Little Rants

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:31 pm

On another note: ... ontroversy

'The Satanic Verses,' was based on writings by Islamic Historians (al-Waqidi and al-Tabari) from over 1,000 years ago, one of whom has detractors (mostly who claimed he fictionalized by embellishing details of the story of Mohammad, a bit like how people perceive pseudepigrapha texts in Christianity as not consistent with known traditional information.) Rushdie's name popped up over time following the attacks by Muslims on free speech (such as the Danish newspaper attack for depicting Mohammad in 2005.)

Incidentally, someone was praising his attacker who themselves went to a Peshawar Pakistan school known for its massacre by the Taliban in 2014, and I doubt they can rationalize how such attacks are justified. Only the irrational can't see past the ignorance, and the suicidal attackers are particularly brainwashed following Ayatollah Khomeini who radicalized them.

Religion is mostly used by/for people who seek to empower themselves vicariously through pathos sentiment, and it's not immune to just those with religious beliefs, as evidently any government has been proven capable of doing the same evils (it's humanity that is the true evil.)

And yet, Mohammed was a constructed political tool for an existing Quran. ... al-agenda/


Also, this. . .
Evidence of human-to-dog transmission of monkeypox virus ... 8/fulltext


An ancient bridge that was covered over by a water reservoir being built in the 1950s, is now exposed due to global warming.

Record UK Drought Exposes Ancient Sunken Village and Bridge ... ge-0017138


The cure for burnout (hint: it isn't self-care)

Stress and personal life experiences cause physiological effects which can create a new "normal," that can compromise health (this is definitely among the new frontiers of study.)
Jordan Peterson describes a well-known issue with why substance abuse problems exist, and how people in certain socioeconomic backgrounds who have little positive life trajectory turn to pain killers, as that is one of the symptoms of emotional trauma.
A lot of odd coping strategies are emotional stunting until it compartmentalizes into maladaptive behaviors. American (USA) culture tends to exacerbate a lot of the problems.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:18 pm

The history of tensions — and solidarity — between Black and Asian American communities, explained ... ty-history

A karaoke bar owner was shot killed after he rear-ended another car (the woman was known to pull guns out on people) at 2:30 AM in Ft. Worth, which would have been 30 minutes after closing his karaoke restaurant. ... 57074.html

Not long before that, a hair salon was shot up ... hate-crime

And not long before that: 'Why the trope of Black-Asian conflict in the face of anti-Asian violence dismisses solidarity' ... olidarity/

But it also makes me think about the white woman that shouted "All lives matter!" and when walking away was shot and killed.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:58 pm

Two guys just came into the library to fill out an application to become survey takers. They should look for a job as pot scented air fresheners.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:57 pm

How does this happen? They get an autofilled response and are too lazy to delete it before answering specifically?
Thank you for contacting Nokia Mobile Care, we care about your case and we glad to help you.

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You can find it in the original box or on the sim tray. It is a number that starts with 35 and have 15 digits.
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In this case checking the system Nokia C01 Plus does support VoLTE.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:26 am

I'm still of the impression that the cops didn't need to use guns, as they not only could have found a way to apprehend him, while also avoiding accidentally shooting a car with three people inside.

They were found not guilty (as they technically were following protocol for escalation, and much of what happened following his death was politically motivated for the time.) ... ard_Brooks

The jurors tend to be idiots no matter what.

Ex.: Casey Anthony (who looks like that psychopath Elizabeth Holmes. . .)

Where Is Casey Anthony Following the Death of Her Daughter Caylee? Updates on Her Life ... -daughter/

Working as a researcher:
Although some reports have implied that Anthony wants to investigate the 2008 death of her 2-year-old daughter, a source close to Anthony told People in January 2021 that’s not the case. “That’s a closed chapter in her life,” said the insider. “She’s not starting a company to get answers about Caylee.”

Casey Anthony Trail: The Sequestered Jury Fell Prey to Idiotic Groupthink ... groupthink

Social media trash influencers

Direct news ... influencer

Nikolaj Omby Ibsen (douche who threw the glass)

Others involved
Lene Marie Schack
Frederik Rousing Langkjaer


While talking about social media BS:

Onlyfans "simps"

Amouranth made $33 and I think Bhad Bhabie (not exactly a stunning beauty, nor does she have any intellect which might explain the simp interest) made even more supposedly ... to-twitch/


Buying manuka honey for health benefits is stupid because it's so vulnerable to exposure to temperatures.
Temps - ... or-humans/
Soap likewise must get hot - ... -honi-soap

Though very distinct, I did just buy some 10+UMF because it was nearly half off. Likewise, if buying something like tree cuttings for grafting, the USPS truck that it's sitting in to and from the Post Office is hot enough to render it unviable to grow anything, and if it does happen to grow on the tree, the 100+ weather heat is enough to kill off any viable growth. Honey above body temp (similar to hive temp) will render most of it useless, and most people that would use such honey probably use it in tea, if they aren't adding it to toast, which probably has butter melted on top of it.

