresh longer.

Lastly, mate is bitter. : D But there are some yerbas that are harsher than others. I always found Playadito or La Merced (campo) to be really soft. A lot of people put a teaspoon of sugar into the yerba before the first serving to help with the bitterness. Other people put sugar in the whole time they're drinking. A hardcore mate drinker would be appalled if you put sugar in their gourd (when the goard is made of wood, as the jesuits would make it, or a calabash gourd like the ones the indigenous peoples used). I always add that first teaspoon of sugar and then that's it until I've used up the water in the thermos, then I change the yerba and start again.

Mate has to be drunk slowly when you're just starting out because it's a laxative btw. It doesn't affect people that are used to it but you need to be careful when you're new to it.

There's probably mate tutorials by crazy Uruguayans on youtube, they take it very seriously. xD

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by djm » Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:15 pm

It is a running joke in our household that I must have a high dry matter content as I never take in any fluid that isn't contained in coffee (espresso) and alcohol (beer or red wine).

Both of those are meant to be dehydrating, but I have managed decades hardly ever taking in any water from other sources and am fine.

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Randall » Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:28 pm

Side effects of my meds include sweating more, and dry mouth, so I drink a lot. Hard to measure, but definitely more than 8 glasses a day.

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Light Leak » Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:59 pm

Pretty much every day I drink:

One cup of decaf tea or matcha (caffeinated)
One 16 oz. water bottle with electrolytes mixed in every day.
1-2 24 oz. bottles of water
At least 3 12oz. glasses of water
One glass of seltzer or kombucha
One cup herbal tea in the evening

So yes I drink 8 glasses of water day. My skin tends to be on the drier side so sometimes I wonder if I should be drinking more. I do notice that on days I get busy and go a large chunk of the day where I forget to drink I tend to feel worse.

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Senseye » Mon Mar 08, 2021 3:59 pm

I probably drink over 64 oz of liquid a day but probably only about 16 oz of water. And maybe another 12 oz of juice or milk.

The rest is coffee (30 oz per day is my routine - one small pot) and alcoholic beverages (beer or mixed drinks - say another 36 oz, but subject to great variability).

I think if I only drank non-diuretic sources of liquid, I think 30-40 oz per say would suffice.

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by starjots » Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:22 pm

I drink a gallon of cold-brew tea, a quart of almond milk, and a quart of water a day. The almond milk goes in the tea. Sometimes I drink more or less water.

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Re: How much water do you drink a day?

Post by Spartan26 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:57 am

starjots wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:22 pm
I drink a gallon of cold-brew tea, a quart of almond milk, and a quart of water a day. The almond milk goes in the tea.
I brew tea and pour it over ice each day at work. I have a Super Big Gulp insolated mug that I keep at my desk. They work great! There's generally some ice left when I pour the remaining part out at the end of the day. I'd like to just drink water but I need some flavor. During the weekends and at night I'll often fizz up some water in my Sodastream and only add a small squeeze of fresh lime in and that's enough for me. I'll drink maybe a litre and a half each weekend day.

On the low end, I'll barely have 6 oz. On rare occasions, I'll finish a mug of ice tea and have to brew a second before the end of the work day. I believe they hold a gallon. I do better and drink more if I've worked out the evening before. One thing I like about having the big azz mug is that I'll try to force myself to drink more each time I pick it up. It's also right there for convenience. On times I have to donate blood, I'll try to finish one by noon, then start on a second of only water cuz my veins are so thin.

There are times when I maybe break idk 40 or so ounces by lunch and I'll feel a bit more alert and my nasal passages seem to open up but not always. Depending on how much caffeine I've had during the day, I don't drink coffee but will have some caffeinated energy drink in the afternoon, if I drink a lot of water later in the day, it will cause the caffeine to carry over to when I want to sleep.

I used to get a lot of headaches. Hard to tell how much was from being dehydrated and what was stress induced, which included me beating myself up over things, heh.

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