What are you watching?

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Roger Mexico
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Roger Mexico » Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:12 am

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:10 am

That last one was Directed by the people that made this movie:

4-year old documentary on AI (it might be in need of a revision now.)

A satire of conspiracy theories (the show Disjointed wasn't canceled from this episode as it insists, though did eventually stop getting made.)

I'll be distracted by this for a while (and might need to get a bigger external drive.)

One of the movies is: Wailing (Na Hong-jin, 2016)

Others that stand out:
Bastard Out of Carolina (Anjelica Huston, 1996)
Vanishing, The aka Spoorloos (George Sluizer, 1988)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Miloš Forman, 1975)
Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme, 1991)
Lilya 4-Ever (Lukas Moodysson, 2002)
Silenced (Hwang Dong-hyuk, 2011)
Mysterious Skin (Gregg Araki, 2004)
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (Lasse Hallström, 1993)
Maria Full of Grace (Joshua Marston, 2004)
Mississippi Burning (Alan Parker, 1988)
(Evil Dead III) - Army of Darkness (Sam Raimi, 1992 DC) Bruce Campbell
Bad Boy Bubby (Rolf de Heer, 1993)
Boy A (John Crowley, 2007)
Carrie (Brian De Palma, 1976)
Rutgar Hauer as 'Hobo with a Shotgun' https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1640459/
Hausu (1977 'House,' Japanese horror film) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076162/
Fireworks aka Hana-bi (Takeshi Kitano, 1997) https://effedupmovies.com/hana-bi-fullmovieonlin/
Romper Stomper (Geoffrey Wright, 1992) Russell Crow, Daniel Pollock (who died before the film was released in theaters, though mostly because he was going to be in prison) https://danielpollocksfami.wixsite.com/ ... ge-article
American History X
Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon, 1985)

God Bless America (2011)

A film that is reminiscent of Happiness (shooting scene,) Idiocracy, and Visioneers, Leon the Professional, seems strangely more prescient in today's society. I had actually given someone cigars because she liked to smoke, and I wouldn't be surprised if it could have turned into that one scene about 17 minutes into the movie (and my first impression was the receptionist seemed similarly deadpan stupid as the one in Idiocracy who was in charge of the hospital patients.) The scary thing is the title kind of "says it all," in the only way dark humor can. The people are not heros and represents the sick aspects of human nature; of those seeking to escape the very problems that are so obvious and yet presciently obscured by the hypernormalization of mediocrity and alienation from eachother, by seeking escapism through self-depraved and self-focused hate (hence why people seek out materialism all the while allowing the cancer of society to fester and take over, leaving a husk of an individual.)

Rapture (Ivan Zulueta, 1979)

Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon, 1985)

The uncut version of Dawn of the Dead as well as Day of the Dead (1985 Romero) and
Return of the Living Dead (Dan O'Bannon, 1985) https://effedupmovies.com/return-of-the ... dead-1985/

Another website (need to find srt files for some of them to match it.)

Though most of the videos are trailers (and the best way to find the movies is probably through google video search and the url name.)

One of them I just got (adjusted the srt +30 to match it)
Amores Perros (circa 2000 Inarritu movie)

The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah, 1969) William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, LQ Jones, Robert Ryan

Waterloo (Sergei Bondarchuk, 1970) Rod Steiger, Christopher Plummer (though the shorter version, with 10 minutes cut off)

Alternatively, this is an expanded version (fan edit with scenes that they claim they filmed, based on screen shots of omitted portions?)

Delicatessen is also one of the movies.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:13 am

Slaughterhouse-Five (George Roy Hill, 1972) book by Kurt Vonnegut

Alien UAP/UFO congressional session from several months back (this 100% accurately represents the phenomenon.)

Shoplifters (Hirokazu Koreeda, 2018)


Heaven And Earth (Haruki Kadokawa, 1990)

A $40 million (USD) equivalent budget, and more expensive than any Kurosawa film, and yet you can barely find a review of it, other than some long-forgotten vhs trailer on this website:

The Director barely even get's any recognition.
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrit ... i-kadokawa

I was thinking he might be related to this company that deals more with manga, though it might just be the name.

