Little Rants

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:11 pm

Virtue signalling is not a perversion of morality. It has always been a vital device for condemning immoral behaviour and promoting social progress, albeit one that can fall prey to hypocrisy.

Most people who argue that others are bigoted are too bigoted to give a coherent or proper argument and decry issues when they just bray on about bigotry. People would rather agree with lies when they are only seeking to conform with an insufficient understanding of societal issues.


A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. It’s both fascinating and horrifying to watch ... tch-192939

Oh but, no. . . We have "greater priorities. . ."


The human race should go extinct already:

For over a year a grandmother knew their 12-13 year old was being raped (and facing a miscarriage or abortion) by a 40+ year old dude, who also had 5 other kids in the car by the time a cop pulls him over for drunk driving. In another incident a pimped out woman calls to report she was abused (and not so much threatened to be killed) and for some time was ignoring the fact that half a dozen children were being kept in cages the entire day they were left home.

Wife of wannabe rapper who put kids in cages called 911 because he threatened to kill her: arrest report ... st-report/

Some similarities to that one weird ass family that had their children chained up in a bed (though not for sexual reasons; it was more about control and dominance.)

The age-old question


1 in 6 Hiring Managers Have Been Told to Stop Hiring White Men ... white-men/

53% Believe They Could Be Fired if They Don’t Hire Enough Diverse Employees

Also, when a person interviews you and tells you to apply for an Assistant Manager position which is not listed on the main website
(because it's already been filled,) it seems suspiciously as though they only want to make it appear as though they were interviewing you for that position, so as to make it not seem biased when they promote their homeboy from the same background.

The majority of people are only maintaining their position within a company by promoting the expansion and greedy acquisition of other companies, with little interest in actually representing the people that work for them. The insular and shallow existence they maintain is a thin precipice, justified only as much as it serves the indoctrination of people who couldn't do it without exploiting those who can.


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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:53 am

US millennial women are now more likely to die in their late 20s and early 30s than any generation since the World War II era: report ... ns-2023-12


Some (auto repair) examples of really stupid people.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular » Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:23 am

So many complexities with Amazon. I ordered something, then when it was late I checked the listing again and noticed that a certain distance under the price it said "new and used (9)." I could have saved $20 on something with no defects but with no manufacturer's box. Then I noticed, under yet more stuff, a "frequently returned item" warning. Cracked product issues. The high number of stars made it look good. They should put the warning next to the stars.

A few days ago I wanted an item but there were "no featured offers available." I found out that means there were problems with the sellers or the price may be unfair. I looked at the "unfeatured offers." There were complaints about damaged items that were damaged when packed, but the complaints were crossed out and Amazon responded that it was fulfilled by Amazon and they're responsible. So, it sounds like Amazon workers are sending products that they know are damaged and the "no featured offers" warning is against themselves.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:29 am

HighlyIrregular wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:23 am
So many complexities with Amazon. I ordered something, then when it was late I checked the listing again and noticed that a certain distance under the price it said "new and used (9)." I could have saved $20 on something with no defects but with no manufacturer's box. Then I noticed, under yet more stuff, a "frequently returned item" warning. Cracked product issues. The high number of stars made it look good. They should put the warning next to the stars.

A few days ago I wanted an item but there were "no featured offers available." I found out that means there were problems with the sellers or the price may be unfair. I looked at the "unfeatured offers." There were complaints about damaged items that were damaged when packed, but the complaints were crossed out and Amazon responded that it was fulfilled by Amazon and they're responsible. So, it sounds like Amazon workers are sending products that they know are damaged and the "no featured offers" warning is against themselves.
Most often when a package is damaged when you receive it, it occurs before it ever is transported from the shelf to the dock for shipment (they know it's damaged, but the process would rather be made easier to just ship it out, since it's so cumbersome to acknowledge damage when picking it, and Amazon will still count it against the picker in a Catch-22 situation.)
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:54 am

Make the black and white 1980s photos on Facebook stop! Color photos were the norm back then! I'm not that old! I have good grip strength and everything!

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:28 am

I've been noticing a lot of "microstutters" with M.2 SSD drives, and it might just be Windows 10/11 that is causing the issue with power management, but it could also be caused by increased heat production with Gen 4/5 SSD which seem to put a lot of pressure on the power management of a laptop. Samsung 990 Pro also had some issues in earlier firmware where the drives would have issues with drive health, caused by increased heat production (it wouldn't bottleneck performance to reduce heat, so it would tend to cause potential crashes, etc.)

