Covid news and views

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by djm » Wed Nov 03, 2021 11:52 pm

Flights from the UK to the US open back up on the 8th, so I am flying to Texas on the 8th. First time out of the UK since last February and it will be a very different (different bad) experience now methinks.

Despite being double vaccinated there is a ludicrous level of box ticking to get on the flight. I have to have a test three days or less before flying, and upload it. There is some sort of asinine disclaimer form to fill. I have to wear a mask for the whole 12 hour flight, changing it every three hours. When I get to the US I have to get tested locally 3-5 days after arrival. Before I come back I have to have a test so I can get back to my own country, but wont have to wear the mask on the plane on the reverse journey.

Load of old cobblers.

I also note with interest the sinister changes to the ESTA application procedure. You now have to give details of all social media accounts and sign a load of rights away to be allowed entry on the visa waiver scheme. Payback for helping Biden into power perhaps.

One wonders what America has turned into since I last spent time there. I am travelling to Houston, then Las Vegas which I would hope are not too strict regards Covid rules. Back in February to do a load of farm visits.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by starjots » Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:39 am

djm wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 11:52 pm
I have to have a test three days or less before flying, and upload it. There is some sort of asinine disclaimer form to fill. ,,, Before I come back I have to have a test so I can get back to my own country, but wont have to wear the mask on the plane on the reverse journey.
We ordered COVID tests via the airline (American) which took all of 15 minutes and were uploaded to the Airline when we flew. It was trivial other than the $50/test.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Sinny » Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:56 pm

Why has everybody stopped posting about covid restrictions and jabs? Not ready to admit you were all wrong? :ph34r:

These are Ofcom regulated sources, but these stories are finally breaking through the soviet styled censorship I know the lefties love so much. These are British doctors, I know doctors all over the world are fighting to get their voices heard about adverse vaccine reactions (which are off the charts) and the disastrous effects of failed lockdown policies, again which I know the lefties here loved so much :rolleyes:

Covid: Report reveals increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine Dr Aseem Malhotra

'Myocarditis risk higher from vaccine than Covid' | Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra

Covid lockdowns 'have proven to be an utter failure': Head of Medicine at Stanford Medical School

Mark Dolan asks: Can the NHS backlog ever be eliminated?

Did Lockdowns work?: ‘I believe we really all suffered terribly with no justification at all’

Lockdowns, school closures and limiting gatherings only reduced COVID mortality by 0.2% at 'enormous economic and social costs', study finds ... rcent.html

Lockdown "saved the lives of" 0.2% of covid cases, and we know now that here in the UK only 17, 000 deaths can be attributed to covid alone (although the flu miraculously disappeared) meanwhile there are up 750, 000 projected deaths from LOCKDOWN it's self and 1/5th of the population waiting for treatment on the NHS, many cancer patients sentenced to DEATH by left loving loonies, thank you all, thank you all so much.

Once again, I told you so :nerd:

Don't push those hearts of yours too hard, now will you :lol:

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Sinny » Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:16 pm

Julius_Van_Der_Beak wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:37 pm
Chaselation wrote:
Sun Jul 18, 2021 1:46 am
I have not been here in some time. I was a bit surprised that this group as a whole seems very accepting of the claims regarding Covid vaccines. I was expecting a more nuanced debate to be taking place.

The research I've done has landed me in a hell no position with regards to the poke. I will be sourcing safe fairly well proven drugs (with almost zero research dollars) that appear to be doing a much better job.
Since you are so into "asking questions" and "not believing the official story", what is your opinion on this post?

Most people who are antivax and pride themselves about not being sheep seem to have fully drunk the kool-aid on America's role in the world. Sure, we're all taught that from a young age, but if I didn't know better about them likely being motivated about some kind of racial anxiety, bullshit nostalgia trip, or a mental health problem of some kind, I would have thought that they would have expanded their love of "asking questions" to the foreign policy sphere, since after all they are not sheeple.

More often than not, the psychology among anti-vaxxers seems to be that the U.S. government harming or killing people who look different from them is fine, but the idea that their white asses might be slightly inconvenienced by something like a vaccine mandate is deeply threatening and troubling to them. That's why we see stuff like cops resigning or getting fired en masse because they don't want to comply with a public safety order in a profession that is allegedly supposed to be for public safety.

Did your mother drop you on your head as a child?