A Man Vanishes (Shōhei Imamura, 1967)

Not sure about this one:

Everyone Is Psychic (2015) by sion sono
https://archive.org/details/everyone.-i ... ovie.-2015

2:30 is kind of the beginning, though a lot of stuff is interspersed, and can be interesting. . . Though maybe pedantic.
Last edited by Catoptric on Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:18 am

Visioneers (Jared Drake, 2008) Zach Galifianakis

Not your typical movie (though some aspects are more brilliant than Sorry to Bother You.)
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0833557/re ... ef_=tt_urv

The office environment reminds me an awful lot of https://www.stanleyparable.com/

A somewhat underrated/overlooked movie, similar to Sorry to Bother You (Boots Riley, 2018) starring LaKeith Stanfield (and many famous cast) which I mostly only remember by typing in "Power Caller" into Google.

Both films aren't entirely "easy to watch" because they intentionally embody that dystopian helplessness aspects, though the Sorry to Bother you film is slightly more approachable.

Sorry to Bother You:

Idiocracy also comes to mind with the dystopian aspect.

A note, in the Visioneers movie, guinea pig is mentioned as something someone ate in South America, and in Peru, they do still eat it.

Where guinea pig is a delicacy
https://theweek.com/captured/445506/whe ... g-delicacy

Something about the way that people in executive positions pretend that brevity in conversation is considered "better" is evoked in the Level 5 that uses the electric wheelchair (not because they are handicapped, but rather because it's "more efficient") and is entirely incomprehensible, but will just spout out inaudible yells and screams as though people would understand them. And then the hypocrisy of people who have stayed in senior positions within companies like to pretend that they aren't incompetent at their jobs all the while expecting new people to fill in the attrition due to horrible business practices, and they try to weasel out of hiring anyone that has the potential to take over their positions, which by their own metrics they aren't even qualified for.

The majority of the people that believe the following, don't even see it for what it really is. . .

And of course, Office Space (Mike Judge, 1999)

To another extent, so is Pleasantville and Truman Show a study on the voyeuristic escapism (much as how videogames analyze this idea, such as Cyberpunk kind of uses the 'Brain Dance' trope, which is an idea reflected in the videogame Detective character narrated by Rutger Hauer's in Observor, in recognizing how technology and artificiality slowly takes over people and produces a false-construct of identity (where people replace objectivity with group-think ideologies, or in this case people get taken over by a false-narrative and an inability to recognize they cease to exist anymore.)



Movie analysis of how films are presented (Star Wars and others.)

Speaking the obvious (fuckers like Musk and Bezos use tax subsidy for their own petty selfish projects. . . Things like the 'Boring Company' are not used for anyone but himself and those who emulate him by buying a Tesla, and likewise Bezos was trying to get subsidies for some helipads that he only intended to use for his future wife at the time the news caught on to what he was doing beneath the sheets.)

Recent article on Musk (the video is before Twitter. . .)
https://www.thenation.com/article/socie ... cy-threat/

Other movies

Dallas Buyers Club

The reality of Peptide T (what the "buyers club" revolved around) vs AZT in efficiency in approved treatment, was in large part due to the stigma, but likewise reminds me of the Dr. Brzynski treatment scam for cancer patients (which truly has no real significant efficency and might just be placebo.)
https://ftloscience.com/dallas-buyers-c ... peptide-t/

As usual, it's a bullshit story with flourishings of the cow riding nonsense (so it's more a story about Ft. Worth with flourishings of a horny redneck club theme that centers in Dallas. At the time it would have seemed significant but in retrospect it was just misguided decisions caused by people panicking for their lives.

The Dallas Buyers Club: don't buy this history
https://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/f ... cconaughey

It's more tragic that people knowingly were causing other people to die due to their bad decisions.

‘Old Photos In Real Life’ Shows How Time Changes Everything

The irony is that they show a train station in Ukraine, which was partially destroyed by Nazis, and a recent photo where it was restored, but then a few years later, completely destroyed by Russia (which accuses Ukraine of being Nazis. . .)