I've mostly just used sugar and have a mini La Parfait jar which has a special tea spoon which fits in the clasp, and I prefer the use of it for a number of reasons, but I suppose I could experiment using the honey as a beer primer to add flavor, since it doesn't require pasteurization to be used.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:20 am

The student loan forgiveness turds that think it's justified for someone to achieve a master's degree and work at Walmart, and wonder why they are struggling to pay it off?

Compacted by the fact that inflation and being exploited by the education industry (along with healthcare) that is operated like a racket, where banks that default on loans likewise get bailouts, whereas those who were fucked over get nothing from it?

College costs have increased by 169% since 1980—but pay for young workers is up by just 19%: Georgetown report ... -1980.html

30 Of The Best Reactions From The Internet To Biden Canceling Student Loan Debt ... gn=organic

You could also argue the consequences of it:

The Rising Cost of Not Going to College ... o-college/

Education is needed (but even then, I was making more without an actual college degree,) because capitalism would rather exploit the dumb asses to part them from their money while they pay into being exploited, and told how great they are with the superficiality of material identity.

It's like arguing that the corrupt and selfish interests of those involve with how our society works, are not actually aware of how our society works, and people who want to think they are smart and objective can congratulate themselves by patting themselves on the back and call themselves good Christians or Trump pussy grabbers, without realizing they are being lied to.

This also goes in tandem with what I posted in the 'What are you Watching now?' thread.
Catoptric wrote:
Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:04 am
People assume that going to university is the first time they felt free to accept alternative beliefs, only to be subjected to new prevailing hierarchical thinking.

System Failures: The Education System and the Proliferation of Reductive Thinking ... cf7dbb9b96

The book, 'Centered Mind: What the Science of Working Memory Shows Us about the Nature of Human Thought' by Peter Carruthers, and the above article seems to express the same idea:

Book: ... 0198801327

There Is No Such Thing as Conscious Thought ... s-thought/
Also, the Beavis and Butthead go to college scene kind of reinforces the argument that "tolerance" is intolerant when it blindly uses identifiers to illustrate surface-level conformity. ... -new-movie
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Senseye » Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:18 pm

Catoptric wrote:
Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:20 am
Compacted by the fact that inflation and being exploited by the education industry (along with healthcare) that is operated like a racket, where banks that default on loans likewise get bailouts, whereas those who were fucked over get nothing from it?
I think you have hit on the root of the problem. American's just can't seem to get it through their heads to make any systemic changes though. You're always going to have a problem until they do.

However, I disagree with the student loan forgiveness program as that is an attempt to treat a symptom without curing the disease. It's basically a meaningless gesture in the long term in an attempt to buy votes in the short term.

It seems unjust that a blue collar stiff who did not go to college (possibly because he couldn't afford it) and, as such, has no student debt, has to incur a higher tax burden (or the economic consequences of a higher national debt) when he is no better off than the low paid student segment of the population.

And what's with the $125K income ceiling? How is anything over $60K the needy? The median income in the US is about $34K. Nobody making more than that should be getting freebies at the expense of those who really need it. I would make the same comment about the Biden plan to "tax the rich" a bit more with at $400K household income level. That's like 2% of the households, so basically, it's a non event (and yet the Republicans still bitch about it). But come on, if you are going to raise taxes to support increased government spending, do it. Deficit financing will prove problematic in the long term, not that anybody in charge cares about anything past the next election.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Tue Aug 30, 2022 6:57 pm

Senseye wrote:
Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:18 pm
Catoptric wrote:
Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:20 am
Compacted by the fact that inflation and being exploited by the education industry (along with healthcare) that is operated like a racket, where banks that default on loans likewise get bailouts, whereas those who were fucked over get nothing from it?
I think you have hit on the root of the problem. American's just can't seem to get it through their heads to make any systemic changes though. You're always going to have a problem until they do.