Usually when searching for M.2 SSD stuttering, the Crucial drive will pull up, though it might just be more common because it's a cheaper drive.

A workaround is to also adjust power management in Regedit, though I haven't tried tinkering much.

It could also be caused by Hardware Acceleration features turned on in Chrome browser: ... e%20issue.

What seems to be happening is newer windows are trying to make laptops last longer (as well as keep it cooler) in battery mode (even when plugged in) so it doesn't take into account more demanding SSDs which will do a lot of throttling in performance, and due to not providing consistently higher power output, will stutter even with basic video or audio playback. So if using Crucial memory in secondary, it might stuttery with video playback, but mostly because the primary drive is using Windows OS, and not because the drive is actually causing it. The issue seemed to creep up recently but people seem to assume it's just a memory card issue when it's probably power management issues. In addition, there was a characteristic of sound from the fan blades being engaged on and off while trying to remain quiet, where it's described as a "coil whine" that shouldn't be connected to any ssd. I normally have a laptop cooler turned on, simply because I don't have any heat sink installed on the SSD (and often it's suggested having one on them because of the risk of overheating,) and it's hard to even notice the noise in an Apple.

I've wondered about Apple laptops and why they are so quiet, and actually took one apart to try and fix the speaker (a common issue with them, apparently along with bloated battery banks which are nearly impossible to remove unless you soak the interior with Goo Gone, and make sure the battery is totally dead or you might cause a fire or electrical discharge (death.) Obsolescence is key to the business model of Apple, but they sure do make really insulated laptops that seem to perform very quietly. Though I was impressed with the build quality (once I managed to get the proper Pentalobe screw sets) I also despise the build quality at the same time. . . They use really impressive monitors and run quiet (because they are usually really underpowered,) but everything else about the brand is absolutely disdainful. In actuality, I had to replace the entire laptop (which was older and much cheaper than it originally sold for, even though it was probably used very little and was sitting in a cabinet) because a small ribbon cable about 1cm width that I didn't notice was connected (because the whole damn interior of the laptop is black) and since it severed upon trying to get underneath the motherboard, I had to replace the keyboard assembly and opted instead to just replace the whole laptop. The laptops have surprisingly little value compared to other "high-end laptops" from the same time period (gaming laptops even when using old outdated video cards, seem to be in higher demand, though mostly because you can actually update the damn things and use them as intended. . . YOU CAN NOT DO MUCH WITH AN APPLE LAPTOP!) The software is horrendous and if you have to deal with the usual consumer it's being marketed to, good luck getting them to do basic crap with it, especially if they have the attention span of gnats.

Impressive from a marketing perspective (undoubtedly, Apple has always had a great reputation with marketing and it's notable what they've done on innovations, which they no doubt do. . . You can see a very direct trend in other companies incorporating and working with Apple (which also uses the Samsung SSD drives, so you can sometimes notice major brands like Leica using companies like Panasonic, or find similar products that have very functional hardware that is evidently sold much cheaper than what is offered with 'Apple' branded onto it. Just getting an Iphone with a 500 vs 250 gb size limit (non-expandable of course) is probably as much a difference as outright buying 4 terabytes of the latest Samsung SSD for a computer, and you aren't tied into relying on a very bad interface that is intentionally keeping you subservient on their cloud database for offloading all the bloated crap that accumulates, because they don't give you the options of organizing and maintaining a halfway decent clusterfuck of an OS.

Even what appears to be a similar mouse touchpad on a "normal" laptop, has two click options to interface, whereas you literally have to either scroll slowly or get used to the Command button in conjunction with whatever odd button configurations. It's a fascinating brand for a number of reasons dealing with history, but it largely serves as an example of what inspired computing (and not what it should become.)


I just looked at the new drivers for Nvidia, and apparently, they are pointing fingers at both Windows 10 and Nvidia as causing stuttering (and believe it's a power-management issue.) They are also seeing this as a Chrome browser issue causing it. . . Which exactly is a bit strange.

I was about to uninstall to update my existing graphics driver and noticed they went from 536 to 546 (though maybe my graphics card wasn't fully updated. . . I'm often reluctant to update after knowing how many things get released that destroy basic functionality of a program (or possibly even the computer not restarting after standby mode. . . Though that might have been the raid 0 hard drives going bad.)

