Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by djm » Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:38 pm

Is drinking more and not going to the gym a positive lifestyle change? It's certainly more enjoyable.

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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by Madrigal » Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:56 pm

djm wrote:
Mon Mar 01, 2021 10:38 pm
Is drinking more and not going to the gym a positive lifestyle change? It's certainly more enjoyable.
It seemed that red wine was having a moment some time ago where it was supposed to be good for your heart and longevity (I think this was when the mediterranean diet became a fad?). Now it seems experts are going back to the view that all alcohol is bad, and even small amounts do more harm than good. This is annoying. All my grandparents' generation drank wine everyday (the cheap demijohn stuff to boot) and lived into their 80s and 90s.

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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by Senseye » Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:19 pm

I think the "health experts" are simply backtracking on the alcohol as a butt covering mechanism. The problem is when people hear it's OK to drink a bit (and maybe even good for you) they take as a green light to drink their face off.

If the two drinks a day (or somewhat scaled back 10 drinks per week) was all that bad for you, millions of people would be in big trouble and I don't think general longevity data shows that. In fact, from what I have seen of the alcohol - longevity relationship higher than average alcohol consumption is more related to risk of death in a traffic accident than general health problems.

I am talking social drinking here (including getting pretty loaded on occasion) but not alcoholism levels.

In any event, alcohol is my favorite vice, and I have been well above the recommended level for decades. No noticeable ill affects so far, but I suspect it's taking some toll on my well being. Meh, gotta have some balance between enjoyability vs duration when it comes to life.

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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by djm » Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:38 pm

I've always been a beer drinker for the most part. I had taken to going to a gym twice weekly, and abstaining from alcohol at least two days a week but with gyms closed that's out the window.

I don't drink a lot, but am definitely well over what the guidelines are, maybe 3 pints every evening and more at the weekends. During lockdown I have developed more of an appreciation for red wine and also have a couple of glasses of that as well as the beer.

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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by Ferrus » Thu Mar 04, 2021 8:20 am

Working from home has meant less pressure to take the shortest route back at the end of work and instead go on a long walk around where I love.

It is also true in recent years I don't drink as much as before - I would regularly have about 8 pints with friends in London that I knew from my masters degree I used to do in the evening. Probably if I'd taken up the offer to work in the media company they worked for in Soho 6 years ago my liver would now look like a well done steak. But being married put paid to that.
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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by SomeInternetBloke » Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:23 am

I started doing calculuseses, coding, more DIY stuff around the pad, and catching up Quora posts. In fact here's my account. https://www.quora.com/profile/Holden-Caulfield-AKA-JB
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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by HighlyIrregular » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:54 pm

I don't want to spend the money right now but I think eventually I'm going to a shoe store for runners where all sneakers are over $100, and I'll wear the expensive running shoes when I'm walking at least 4 or 5 miles. I used to get occasional plantar fasciitis pre-covid, then during my long covid hybernation my feet were perfect, then today I walked 6.2 miles for the first time since pre-covid and my right Achilles area got sore. Several years ago after a top-of-the-foot injury I noticed that Model's had no sneakers with well padded tongues but the specialty runners store had nothing BUT sneakers with well padded tongues, and I bet their Achilles area is extra well padded too. For years I think I've have post thrombotic syndrome or some injury related swelling in my left foot that's permanent but doesn't affect my performance and there's no discomfort. I don't want more of that even though it's just cosmetic.

EDIT: That 6.2 mile walk was the day after two consecutive days of 3 mile walks, and the day after the 6.2 mile walk I did a decent amount of walking interspersed with the subway and bus, half of it with a gallon of paint in my backpack. My lower back was sore for a week. Then I went shopping and forgot my backpack which has a hip belt that I think ironically helps prevent hip pain, and my hip was sore for another week. Still not 100% healed today but I'm just about healed.

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Re: Positive lifestyle changes post-COVID

Post by aether » Mon Feb 21, 2022 3:28 am

I got to try a good variety of restaurants, foods, and alcohol. :P So now I started cooking and being interested in the palate.

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