However, I disagree with the student loan forgiveness program as that is an attempt to treat a symptom without curing the disease. It's basically a meaningless gesture in the long term in an attempt to buy votes in the short term.

It seems unjust that a blue collar stiff who did not go to college (possibly because he couldn't afford it) and, as such, has no student debt, has to incur a higher tax burden (or the economic consequences of a higher national debt) when he is no better off than the low paid student segment of the population.

And what's with the $125K income ceiling? How is anything over $60K the needy? The median income in the US is about $34K. Nobody making more than that should be getting freebies at the expense of those who really need it. I would make the same comment about the Biden plan to "tax the rich" a bit more with at $400K household income level. That's like 2% of the households, so basically, it's a non event (and yet the Republicans still bitch about it). But come on, if you are going to raise taxes to support increased government spending, do it. Deficit financing will prove problematic in the long term, not that anybody in charge cares about anything past the next election.
Yes, it's mostly people that want to oppose the existing political party and who somehow see Trump as their godsend when everything points to the contrary. The same people that blindly believe that climate change isn't caused and influenced by their actions are the very same as those who aren't concerned with the environment since they will long be dead before it truly affects them (yet many of them sure do care about spreading their genes throughout the population.) It's the presumption that "every man for himself" should absolve them of their guilt for existing vicarious through the vices of others, so as to justify why they feel the need to say "amen" in agreement with the betrayal of future society from the machinations of their own convenience of wish-fulfillment.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:34 pm

A librarian listed the things she likes about me in the back room and I couldn't hear some of them so now I'm pissed.

In the 70s, someone in the shoe store was talking about the difference between Pro Keds and Pro Cons, which I was curious about, but I couldn't hear, and I'm still pissed about that. Pro Cons were a little more expensive but less popular and I always wondered whether "con" meant they're conning people.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Thu Sep 01, 2022 2:07 am

Scammers using legitimate UPS tracking numbers to cover non delivery of an item you can't dispute. ... 825/page/2

I'm starting to wonder:
"Your package exceeds the maximum weight we can accept."

Nothing about the package is in excess (and it's non hazerdous so a maximum weight of 150 lbs)

122lbs 59x17x13in

More info ... p/28025965

The place it's shipping out from is a distributor for Chinese merchandise sold online, and seems really sketchy. ... e&ie=UTF-8

4PX is a scam? ... p/27856485

Update: I think it's fine as the warehouses have been around for close to a decade and are bound to have some bad reports just because of how big they are.

The seller doesn't seem to be manipulative (though I am still wondering why 'Owner Seller' is above my name and address, even though it shipped from that warehouse. . .) It's as if they were hoping to confuse whoever was trying to address the delivery method, so as to delay time before people caught onto manipulation. A lot of people also use websites like Gleam to convince people they are legitimate, and if a seller has everything listed as private, who is to say whether they are selling cheap $.01 items or things that cost a lot more than that?

Update: Many Ebay sellers have negative feedback removed by manipulating the process mentioned above, so any accurate feedback demonstrated purported scams, suggests a far greater issue with Chinese sellers listing faulty or indecent products that have been offloaded as undesirable in their country. Using policy to protect themselves they attempt to manipulate the situation in their favor where they are not accountable and have no intention of being caught out on the fraud. ... p/32025884

Many will use one brand label and simultaneously list the same thing using different brands, while pretending to be authentic and operating from a completely different location. People have reported spending hundreds for what would amount to being an empty envelope that had the tracking number on it, which Ebay then acknowledges as the confirmed delivery. I suspect one person could be operating many different accounts simultaneously.

Just avoid Chinese sellers entirely.

I noticed I received an odd text the day after the label was created, titled 'USP - Your Package could not be delivered because the zip code for your package address is incorrect url http//usprenewladdr com bS7Y (. . . . yes, not UPS or USPS)

Since I didn't input it and just blocked it, thinking it was just some random scam, I didn't connect that the seller I bought from might be doing the same trick with multiple sales whenever they get around to it, thus perpetuating the scheme.

USPS "Your package could not be delivered" text is a smishing scam ... shing-scam

An example of Smishing is a customer receiving an empty envelope, as mentioned in the previous links ... 3561.l2560


In other news:
Asian-Owned Restaurant Named ‘Yellow Fever’ Shuts Down After People Stop Going

While 'My Fucking Restaurant' remains open:


Whistleblower: Google Is Developing AI for ‘Planetary Surveillance’ ... veillance/
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