Covid news and views

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by starla » Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:05 am

Senseye wrote:
Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:24 pm
I would like to see this quantified. From what I can tell, most of the people who "can't be vaccinated" probably can be vaccinated. It's just that clinical trials haven't yet been conducted on them. Children for example. Children seem to be at very low risk from serious illness from covid so I don't worry about them too much.

Pregnant/breastfeeding women are another group and again the issues is probably they could be vaccinated, but no trial data. Guess they will have to isolate until they feel safe.

There is probably a small group of allergic and/or immunocompromised who may never be able to be vaccinated. One in a million? One in a 100K? Sucks to be them I suppose, but I suspect their issues are much broader than just covid exposure.

Not that I am pro anti-vaxxer or anything. But at a certain point people are just going to be stupid, and you just have to let the chips fall where they may.
Are pregnant women not allowed to be vaccinated? I thought a lot of them were just choosing not to. In any event, I agree with everything here, especially the point about the immunocompromised (who can get vaccinated but may not have a response). The only people I know of who cannot get a vaccination are young children (low risk) and people undergoing certain cancer treatments. I assume this means things like bone marrow transplants and the like, because Mayo was recommending that all their outpatient cancer patients go ahead and get Pfizer or Moderna but time it with their chemo. Those bone marrow transplant patients can't even leave the hospital, and pretty much any virus will kill them, it doesn't have to be COVID.
There are plenty of populations who are vaccine hesitant because they have some condition like autoimmune disease. I can understand their hesitation but I assume those people, if they were to get COVID, would be highly likely to die and they would be better off getting the vaccine than taking their chances. However, if they want to continue to isolate and wear masks when they absolutely must leave the house, that is their choice.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Chaselation » Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:22 am

By what understanding of virology is it reasonable to assume these vaccines are still effective if they ever were? This is not the chicken pox. We are up to lambda now? It's still working? The flu vaccine is updated yearly and still fails miserably every goddamn year. This one works for reasons? Also lets give it to kids, pregnant women, babies next? Other countries have studied drugs that work BETTER, that are tested why not just try those? Is it because certain people won't make their money back? It's pure insanity. So many smart people just push the narrative I do not understand why.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Chaselation » Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:32 am

If this isn't a repost I'm disappointed in you all.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by jyng1 » Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:38 am

Chaselation wrote:
Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:32 am
If this isn't a repost I'm disappointed in you all.
I thought someone who posted here would have more nuanced sources than a bitshit video.

(I thought about watching it, but I got to the "Dr Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and I stopped. The only person who thinks Dr Robert Malone invented mRNA vaccines is Dr Robert Malone).

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by starla » Sun Jul 18, 2021 5:55 pm

Chaselation wrote:
Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:22 am
By what understanding of virology is it reasonable to assume these vaccines are still effective if they ever were? This is not the chicken pox. We are up to lambda now? It's still working? The flu vaccine is updated yearly and still fails miserably every goddamn year. This one works for reasons? Also lets give it to kids, pregnant women, babies next? Other countries have studied drugs that work BETTER, that are tested why not just try those? Is it because certain people won't make their money back? It's pure insanity. So many smart people just push the narrative I do not understand why.
The flu is not a novel virus. Neither is COVID if you've had it or have been vaccinated. You can still get COVID after being vaccinated but it is highly unlikely to kill you unless you are already on death's door (same with the flu). The danger of COVID was that it was a novel virus, which would evoke a devastatingly violent immune response in some of those infected. Once you've been exposed, the body's response is much more measured. I suppose it's possible it will mutate into something for which the vaccine does not provide protection, but for now this is what we have and it seems to be working well enough. I really don't understand the resistance to the vaccine. You all sound like a bunch of people who have never had a health issue in your entire lives and don't understand that medicine isn't perfect. You always have to choose between shitty options, none of which you actually want, with the knowledge that at some point in the future there will be a better choice, but that future may be too late.
BTW, you realize the virus can only mutate if it has hosts, right? So vaccinating while it's still effective is the best way to stop these mutations from...
Oh forget it. I keep forgetting that you can't reason with the unreasonable.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Catoptric » Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:31 pm

A lot of the people taking the vaccine will show palsies (that are alleged to go away once they get tremors or ghoulish facial appearance.) It's assumed that a vaccine will also prevent people from dying from Covid which is the incentive to take one, and even relatively young and healthy people will die or require lung transplants, so the assumption is that their prognosis depends on how their body specifically responds to covid.

And some of the problem is the narrative still gets mentioned as bioterrorism and as lab manufactured (and people would prefer to believe that it's not.)

Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans ... lgdc0xY3Io

I still wonder if McCullough is so sure he has whistleblower knowledge, as con artists usually come out of the woodwork when fear and uncertainty prevails.

The main argument is that--yes, vaccines do appear to indirectly create a response as a byproduct of exposure--though are still safer if people as a whole took vaccines to build resistance from spreading it more and causing more adverse reactions. That people's bodies become incubators and are more likely to spread and not defend against an initial exposure to toxic variants.

It's usually in areas where people don't have much access or consideration to get vaccines where they spread it, and you might hear of someone with many people they know that have died directly from exposure (to the virus, not the vaccine.)

Vaccines are a safer alternative for acquiring immunity compared to natural infection and COVID-19 survivors benefit from getting vaccinated, contrary to claims by Peter McCullough. ... ccullough/
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Re: Covid news and views

Post by Madrigal » Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:36 pm

I got the 2nd dose of Sinovac. Felt hungover for 2 days. I just dunno if that was the Sinovac or the wine I drank. :/ I suspect Sinovac, because the "hangover" kicked in too early to be due to the wine.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by jyng1 » Mon Jul 19, 2021 12:01 am

Madrigal wrote:
Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:36 pm
I got the 2nd dose of Sinovac. Felt hungover for 2 days. I just dunno if that was the Sinovac or the wine I drank. :/ I suspect Sinovac, because the "hangover" kicked in too early to be due to the wine.
I had the second dose of Pfizer bioNtech a couple of weeks ago and had less of a reaction than the first dose. Slightly sore arm. Possibly didn't have a headache because I've only had two bottles of Malbec in the last 6 months :cool:

Our vaccine rollout is quite slow which appears to be linked to availability of vaccines... It seems like it's a race between vaccine supply, vaccination rates and the anti-vaxxers determined to kill thousands of people at the moment.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by starla » Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:03 pm

I had my 2nd dose of Pfizer in April. No reaction other than sore arm (less sore than first shot, oddly). I’m still awaiting activation of my Bill Gates microchip. Perhaps I’m not close enough to a 5G antenna.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by starjots » Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:38 am

starla wrote:
Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:03 pm
I had my 2nd dose of Pfizer in April. No reaction other than sore arm (less sore than first shot, oddly). I’m still awaiting activation of my Bill Gates microchip. Perhaps I’m not close enough to a 5G antenna.
This chipping via vaccine is a brilliant idea. Am going to look on app store for the 'Where is My Body?' app right now.

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