Being a Caretaker at an historic house and living their for free in a major area of New York City, doesn't seem so bad, especially when they have plenty of room for books.

Rufus King (signer of Declaration of Independence) house


Identification of a Woman (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1982)


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:17 pm

I was thinking of how new age stuff seems like toxic positivity (basically saying that any objective cynicism of society and how it permits and entitles people to do wrong, cannot be a reflection of yourself being correct in your assertions of the problems endemic to society,) but then Dr Z Dogg MD goes on and suggests how this book "changed his life."

The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle

2 Problems with Eckhart Tolle That No-one Ever Seems to Talk About
Problem #1: He didn’t become enlightened using the methods he teaches. Problem #2: He makes extreme, unproven claims.

Job interviews reward narcissists, punish applicants from modest cultures
https://phys.org/news/2014-06-job-rewar ... odest.html

I haven't encountered a summary of human nature that truly seems to embody the question of authenticity and the self, and what paradigms motivate people to continue to perpetuate falsehood and confirmation of the "human condition." We seek to escape through how we "identify" with the world around us, not knowing that most all of anything we think or feel about the world is filtered through a bias that is determined to prioritize its own interest (things that reaffirm the ego and make it seem "grounded" in the present.)

Perhaps it's mostly: We are defined by our upbringing and how we cultivate relations throughout life, and depending on what that construct of "comfort zone," can prevent someone from ever trying to engage with others in a way that makes them not be cynical with the world, and what it comprises of. If the only people that openly decry society, never make it known to others what they are feeling or seeking to escape, how often is it known based on what is overtly obvious to our world view, that things aren't "wrong?"

Everyday encounters are kind of like little "snap shots" of moments and experiences, that mold our perception of our worldview, and largely behind that snap shot is the intent to form a biased construct through our filter of what it represents. The vast majority of all records and depictions of the world throughout history are only a very small percentage of all that experience consists of; we are people who are molded by our limited scope of experiences, with the intent to not understand it, because we don't know what defined those experiences and prejudices.

If we intend to hold hostage the nature of life and pretend that it represents the authenticity of the self, we have long lost what it means to have primacy over our own self-interest, which we exploit of ourselves and others for the sake of advantages that are ultimately self-serving. Studying animals in the wild, it becomes apparent that what appears tranquil and serene in nature, often embodies the destructive capacity for self-interest; things like chimpanzees or lions smashing the heads or paralyzing their "competition," because they fully expect to carry on their own offspring, and have no intention of sharing the resources with those that aren't "themselves." If genetics was the only determinant, so are shared "identity" that people feel in relation to others.

The Onion Movie

The Onion Movie Was Not Ultimately What I Expected Or Wanted It to Be
https://www.nathanrabin.com/happy-place ... d-it-to-be


This just reflects the greater problem, as social media is used by corporations, likewise, the argument could be made about oligarchies replacing democratic practices (if people are too removed from social consciousness, they can be easily exploited and misdirected away from the legitimate problem itself.)

Some movies
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:05 am

It reminds me of some accounts, which might have questionable authenticity:

Dr. Eben Alexander Proof of Heaven Investigation
https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/i ... e-prophet/

If you think about people like Dr. Stephen Greer, a lot of them had egos that kind of made them "on the way out," similar to other people who get into careers but end up falling short of what they want, so they start doing weird crap that gets them more attention, so they start gaming the attention just like any camgirl whore that wants easy money off the gullible idiots that think she likes them.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by HighlyIrregular » Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:44 pm

Consciousness is NOTHING! It's just outside stuff making some kind of impression, to a certain extent that some random person decides, on something else. It's a spectrum, from the sun fading paper to Einstein. Feeling is the interesting thing.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:26 pm

HighlyIrregular wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:44 pm
Consciousness is NOTHING! It's just outside stuff making some kind of impression, to a certain extent that some random person decides, on something else. It's a spectrum, from the sun fading paper to Einstein. Feeling is the interesting thing.
This will probably sound insane because it suggests our societies current understanding about the laws of physics cannot explain it (thus para-"normal") :

From what I know based off my own experience and research (meaning, I spent a lot of time doubting the possibility but sought evidence that I know could not be explained by conventional methods, since any hypothesis that contradicts the evidence could not explain the very evident demonstration of sentience by the phenomenon.)

