Little Rants

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Thu May 18, 2023 10:38 pm

Senseye wrote:
Thu May 18, 2023 8:52 pm
No, because neither of those people were committing a crime when confronted despite what their confronters might have thought. Their actions played no role in what happened to them (i.e. picking up a product in a retail store or walking through a neighborhood are perfectly reasonable, common, and legal activities).

As such, they were innocents, killed by others using poor judgement. There should have been more severe consequences for those using poor judgment that took innocent lives.

Banko was clearly committing a crime, and then escalated it to violence by starting a fight. He instigated everything and as such, I see him as the author of his own demise. I still consider it poor judgement on the part of the security guard to shoot Banko, but Banko was no innocent and it was his poor judgement that led to the violent and stressful situation which resulted in the security guards actions.
I suggest that anytime the spouse of a Police Officer gets abused, that they are justified in killing them right then and there. Why prolong their suffering? They are clearly "bad seed."

Do 40% of police families experience domestic violence? ... -violence/
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Senseye » Fri May 19, 2023 2:15 am

You are getting into apples vs oranges stuff.

Like if Banko had simply run off (even after the fight) I would not suggest he committed a capital offence and be punished at that level, he should have just been charged with shoplifting and assault and given whatever jail time that warrants. But when one engages in lawless behavior, there is some inherent risk of a negative outcome during the risky behavior.

I would not suggest domestic violence perpetrators all be hunted down and executed. But if you give me an example of an abused person killing their abuser, I would often suggest that abused person is not guilty of any crime (still need to examine the circumstance of each case though).

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Sat May 20, 2023 1:34 am

Potheads are gross, with their half paralyzed eyelids and their reeking clothes. I never smelled tobacco as strong on anyone as the smell pot on some.potheads. The picture is from the Youtube channel Frankenstein's Lab. The guy to the left is the grossest, and he's always leaning in towards the camera. I can't watch. How could people not care about getting Willie Nelson Lung?
Screenshot_20230519-212835.png (240.34 KiB) Viewed 15410 times

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Mon May 22, 2023 6:46 pm

As a followup to the Banko Brown thing

Security guard who shot Banko Brown felt ‘on edge’ before Walgreens killing ... s-killing/

Banko Brown: Walgreens guard reveals homelessness, trauma to police ... wn-police/

Walgreens cut ties with security company ('Kingdom Group Protective Services') whose guard killed Banko Brown ... anko-brown


Kenya cult death toll rises to 200; more than 600 reported missing ... d-missing/


The absurdity of the monarchy ... is-absurd/


I just realized Jeff Bridges had a 9x12 inch tumor (now shrunk down to a marble.) ... pdate.html


Trader Joe's Is a Living Hellscape ... cery-store

I'm constantly reminded of this, even if I haven't stepped foot in one for over a decade.


It took me a while to realize, Jordan Peterson really is just a grifter (similar to 'Ben “Facts don't care about your feelings" Shapiro', brought to you by Ex-lax!) ... hes-become
Last edited by Catoptric on Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Wed May 31, 2023 1:41 am

I'd been going into my file manager instead of my pdf reader on my cell to reopen a pdf every time I have to switch between my pdf app and something else because I couldn't find my pdf app...all I knew was that pdf docs open in SOMETHING when I click them. A keyword search for "pdf," "acrobat" and "adobe" found nothing and I saw no Adobe app icon. Just today I discovered that pdf files are opened with my Google Drive app whose icon only shows when I click a pdf in the file manager. So I STILL can't click an icon to reopen a pdf, but now they seem to open in a browser window and I can leave a pdf and come back to it. I hate apps that don't have a way for the user to determine what they are. At least now it behaves like Chrome.

EDIT...nope, they don't opee in Chrome...I was just looking at an email attachment...I still have to close and reopen document every time I switch apps. I may have tried uninstalling Drive and things glitched out.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:33 am

HighlyIrregular wrote:
Sat Jan 08, 2022 7:17 pm
Coughing, unmasked Covid man shut down my local library
He survived Covid and now he's just stinking up the library so I can't be there when he's there. Or I'll try the spot furthest from him. The guy next to me was coughing though. Maybe I'll go back to wearing a mask.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:10 am

How Clinton's Budget Destroyed The American Economy ... omy-2012-9

The Longest Government Shutdown In History, No Longer — How 1995 Changed Everything ... everything

It's similar to how Reagan is perceived contrary to the effect they have.


"Pro-environment" activists pushed laws forbidding controlled burns to reduce forest fires, which likely made Canada's wildfires so severe.

