Little Rants

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:56 am

A millennial entrepreneur who’s raised over $1.5 million for his 2 small businesses says he lives in his parents’ basement because nobody will give him a mortgage ... miUOfMfkFI

It seems their desire to return cashflow into their business while paying employees, compromised their chances of getting a mortgage.


In other news, Katie Price's illegitimate child, Harvey Price gets in the Guinness Book of World Records for making the largest drawing of a train. Katie Price is seen with bandages from a nose job while the father's seemingly only interaction with his son was on his 10th birthday where he say's he doesn't want to see his son. ... YUTZwPxrCI

Harvey Price's dad is an ex-Premier League footballer who 'didn't give a S-' ... r-25293576

Katie Price says that upon visiting the nursury that she contemplated suicide while also taking drugs after one of her kids was born (is that why her oldest son is autistic, blind, and has some other problem, etc?) ... d-battles/

I doubt her self-absorbed narcissism reflects the headline:

Katie Price makes heartbreaking decision to put son Harvey in full-time care (funded by tax payers at 350,000 per year.) ... n-19631871

Katie Price warned 16th boob job could cause her to stop breathing ... b-26541580

Some of her behavior masks insecurities obviously, and people have probably been crap to her because of her poor coping skills.

It figures, if you go to South Africa, expect to get car jacked and raped. . . while filming a video about herself for 'My Crazy Life' ... 61580.html ... ntary.html

1 min vid of the account (though they gloss over the details and it sounds like they used a bunch of sticks to knock the glass out and presumably render her unconscious? :

It seems like theirs more to the story and she's making it up for attention, as the article get's into drunk driving, and it doesn't sound like their was any legit evidence of a rape (which only came up 3 years after the report in 2018?)

This article seems to think so : ... mber-2022/

I'm pretty sure if someone has rape trauma getting more plastic surgery is the last thing they want to be thinking about, and they don't usually want attention like this (unless they have an addiction-prone personality and require perpetual attention to meet their criteria of narcissistic supply for their hedonic treadmill.)

She's a disgusting slut that encourages people to not use contraceptives (at least no condom, but it seems she wasn't using anything else to deter the pregnancies she has had while screwing around to cause divorce.) A video in this post shows that. ... -area.html


I suppose some people had it worse. . .

Meet Kathryn Harrison — The Woman Who Literally Wrote The Book On Incest
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:31 am

Fools arguing that "If you don't understand what a loan is, perhaps college isn't for you after all."

The assumption is that unpaid debt, means SIGNIFICANTLY MORE cost to the government, had the burden of debt been levied upon society, suppressing other factors in being able to pay off debts. Social systems function far better when society doesn't look like the Gilded Age.

Equating whataboutisms to "because," --> "then" is not consistent with valid arguments, just as suggesting that the housing bubble was caused by people who expected society to act responsibly and not be failed by financial incentives/exploitation, and corruption (crony capitalism,) such as clearly occurs for things people historically took for granted.

You might have noticed a "trend" where education was enticed with far less remuneration over time (you basically had to get a college degree just to make equal pay to what would have required a high school degree decades ago, such as jobs sometimes starting out with what would be equal to $25 in today's dollars, if nepotism was available to take on that job,) but likewise with today, people that are self-employed and making over a million dollars per year are also unable to get a mortgage because their financial reinvestment in their business income and their take-home pay makes them appear financially unviable. Despite making significant strides, their income gets further suppressed because a simple achievement like saving up $3,000 for a car in the 1970s, isn't too far removed from the cost of college, suggesting a 4% inflation per year means it's now 7 times more.

When I quit previous jobs I was seeing people with Master's degrees starting out at the bottom, while people barely out of college and no actual experience in the work place were put in management roles (this was by design because anyone with proper experience are less likely to drink the koolaid of an organization.) People living in million-dollar homes were begging for work at Walmart and were literally crying. Their key chain with their fancy Ferrari or Lamborghini keys was fading as fast as the housing bubble burst, and the student loan issue is exactly the same, where people with 'Genius of the Year' in some high IQ society can't even get a decent job and are relying on government assistance.