EVP is 100% a phenomenon that can be proven and shows demonstrable evidence of non-corporeal consciousness.

UFO/UAP 'Experiencer' phenomenon is also real and correlates to documented phenomenon that has too high a likelihood of being coincidental apophenia, which suggests that technology that is possessed by presumed non-terrestrial objects (since they demonstrate technology that is impossible for humanity to have developed or understood with known physics, unless we somehow have a secret academia within the military or government that somehow knows a lot more than any academic in a university, which I highly suspect people would know about if it were true.) Basically, it appears very common with those who witness the UAP/UFO phenomenon that it reacts and responds to people on a psychic level, suggesting that some aspects of physics might involve whatever we percieve as being a "consciousness" that permeates the universe on some level, much as how the observer phenomenon seems to exist within particle physics and how the results appear (denoting something similar to the thought experiment 'Schrodinger's Cat,' or perhaps, "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?")

Of course, this would also fall into the psychological profile of the people who call themselves 'Experiencers,' and I have to agree with it. Usually, if someone has a profound story that I approach open-minded, and then I take it a step further and show evidence that what they demonstrated was actually flash photography with insects, and I ask them to followup their research using offset flash strobes as well as different equipment that would help eliminate the "phenomenon," then they would just as well be so invested in the idea that (hypothetically) they were involved with a fantastical phenomenon that might be connected to the volcanic activity in Hawaii which only the Native inhabitance are connected to, and that it's modern society and it's constraints on taking serious these mythical stories of the past that are somehow preventing themselves from experiencing or having any profound realization of what is happening in our (potentially simulated?) world.

Psychological aspects of the alien contact experience
Previous research has shown that people reporting contact with aliens, known as "experiencers", appear to have a different psychological profile compared to control participants. They show higher levels of dissociativity, absorption, paranormal belief and experience, and possibly fantasy proneness. They also appear to show greater susceptibility to false memories as assessed using the Deese/Roediger-McDermott technique. The present study reports an attempt to replicate these previous findings as well as assessing tendency to hallucinate and self-reported incidence of sleep paralysis in a sample of 19 UK-based experiencers and a control sample matched on age and gender. Experiencers were found to show higher levels of dissociativity, absorption, paranormal belief, paranormal experience, self-reported psychic ability, fantasy proneness, tendency to hallucinate, and self-reported incidence of sleep paralysis. No significant differences were found between the groups in terms of susceptibility to false memories. Implications of the results are discussed and suggestions are made for future avenues of research.
The people that usually claim to have some fantastical stories are very different from most people, and too often the same exact situation pops up, where someone claims to see an object in the sky and then start to wake up at the exact same time period at night, and usually ends up then sky gazing as well as having odd meditative experiences that they never had before. They might not have ever experienced or studied anything about the phenomenon prior, but sure as heck they start to find similarities in other people's stories.

Alternatively you find people that call themselves abductees that seem to have very little invested in being honest with themselves and bothering to call people's bullshit out for what it is, and who ultimately have no real thoughts on the matter as it pertains to physics or current human knowledge (suggesting, despite their purported high IQ they sure as fuck don't bother trying to show it, and are probably just so invested in feeling special that they go with whatever makes them feel smart or unique; incidentally a lot of people in groups like "high IQ societies" are similarly not honest with themselves in acknowledging conventional limitations in what is known about physics and will usually just repeat the typical arguments (that whatever biased assumption held about another galaxy or planet somewhere far away visiting earth and managing to "stay under the radar" all this time, must surely be impossible because of the limitations of space and time, etc.) It wouldn't matter if we actually did have some kind of technology demonstrated beyond conventional understanding that was making itself known and demonstrating "impossible" feats of engineering, which would possibly suggest we aren't dealing with organic matter beyond basic elementary metal alloys, etc.