It seems the majority of the drivers that came out since 537 have been huge problems for users, so I'm wondering if the problems I'm noticing since 536 were what they've been trying to eliminate since then? In the reddit posts someone commented that the entire 54x series were bad.

This game played well up until 12 hours in, where every time they exit an interactive portion of the game it would cause the system resources to freeze up (so I was thinking it was possibly a ram issue and how it allocates it for video ram?) ... -crashes-7
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular » Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:31 pm

I guess I'm on Consumer Reports' email list. They sent me this:
Consumer Reports has found plasticizers in 99 percent of the food we tested – including canned food, fast food, and even organic products – reigniting our call to get these risky chemicals out of our food.

Our tests of 85 foods found that contamination from the plasticizers known as phthalates (pronounced tha-layts) is widespread and not limited to certain foods or packaging types, showing up in yogurt, soda, protein shakes, canned fruit, pizza and other foods.

And despite plasticizers being known to interfere with the production and regulation of hormones in our bodies – increasing the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, birth defects, premature birth, neurodevelopmental disorders, and infertility
We found phthalates in all but one food item we tested, often at alarming levels. For example, we found high levels in Del Monte sliced peaches, Chicken of the Sea pink salmon, Fairlife Core Power high-protein chocolate milkshakes, Yoplait Original French vanilla low-fat yogurt, and several fast foods – including Wendy’s crispy chicken nuggets, a Chipotle chicken burrito, and a Burger King Whopper with cheese. Organic products were just as problematic: In fact, the highest phthalate levels found were in a can of Annie’s Organic cheesy ravioli.

Yet some foods had much lower levels than similar foods. A serving of Pizza Hut’s Original Cheese Pan Pizza, for example, had half the phthalate levels of a similar pizza from Little Caesars – showing there are ways to produce these foods without harmful amounts of these chemicals.
You can sign a petition at ... asticizers

Here's a snapshot of the whole email:
Consumer reports email - plasticizers and phthalates.jpg
Consumer reports email - plasticizers and phthalates.jpg (232.47 KiB) Viewed 12885 times

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Senseye » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:07 pm

It's a good idea, but I'm sure it would cost more to process/package foods without plastic. Which might be money well spent. Still, in these food inflationary times, I doubt further food cost increases would be popular.

And corporations, being corporations, would pass on double the cost of required changes to the consumer, as that is how they roll.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:33 am

It's better to read it on the website.

What does it feel like to be an INTP?
It feels like the ultimate contradiction!

The feeling I tend to feel most is puzzled.

For some reason, people tend to misunderstand me, assign motives, and tell me I'm intimidating or ask questions like a lawyer. I've noticed the trend of people equating my wanting to comprehend something, with the depth of questions I ask, but I'm really just trying to understand.

I'm always shocked, because people's first impression of me has been characterized as intense. By my recollection, I don't remember anything about my interactions with people.

I'll list the negatives first and strangely, the positives/neutral points follow. (Well, maybe it's not positives or negatives... Let's call them facts.)

To feel both superior intellectually...yet too insecure to share your intelligence.

To know that you could be farther along in your career...if only you felt comfortable talking to people.

To know you deserve more recognition for your contributions...but you're great at making other people look good.

To know you deserve accolades...but you're so good at the behind the scenes stuff, that it's hard for people to see you in any other role but "support".

To be genuinely happy for how other people have progressed significantly in their careers...and resent yourself because you became your own roadblock.

To have people insult you to your face...and feel proud of the insult.

To have people wrongly assert things about you and your character...and continue misleading them by not correcting them.

To always be underestimated, excluded, and always on the outside looking in...then feel smug when you come out on top, but still yearn to be welcomed.

To know people are lying about you, blaming you, undermining you...but pretend that you don't know it, because it's more fun to strategize against the haters and succinctly point out the gaps in their accusations.

To know that maintaining friendships and relationships require commitment of time and investment in existing in the same space or interests...but you really just want to be by yourself.

To know that you can really go down the rabbit hole of interesting, philosophical depths...and no one else cares or find it fascinating.

To provide accurate insight about motives and outcomes faster than other people...and wonder why others couldn't see it when IT WAS SO PLAINLY OBVIOUS!

To be objective and fair about...AND indifferent to pretty much everything.

To know that the people who get promoted tend to brag about their accomplishments...but see your own accomplishments as part of your regular job duties, not worth bragging about.

To give props to everyone who contributed to a project because they rightfully deserve it...even though they never do it for you.