The illusion was that big corporations wouldn't swallow up any decent form of ideal existence, or that the government wouldn't give tax subsidies or permit tax abatement, and you are complaining about what you believe to be a "socialistic" problem (and not crony capitalism?) all the while the housing bubble was bailed out by government with little oversight or concern as to why it existed in the first place, and the very serfs that need to be debt-laden to continue neo-slavery, are kept on the corporate plantations?

There is a difference, and maybe the people that choose to believe in society will gladly take part in whatever "utopia" (miasma of illusion) that's perpetuated, but I seriously doubt they actually understand it or the social issues that comprise the problem. It could likewise be argued that the fallout of WW2, Korea, or Vietnam war, etc created massive excess compared to GDP that is quickly evaporating as people continue to replenish the next workforce that decides to work for Amazon or Walmart, who are gobbling up the cheap labor overseas while proliferating late-stage capitalism as a consumer society, where people are glibly indifferent to the slave labor overseas while they get their next impulse purchase.

Just because you earned a degree and were able to pay it off doesn't mean someone with three Master's Degrees in their 70s, working at a Golden Corral, should have to suffer for caring about what that education allowed them to do when it actually mattered, simply because society no longer has any value for them.

"-->When someone borrows, they pay it back."

Since a bank is in the business of making profit off the interest of a loan, does $5,800 a month just in interest sound reasonable for a student who just graduated and entering the profession? What happens if they aren't actually able to utilize the degree?

An orthodontist with over $1 million worth of student loans called in to ask Dave Ramsey for help ... elp-2023-5

"--> Though the degree did nothing--dum dum still pays."

So if the government were directly responsible, it isn't accountable for the crisis? Didn't people running banks ultimately become responsible for what happened with the housing crisis? Why are student loan debts a bigger problem than credit card debts (which usually have a 20% interest rate?) And when government subsidies are what are given to major businesses who brag and smile about dodging taxes, you have to figure out something "isn't right?"

And perhaps while schools were busy telling people to go to college, they should have introduced financial literacy to them?

How Big Government Broke Higher Education: The Student Loan Bubble, Explained ... ion-model/

The U.S. government underestimated the cost of the student loan program by billions ... ogram-cost
From 1997 to 2021, the Education Department estimated that payments from federal direct student loans would generate $114 billion for the government. But the GAO found that, as of 2021, the program has actually cost the government an estimated $197 billion.
The people that could pay, would. The Government provided loans with the impression they would profit billions from it, but instead have lost close to $200 billion, due to people structuring payments for low-income earners (which has recently put pressure on schools providing financial assistance for what they deem are less likely to pay the loans back.)

That in addition to the subsidies that incentivize colleges to take advantage of government assistance to provide loans, are now being removed from the financial aid programs. It's similar to Medicare where corruption is rampant for those with a financial incentive, and if the government believed that by increasing loans (likewise what it was doing for the housing bubble) they would magically get repaid and make profits; they were exceptionally shortsighted.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:00 am

Most job posts out there are fake

If they aren't fake, they might look like this guy?

And a bit of a rant, or a rave

To Flush the DNS Cache:
1.At the bottom left corner, type 'cmd' in the Start menu's search bar, and press Enter.
Type 'ipconfig /flushdns' in the Command Prompt, and press Enter.
The user has now flushed the DNS Cache and will receive a message that they have successfully done so.

Most of society revolves around trauma-response.



Delete 5 gb of Chrome data for websites?

c:/User/(NAME)/AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\IndexedDB ... 16d37e8c80

Seems you can also use F12 and on the top, 'application' and clear site data and storage.

It's only one extension that seems to be keeping data from 2022 to present, and I'm not sure what it is. . . Some extensions are banned from use because they are corrupt programs (I just disabled one called Tampermonkey which was banned on Opera but not Chrome, and I've had previous programs as well like some HTTP program.)

Update: So it seems to only show data when going specifically to the website in question and checking the F12 -> Application -->IndexedDB folder to see what pops up, and this website has several linked to the forum interface for things like Youtube, etc. I may check other ones, but I believe it's safe to delete the files in the folder directly. . . I'll find out.

Update: It seems to not affect anything. I assumed it was Session Buddy though you can go to the app and backup the files, and they are less than 200 mb. I think it's just a cumbersome program, and it seems it might occur whenever it locks up from data, that it shows some blob file extension which could be some kind of recovery program, and moves onto a new extension file? So now, when checking the entire folder, it seems to reflect what the size of the Session Buddy program saves, and so whatever encryption program running as extension is using, might be the source?