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Sinny » Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:25 pm

Senseye wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:34 pm
MissBingo wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:44 am
Sometimes I think that the virus may be a way to eliminate some of the worst people -- the Trump bullies, antisocials, willfully ignorant, selfish, cruel people -- but then I feel guilty for the thought.
I wouldn't. At this point ignorance can no longer be claimed as an excuse. So its just the straight up stupid who refuse to get vaccinated, wear masks, etc. They deserve whatever they get.
Here I am two years later, unmasked, unvaxxed, not afraid of the air, not afraid of people, never complied with a single restriction and still as fit as a proverbial fiddle :lol:

Are you idiots still walking around in face nappies and lining up for your 4th jab? Lining the pockets of those billionaire pharma barons? :lol:

Ironically the only people dropping down dead are the VAXXINATED :cheers: to borrow leaf from your book - I guess it's nothing ya'll don't deserve :nerd:


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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Senseye » Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:42 pm

Sinny wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:25 pm

Ironically the only people dropping down dead are the VAXXINATED :cheers: to borrow leaf from your book - I guess it's nothing ya'll don't deserve :nerd:
Ah Sinny, good to see you back. Still haven't changed I see, which was no guarantee, as I recall you were a Corbin marxist before your 180 swing to the right.

Anyhow, here I am two years later, fully vaxxed (3 shots) and have had no issues whatsoever. No covid, no adverse reactions, no heart problems and no third arm growing from my stomach. Also, no recent purchases of Microsoft products despite Bill Gates nano-bots which are apparently a standard by-product in all vaccines.

Anecdotes are NOT data, but you'll never hear a conspiracy buff talk that way. Anecdotes are pretty much all they hang their hat on. Percentage wise, a far greater number of unvaccinated people are dropping dead (indisputable fact) but I'm sure you can find plenty of anecdotes and opinions on the wild wild web that tell you otherwise.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by puerile_polyp » Thu Feb 03, 2022 8:34 pm

Well, here we are. Nearly two years in. People still arguing about mandates. So much fear and anger. Some people have made a lot of money. We're in a k-shaped recovery, which is a nice euphemism for the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Surging homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, crime. Looming recurrent debt crisis. China and Russia making moves because they know USA is in a bad position.

If China did want to get a leg up, this would have been an excellent plan. China was fully prepared to weather this by enforcing harsh collectivism. They have a lot of experience in doing this successfully with information instead of viruses. Now they're working with Russia to establish independent financial systems that won't be as affected by the global economy.

I do believe that we ain't seen nothing yet.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by djm » Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:08 pm

Having recently visited both Netherlands and Egypt, thought I'd post some observations.

Omicron is the end of COVID, it just isn't dangerous and all restrictions should be lifted now globally. There is no justification for any legal restraints on peoples lives now. Government needs to advise and let people make their own decisions.

In the Netherlands people are widely ignoring the draconian restrictions. Outside of Amsterdam I saw nobody wearing masks. In Amsterdam they were still under lockdown day one, but the bar in my hotel still opened, as did many restaurants.

In Egypt nobody is wearing masks, nobody is obeying restrictions, nobody is ill and the extremely rudimentary healthcare system is not and never has been under any pressure. The bits I visit you are lucky if you get toilet paper, and electricity comes on and off. Countries like Egypt could not afford lockdown, and have not reached many with vaccines. No real increase in deaths.

I had surgery last week and was chatting to the surgeon whilst he chopped my face up. He is seeing the real numbers we don't get to see yet. The real death toll in the UK of people dying of Covid rather than with Covid or of shit medical treatment is about 16,000 (less than normal flu deaths). Most of those died through being put on ventilators (the rick of being on one os higher than the risk of Covid). He had a colleague that got put on one (as a precaution due to being a doctor and getting better service) and lost his sight due to it. In the UK the average age of 'death with Covid' is 81. The average age of death is 82. The number of annual deaths during the pandemic is below the 5 year average pre-pandemic. It is a a non-problem is any meaningful sense.

Like the so called climate crisis, this 'pandemic' is being used to justify big government, high tax, loss of personal freedom as the only way to protect us. It smells fishy.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Madrigal » Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:37 am

I think I have omicron. :mellow:

Food poisoning symptoms in the day and fever at night.

Had vermicelli soup and it was nice.

Rapid test negative.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Madrigal » Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:46 am

Sinny wrote:
Thu Feb 03, 2022 7:25 pm

Here I am two years later, unmasked, unvaxxed, not afraid of the air, not afraid of people, never complied with a single restriction and still as fit as a proverbial fiddle :lol:
Aren't you like 25 years old? I hope you're not expecting us to be surprised. Glad you're well though.

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