Canada’s wildfires are a reminder climate warriors have it all wrong ... all-wrong/

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

French Stonehenge - Carnac

39 ancient menhirs moved to make way for a Mr. Bricolage in Brittany ... n-Brittany


When I see scams on Facebook and realize the vast majority of people are not smart enough to catch onto the reality of it being a scam, it makes me go into a rage.

(since 2001 this has been known. . .)

Fake ads on Facebook spoil real life fairy story Published 18 June 2021

Fake Facebook ad has generated attention for over a month and likely has been reported numerous times (judging by the sculpture creator recognizing the attention has resumed) ... 5810293510

Their website also uses some business name as a jpg (presumably so it evades google search data) as Moria Plus

The actual sculpture creator (which probably doesn't go for $8-20) is here: ... e_internal

And either Facebook uses AI to filter through the activity reported, or the people reviewing the reports are far too dumb to realize the scam activity for what it is.

"I found your profile interesting and would like to add you as a friend for some quick fucky fucky"

Response from Facebook:
This does not violate community standards of a scam in progress.

Even when it would be far easier to supply the information specifics pointing out the evident scam, such as shown, I doubt their system even allows for account activity in conjunction with the claim, so some screwball AI or idiot behind the computer screen is left with Mark Zuckerbergs greedy face.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:27 pm

Any exercise (and "justification") in entitlement will increasingly alienate and straddle generations with a debt of trauma-induced vapidity, which can only be processed and tolerated through the lens of confirmation bias. All the wars, all the shit-stain people that have lived before you will give a narrative of garbled crap that no one has the time nor the intellectual capacity to weed through without serious doubts as to how they even cope with the world around them.

Why I’m Not A Feminist: a takedown of the 'narcissism' of modern feminism ... sm/8333290

It’s official: People who choose organic food are judgmental dicks ... 1823699121

Most people don't want to be proven wrong if "being right" means being part of the nebulous nether of "the crowd," since they live within an eternal proxy of identity affirmation in the gestalt of the vacuousness of their own composure with themselves.

Cultural microcosms create shallow identities with little challenges to beliefs or ideas, apart from "being right/correct."
To take a quote from this article:

In 1591, Francis Bacon asserted that “The world is a bubble.” In other words, a bubble is a microcosm of the world: each individual element bends toward fulfilling its purpose within the whole.


Regarding people's eating habits and the obesity problem:

The number of obese people in "America" has tripled, and some have argued that body activism is having the opposite effect of a healthy self-image, where anyone proactive about losing weight is discouraged by their peers (that they drag them down into an acceptance of self-loathing, which only causes them to eat more.) An article that elaborates on the dangers of brands promoting ideas, merely to profit off "inclusivity."

I would argue that all problems have a foundation based on trends in impulse gratification, and likewise, a need to feel in control (such as eating disorders are similarly rooted in an oppressive upbringing where the only internal locus of control came from a desire to maintain eating habits, much like how prisoners use starvation as a means to have some menial resistance against the prison system,) but likewise the obsession with people needing to follow what others tell them, such as with dieting, which creates self-conflicted anxiety, is not much different from people overindulging in disgusting foods that are constantly advertised to them as if their life depended on a "feel-good" acceptance.

Look at the images that most people post of their shopping visits and you will see a direct correlation.

An article
Why the body positivity movement risks turning toxic ... xic-189913

And a lot of this might come down to economics and inflation:

New survey reveals the most common reason Americans purchase junk food ... -junk-food
Mistrust and high cost
The massive poll reports that 55% of respondents said they feel “forced” to buy junk food because it’s much more expensive to purchase healthy food products. Not too long ago, researchers over at Drexel University put together a study group of 2,800 Americans to locate the depth of the price disparity. The paper reported that on average, healthy, perishable foods were almost twice as expensive as unhealthy packaged foods; we’re talking a staggering 61 cents vs. 31 cents per serving. Moreover, the study determined that every 14% increase in the healthy to unhealthy food price ratio was associated with a 28% decrease in healthy diets.

“Nearly 40% of U.S. adults are obese and less than 20% attain recommendations for fruits and vegetables. Cheap prices of unhealthy foods relative to healthier foods may be contributing to obesity and low-quality diet,” explained the study’s lead researcher, Dr.Amy Auchincloss in Study Finds.

It's more to do with resting metabolic rate calorie-burn and the ease with which access to foods are metabolized without having to expend any energy. It could also be that such a diet (wasn't Mark Haub the Professor that did the Twinkie diet ... index.html ) the lack of dietary fiber would make the digestive track function like an apex predators (the lack of having dietary fiber would make the food not slow down and absorb into the body, so it would be almost like causing malnurishment, even with proper nutrition supplements, because the foods would take less time to digest.)