Director John Landis of the infamous Twilight Zone Movie (1983) helicopter scene that resulted in 3 deaths, is a pretentious douchebag.

Eddie Murphy asked production executives to hire him for his movie which is covered here (search for Landis) ... -interview

You can find the video in this link titled 'Helicopter Crash on the Set of the Twilight Zone The Movie' including still capture of when the blades struck the actors. He also illegally had minors working on set and intentionally went out of his way to conceal the fact that young kids would be working directly in a scene at night, involving pyrotechnics (which caused the blades to delaminate and created instability in addition to heat disrupting the stability; incidentally an international incident occurred where Russian fighter jets were attempting to cause a USA fighter jet to go into a tailspin by flying underneath to produce heat.) ... Kansas.mp4

Jon Landis had the temerity to claim the actor should have looked up, and that it was his fault that he was struck. . . If I was on set that day I would have pummeled him and drowned him.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:04 pm

Most writing contests are scams.

Six Reasons You Shouldn’t Enter Writing Contests ... -contests/

Where the 'Judge' just happens to publish a book with a compilation of short stories, it's assumed they are just compiling what people submit, where they either do so for free, or pay money to lose out on their own publishing rights.

I still kind of want to submit a story, and may post a rough draft below, later. ... aftermath/

Needs to reach 1000 words

By Ryan Mathew Parr

My father was laying in remission following a dialysis procedure.
“The cattle call,” I would call it, for the notification of manumission from the pasture of our father.
As conscripts from birth it was a torrid affair involving hubris and sacrosanct offerings to the highest bidder, deserving only for those that could bless his gold ring with a kiss.
“He doesn’t want you” I heard again, playing the voicemail back once more.
The sound was of someone stunted from emotional neglect, with difference to the pangs of antipathy and recalcitrant ennui from years of invalidation. The trauma of being chained to the custodial reams of the estate was enough to foster disdain for those that hadn’t looked through it. Within the tone of voice was the intent to dissuade anyone from becoming accustomed to misfortune.
Within casual conversation, “smoke and mirrors,” was the phrase often used to describe the illusion intermixed with “Plato’s Cave,” were those confined to viewing only the allure of a shadow skirmish upon the walls, believed wrongly it was all in entertainment. For those who didn’t know, the puppets were real.
“Just let it go,” I keep reminding myself, fiddling with the promise of that one moment where a conversation with him wasn’t just a gimmick, or a canned action without any further engagement, where they could hit the eject button; only in this case it was only for me, while the aircraft goes careening off into the mountain top.
“He’s your father and he cares very deeply for you,” relatives would say, giving themselves reassurance that what they were telling me was the truth.
“You weren’t there,” I would say under my breath, after I had given them a smile of feigned agreement.
Sometimes the tartest fruit is also the sweetest. If I could take every tart cherry and turn it into a cherry pie I would have to douse it in pounds of sugar, but then it wouldn’t be a cherry pie, and the sweetener would have to be artificial, which doesn’t give you a cherry pie that isn’t runny and a mess to have to deal with. Often the idea seemed compelling, much as turning lemons into lemonade is a nice adage to have to think about, and then I am left with the pretense that all misfortunes are really a blessing in disguise.
“You have to cool it,” is something grandma would say.
“About the pie?” I would ask coyly.
“Yes,” she would say, shrugging off the topic.
But then misfortune is often skin deep and looking back I started to become aware that within the malcontent was an intergenerational wound, eviscerating the doldrums of consternation with the shadow dancers on the wall. While chained to the cave of imagery we had been soiling ourselves, and without sunlight, the ground was useless to remedy any blessings in disguise.
I still seek to remove the shackles that bind me, though have yet to determine if the pastures were the promise of the sun, or the release of guilt and shame for denying the obvious realization of what we were chained to.
“Potted plants,” I recall, being handed after the funeral of grandma, who no longer could intervene in situations that demanded an interlocutor, “and once they die, all that will be left are the memory of what the pot symbolized.”
If I was enlightened I would have already seen the sunlight, though would still feel shackled metaphorically, unable to break the chain that binds me; still tethered to a rock that I would be forced to endure being chained to. Unless I could somehow break apart the ground itself and form a boulder to drag before me, at which point, I would be like Sisyphus wondering why I didn’t just let the boulder fall back into the hole it came from; unable to deal with the consequences of not removing the shackles once I reached the surface. Unsure of the outcome, of what would happen if I couldn’t free those, that had remained behind.
“You have to plant the seed,” I was reminded long ago, “and once that dies, you have to plant another,” grandmother would tell me.
“But why,” I would ask myself?
“We learn from our mistakes, and it’s a test to determine if we ever learn, or just give up,” she would have said, handing me the trowel.
Staring at the pot today, the soil has long since dried up and is no longer viable.