To see the potential greatness in others...but resign yourself to mediocrity.

To be a champion of others...but a defeatist of yourself.

To know how great you could be...but too pragmatic and a realist to make an effort to change.


Why Stupid People are Confident and Smart People Are Full of Doubt ... 06f2c9dbc2

Emotional Stupidity
Chaotic and dysfunctional people feel their way through life. People that feel their way through everything aren’t just dysfunctional. They’re… well… stupid. Relying only on emotion is also the primary ingredient for being crazy. Granted, we’re all a bit crazy but I’m talking about unmitigated levels of crazy. Feelings are not facts people. The act of taking all emotions as unquestionable facts is an act of stupidity.

I've seen a lot of virtue signaling bullshitters (even in INTP groups) who blindly accept the consensus--which I can only regard as unmitigated self-rightousness--probably on the blind faith that they were becoming empowered vicariously from the mob mentality; that might is right when the party agrees it is.


To some extent it's possible for someone to rationalize ideas based on certain assumptions, to whichever sense that something might seem rational.

An example might be: Assuming things such as the Bible were legitimate and not just a manmade machination of control, it wouldn't be prudent to "not believe" (even if "believing" can't actually be ascertained because to "believe" requires someone to have a rational basis) as claiming to be subservient to a belief system would (according to the Bible) give you "guaranteed" acceptance into 'heaven.'

Their are very intelligent people that can convince themselves that their own philosophy of life and belief is logical, when too often what they find logical is based on a flawed-assessement of something unknowable; and therefore biased because the only determinate is based on perceptions and presumed "rationality" which is based on what is assumed.

Being an INTP or similar type gives a different perspective from many other people, and usually we might try and "save time" by just cutting away things that seem irrational or a distraction from other things we would like to spend more time on.

Even with "experts" you aren't always going to get a clearer picture, much as not having the information provided can usually be guaranteed. What people can come away with from some topics is that consensus belief is inherently biased, because not agreeing with the contemporary society or cultural identity can be a disservice to who you are in that society, and too often would lead to preference for acceptance.

So basically we surround ourselves with ideas based on what is acceptable while expressing ideas that might not be, and which we are too often at odds with in a society that is not prepared nor ready to understand the subjects. Perhaps in some ways, they are unknowable because our society is still fairly primitive and lacking any real engagement with the subjects beyond immediate needs and whims, with very little inclination for a exegesis of dialogue on the nuances of historical assessment.

People will accept irrationality as much as disagree with what can only become irrational, if they are unable to separate their own experience (or lack there-of) and some people would rather be cognitive misers who are comfortable in their bubble of Dunning-Kruger; so even if you were to consult experts on the matter, too often the need to conform to their own contemporaries will prevent them from encouraging the next generation of experts to change the paradigms of what we think we know about the world around us.

So yes, I believe much of society is very much a product of innovations, while creating new barriers for entry, which they define as "crazy."

In some ways what people define crazy are their inability to think without emotions, which they then project onto you, who challenges their emotional attatchment. Critical thinking is an albatross in a society that requires the majority of people to "feel good" by detaching their intellect in order to survive (think of how mankind is kept trapped in a hunter-gatherer mindset, which some argue didn't develop into bigger brains until we started domesticating animals, which then allowed us to sleep and function more, instead of being trapped in a trauma-bonded arrested-emotional development. We evolved only when we could create barriers for entry to our intellectual pursuits, and without that guarded defense become irate and frustrated at the world that surrounds us, because what we say can be confirmed as true, but the people who determine what is "true" is based on pathos reasoning, and little ontological understanding. If you were to challenge their belief they would react like a caged animal that would rather see what you are doing as a threat to their very existence (a small candle in a big dark cavern of the universe that they believe could be snuffed out.)
Last edited by Catoptric on Thu Jan 11, 2024 11:37 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular » Wed Jan 10, 2024 5:44 am

Second time in my life I got dizzy from a conk on the noggin. I fumbled something at the kitchen counter and leaned over quickly and hit my head on the range hood. I was slightly dizzy for the rest of the night. It took me hours before I figured out why. I was good by morning. Another problem with a low range hood is I've had condensation on it from steam, and it dripped in my pot.

I ordered six half-gallon mason jars from Amazon and instead they sent me 16 one-gallon jugs. Missed Amazon's pick-up attempt. Now I have to bring them to a shipping place.

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