Looking at it from another perspective, if people are less prone to sickness due to increased available healthcare, and have widely accessible safe-drinking water, and safer food handling, their intake of food will also be more consistent, with less bouts of sickness as a result of technology becoming accessible.

A bigger problem that could be faced in modern diets is the lack of digestive enzymes and probiotics, such as from less fermented foods (even things like beer are force carbonated with much of the yeast removed in the commercial processing.)

Most of it comes down to amount of calories and types of foods (complex carbs, etc.) and for quite some time there has been a stigma against people consuming fatty foods as well, which are obviously vital to a healthy diet, so it could be that people are destroying their metabolism by overloading it with things that would have been inaccessible, and are not actively burning calories through normal means of the metabolism.

Someone (an Attorney) was arguing the idea that cherry-picking data applied to a true statement, that American's are fat, by showing a picture of fat people, and then went on to show examples of obese athletes, as if they weren't fat?

If BMI Is The Test Of Health, Many Pro Athletes Would Flunk ... ould-flunk

He had the temerity to claim I was illogical.
I posted an image which only through the observer's confirmation bias, could any meaning be conferred.

Any person who could reasonably be considered athletic, could just as well have enough muscle mass and fat, that the bmi would still skew the perspective of what their "health" is.

People that smoke or drink can live well past 100, though that is not an accurate representation of the "median" metric.

Either way, the person who created the post (not I) could definitely be argued about what he interprets of things.

I would argue, to deny the statistics is to cherry-pick data. Though the photograph I used is from a dubious source and is most likely using a photo representing body positivism, the statistics regarding the trend were starting to really peak from the 1960's onward.

And not all beach-goers are going to be the representation of people stuck inside doing "Netflix and chill," or getting food delivery so they don't have to walk a few steps to their car.

Another thing just showed up in the news:

American Medical Association now deems BMI to be ‘racist’ ... bmi-to-be-

It is true that it is flawed (and I don't know why no one brought the argument up when arguing against the idea that Americans as well as many parts of the world have a significantly higher percentage than in previous decades of obesity,) though you could also look at it a different way and it doesn't appear any better (though why the study wasn't published may be important to consider.)

"According to the new study, BMI misses a lot of cases of obesity. Researchers looked at data from almost 10,000 U.S. adults collected from 2011 to 2018 and found that almost 36% had obesity based on their BMI. Use of a different measure of obesity — a person’s body fat percentage — put that figure at 74%. The study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal."
- ... at%2074%25.

Even with football players that are considered to have a high BMI, they would still be considered overweight. Just being active or athletic does not imply people are still "healthy," since they are also putting excessive strain on their body through eating heavily. Many of the problems found in different populations like Native American and African American's stems from food rations that were often very unhealthy (such as fry bread and gumbo.) Many dishes that are still produced today such as Cherokee recipes for hominy incorporate bacon grease. Though fats are a healthy part of the diet when in moderation, many of the starches and other things can contribute to a buildup of fats, and the American diet has usually exceeded the recommended intake (so if you go to Taco Bell or Taco Bueno the bean burritos are a cheap way to fill up on soy fat and beef grease from the ground hamburger,) and most everything has now become infused with high fructose corn syrup, including bread (which the Irish have banned at Subways.)


Ohio man executed 3 young sons as surviving daughter fled home screaming her "father was killing everyone," authorities say ... deo-shows/

Note: This degenerate at the very end of the video denotes that the girl that ran off and revealed his actions was the step-daughter, suggesting the 3 boys that were killed were from an ex-wife? Did he just lose it or was he hoping to try and frame it as a story he could attempt to get away with?

In other news. . . Some Asian Indian dude:

Kentucky man tries burning down Mary Todd Lincoln’s childhood home ... hood-home/

I guess he wanted to restore the Confederacy in some weird way?
Last edited by Catoptric on Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:07 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Yesterday » Sun Jun 18, 2023 5:46 am

Scrap the site name and instead let's make this place about behavioral analysis where we all have agree to do a trade off on what we believe makes people tick in exchange for learning about what actually makes people tick as taught by someone who wrote the book on applied behavioral analysis. Lots of learning to trust our feelings would be involved.

"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
- from my Ph.D. thesis in psychobabble

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:58 pm

Yesterday wrote:
Sun Jun 18, 2023 5:46 am
Scrap the site name and instead let's make this place about behavioral analysis where we all have agree to do a trade off on what we believe makes people tick in exchange for learning about what actually makes people tick as taught by someone who wrote the book on applied behavioral analysis. Lots of learning to trust our feelings would be involved.
That would be like arguing, "gay people are beautiful and anyone that opposes any reference to it is a homophobe," when most signs suggest the behavior is an expresiion of maladaption.

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