Interesting thoughts on "the dangers of meditation."

Identifying Adverse Effects of Meditation, with Dr. Willoughby Britton
https://mindfulnessexercises.com/podcas ... y-britton/#


Even though I have my doubts that Oswald didn't act alone, in Chicago they had a similar thing happen that mimics Oswald, and seem to have learned from it (having 2 other people who seem to have been the guys that would have used the window to assassinate Kennedy, who instead for Oswald would then be outside the view covering from different angles) who not only were discovered, but also when looking into the license plate, find it had classified data on it.

44 Years After JFK's Death, New Assassination Plot Revealed (Thomas Arthur Vallee)

Similarly, it reiterates the idea of Officer Tibbetts being considered as a body double in the event they needed to hide some evidence of how JFK was killed, which some theories go pretty deep into (the problem is a lot of the theories are based on misinterpreting the context of the situation, and retroactively investigating the time period which coincided with people's skepticism about trusting the government's narrative of events.) I suspect most of the theories and obfuscation of the JFK death are things that developed long after people could be bothered confirming the accuracy of the claims, as most theories are based on bullshit artists (like the LBJ's "Mistress" story, which was propped up by a narcissist that had her son sue LBJ's wife in a lawsuit about paternity and inheritence that was dismissed prior to his death from cancer. http://dperry1943.com/ragsdale.html ) Also I had a step-uncle that got pretty deep into investigating a quack in regards to what he claimed about the JFK incident, and though he would later be a pretty successful lawyer, he seemed duped by the BS story artist. I suspect a similar thing occurred with Roswell and people like Stanton Friedman who thought he was adding to the research on Roswell by publishing people's BS stories without vetting their origins.

When Andrei Tarkovsky got drunk with Akira Kurosawa
https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/andrei-tar ... -kurosawa/

You can see a lot of influence in Tarkovsky's Andre Rublev following the movie Solaris when he met Kurosawa. The Seven Samurai Toshiro Mifune character could just as well fit in with the 'Jester' at the beginning of the Andre Rublev film (and similarly, in Kurosawa's Ran movie, the Jester has a similar comic relief at the beginning?)

It's also easy to think Andre Rublev came out before Solaris, and if I didn't notice it came out after, I wouldn't know otherwise. Stalker also came out in 1979 and used black and white, and I'm wondering if Solaris went so far over budget that he was forced to use the film stock, similar to how Kurosawa ended up filming in Russia because his films weren't the popular kind people wanted to watch in Japan (he was seen as "old fashioned," but of course, the 'cinephile' audiences would still look back on their films as "classics.")

Some of the films:

A longer version of Andre Rublev, called 'The Passion of Andre Rublev' is about 20 minutes longer, though some consider the shorter version a little more "focused." Often people will make fan-edited movies of the shorter one, or will try to pad out the longest version they can find just for shits and giggles (sort of like Blade Runner, which is a very different experience of the film.)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:53 pm

https://www.quora.com/How-often-did-the ... owboy-days

Bathing, but also drain holes in the tubs were a big no-no (people wouldn't just waste water, and would have smelled worse than a dirty French man.) These tubs go for $1,800 in listings, but moreso because they are really rare. The fools that come across them turn them into planters, or destroy any historical value they might have, by converting them into modern plumbing systems, when they were clearly designed for those that lacked plumbing, and might only offer bathing with the intent of turning a profit (much as Red Dead Redemption 2 shows, when you arrived at a hotel, but that was on the end of the 19th century when plumbing was only barely coming into vogue, if people lived in communities with the infrastructure to provide it.)

Most of what people interpret as historical "bathtubs" were most likely used for fabric processing, since people preferred not to bath unless the water was sterilized and considered safe to be in contact with. If it didn't have a utilitarian purpose people wouldn't be bothered to mess with it, unless they could afford to do so.


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:46 pm

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081674/?r ... g_t_88_act

I always assumed Jane Seymour was an American, but she hid her British accent pretty well.


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