The pot could just as well become a doobie for all I care.


Other things to consider (that things which were evolved to be toxic, seem to encourage human consumption. . .)
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:01 am

The father was arrested for insider trading and the children were lied to by their mother who told them he was working in China (where they apparently bought up a factory of slave labor,) and the mother is suspected of lying about a cancer diagnosis to get publicity, and she owns a PR firm and has people "cloned" to look like herself (to give some idea of who she is,) and after selling their $14 million mansion are moving to Singapore which is a known tax haven, where their soon to be 12 year-old daughter is set to "retire" with $12 million off of their hocked product which exploits her presence on social-media. ... 80da753b43 ... pdate.html

They might actually be surprised because Singapore is starting to eliminate the perception of being a tax haven.


Are all girls narcissistic?
"Picture a man;"

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:48 pm

CyberlinkDVD (for BluRay) is a bit scammy since the updates for the AACS files are rather common for some bluray to work, and yet they require you to buy the software again (currently $60 "on sale".) Since VLC doesn't recognize BluRay without it, I'm assuming these are licensed file formats?

Though I'm not sure by updating this way, that it isn't unsafe to use the files.

Files (though Chrome tries to block download.)

You would expect that just copying files over to a hard drive (and/or converting m2ts to MP4 would be possible.

This doesn't work:
Open VLC media player and click "File" > "Convert / Stream". Then, click "Open media" to choose the target M2TS. Step 2. To choose MP4 as the output format, click "Customize" and select "Video - H.
And it seems to require updates to AACS. . . ... ice-for-it

I'm going to try this ... -decoding/

Instead of screwing around with files, it seems that VLC is able to work by simply selecting skipping through the index menu. . . Otherwise, it won't work at all. That was really pretty annoying, and I might just copy the files over and convert to MP4 if it lets, me as before trying it, I was trying to use programs like Handbrake (which interprets converting M2ts as violating copywrite protection, when I was just trying to get it to run.)

VLC works with whichever files I copied over, and I already had the AACS files from previous use (though I never selected the option to skip the intro. . .)

An additional problem is the way you stream the data for conversion from BluRay M2TS to MP4 has to be specific (which even then, that doesn't seem to work. . .) Even if it seems to convert over, it only does 1/3rd, so I might just only rely on the DVD at this point. . . At least I don't have to buy a crappy software just to get the files to play, when they should have already.

Also, it seems that indifferent to how you play these, often I've noticed with BluRay is that certain portions require skipping over otherwise the disc will crash (that unless you time it specific, it won't allow you to continue.) BluRay has a high failure rate in playback, indifferent to how good the disc player is.

Also, when watching Stranger Things, one thing that's blatantly obvious are the "High School" aged caste are at least a decade older than the character's age, which if they were playing a love scenario with a younger caste member would have them arrested just as if they were a teacher with a student (though those scenes were of people that in real life were 1 year apart, and near 28, though I'm reminded of Kevin Spacey in American Pie.) Incidentally, many movies from the 1980s did use similar-aged actors for High School characters. ... -rcna31814

Another thing with VLC is Java script being enabled for menu functionality.

This stupid file is needed to be swapped in VLC folder to enable java. . .
VLC stream convert save mp4 from m2ts.jpg
VLC stream convert save mp4 from m2ts.jpg (244.03 KiB) Viewed 28945 times
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:55 am

The reason Jordan Peterson is considered a grifter:

He constantly tries to appear helpful but promotes things that generate revenue.

I love how the thumbnail shows:
"Due to tight supply, limit 2 per customer. (toilet?) paper goods / cleaning supplies / bulk water 'Stop&Shop' "

This is pretty much all it is (something you would expect to find as a list on a piece of paper when in Middle or High School handed out by a teacher, intended to give you a focus for life goals. . . and I don't expect to see the teacher asking for donation money handouts like the panhandlers on the street. . . That's all that crap is. It's the sort of thing he could have just dropped as a list on his social media and it would have seemed more legit, rather than stink bombing in some pseudo-helpful message to people.)

This also just happened and people are criticizing BBC for mentioning it, as though there was some kind of Liberal bias (when it's merely pointing out the fact that more conservative newspapers like NYT and numerous other news outlets were being misquoted in order to promote his shit book.)

Jordan Peterson: Critics complain over 'misleading' book cover quotes

Since Jordan Peterson suffered from legit brain damage, he seems to relate to his fanbase better. The part about the quotes being misleading is that the reviews from major syndicates were actually lambasting his book, but framed in such a way as to not seem apparent. Everything about him being entirely incapable of legitimate rebuttals to his statements are likewise true; he's actually borderline incompetent at making good arguments but uses pathos to win people over "because he's so smart and well-dressed like Joker?" (maybe. . .)

Perhaps you would love to buy a plush lobsturd toy while perusing his online shop along with a Jordan Peterson marble bust?

And when calling his fanbase stupid, people argue that I'm biased against "neurodivergence."

Jordan Peterson’s upcoming book has opened up a clash of values at its publisher ... publisher/

It seems the slimy publishers know what they are doing. . . Keep raking in that cash cow dribble. . .

12 Reasons Why No One Should Ever Listen to Jordan Peterson Ever Again ... ver-again/

Audio, read by Jordan Peterson, for those that doubt it's real.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by starjots » Thu Aug 17, 2023 4:13 pm

Catoptric wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:55 am
The reason Jordan Peterson is considered a grifter:
A few years ago, without knowing who the author was, I bought Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life." A few chapters in, I began to have a mental allergic reaction to his 'reasonable' advice. It was like eating food that turned out to be past its expiration date -- a bit off. I didn't analyze it too much, just chalked it up to bullshit advice being sold by someone who has a radically different worldview from my own and quit reading. My only regret is I put a few bucks in his pocket.

Later I watched a few youtube videos of his and had a similar reaction. If you judge him a grifter, it would not surprise me at all.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Wed Sep 06, 2023 5:43 am

Catoptric wrote:
Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:18 pm
A karaoke bar owner was shot killed after he rear-ended another car (the woman was known to pull guns out on people) at 2:30 AM in Ft. Worth, which would have been 30 minutes after closing his karaoke restaurant. ... 57074.html
Looking back into this event: Holy crap did that story change.

Initially, it was the woman he rear-ended who allegedly fired at him and they even included her mug shot (now since removed,) but it turned out it was a black dude in dreadlocks driving in another vehicle who had seen him chewing out the 3 in the car he hit who was intervening, and upon confronting and hitting him, the Korean dude went to get a gun by reaching into his glove box and then was prevented from getting back into his jeep because they took his keys away, and presumably while armed he was shot at by the black guy who proceeded to hunt him down as he tries to run away.

Markynn West Arrest: Group took road rage victim's keys, punched him in the head before deadly shooting ... e-shooting

Surveillance footage has dismissed him of murder charges, claiming he acted in self-defense. ... 5fc7ad1693

It confirms my suspicions that Jin Shin was drunk.

This also indicates you can't usually trust the initial news reports, and it reminds me of when JFK's death was being reported on the radio that they can even report incidents that never happened (such as claiming an SS agent was killed in addition to the Police Officer Tibbetts.)


Adding a video about a Physician who claims that having your organs on a donation list, will encourage that you don't get treated while in a coma, even if you were to survive and recover (an alternative perspective is that you could end up with $1 million plus hospital bill and look like a geratric before the age of adulthood, and require dentures, in addition to proper insurance that's actually worth a damn. . .) ... tid=Nif5oz

I only watched the first minute, though I've seen this argument before.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:15 am

Every once in a while I think of something I want to do and then forget it within 10 seconds. Just happened again!

Also, I'm not happy with the selection of plastic garbage cans for medium garbage bags. I want with a pedal and with a lid that can stay open until hot bones stop steaming, and with bag retention so the bag doesn't show, and white. I settled for for one that doesn't have all that.

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