Covid news and views

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by jyng1 » Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:55 am

djm wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:45 pm
Here in the UK nobody is dying of COVID, and the lack of freedom os staring to grate. Everybody that wants to be has been vaccinated. Not interested in it anymore.
Nobody? The rolling 7 day average is 144 with 203 today.

That's nearly our total annual road toll in two days.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by djm » Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:12 am

jyng1 wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:55 am
djm wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:45 pm
Here in the UK nobody is dying of COVID, and the lack of freedom os staring to grate. Everybody that wants to be has been vaccinated. Not interested in it anymore.
Nobody? The rolling 7 day average is 144 with 203 today.

That's nearly our total annual road toll in two days.
We have a below average number of deaths and have had for a year now.

The way this country works out Covid deaths is farcical. People that die within a month of a positive covid test are not the same thing as people that die of Covid. The numbers include heart attacks, cancer, road accidents. I would guess (and that is all one can do as due to they way they record it there is no real data) that the true number is less than 20% of that, which in a country with more than 60 million people it is infinitesimally small.

We are entering flu season, more people die of flu here than that in normal years but we vaccinate the most vulnerable and get on with it, which is precisely what we should be doing with Covid.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by jyng1 » Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:02 am

djm wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:12 am
jyng1 wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 5:55 am
djm wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:45 pm
Here in the UK nobody is dying of COVID, and the lack of freedom os staring to grate. Everybody that wants to be has been vaccinated. Not interested in it anymore.
Nobody? The rolling 7 day average is 144 with 203 today.

That's nearly our total annual road toll in two days.
We have a below average number of deaths and have had for a year now.

The way this country works out Covid deaths is farcical. People that die within a month of a positive covid test are not the same thing as people that die of Covid. The numbers include heart attacks, cancer, road accidents. I would guess (and that is all one can do as due to they way they record it there is no real data) that the true number is less than 20% of that, which in a country with more than 60 million people it is infinitesimally small.

We are entering flu season, more people die of flu here than that in normal years but we vaccinate the most vulnerable and get on with it, which is precisely what we should be doing with Covid.
As a result of having no restrictions for over 500 days we had a bit of a problem with RSV over this winter. Quite a lot of kids were getting very ill. Possibly due to kids not having RSV last winter so the numbers doubling up this year.

I thought we might have flu issue over winter but it wasn't very high and the flutracker data has us at about zero currently.

My sister's a GP Practice Nurse and said that they have no one sitting in the waiting room with a respiratory illness these days which has probably dropped community transmission quite a bit. I see our excess deaths for last year were minus 63..22 per 100,000 which is probably one of the reasons there's a 30,000 long waiting list to come home.

There's some interesting data from a small Texas Prison with about 233 prisoners. 79% were fully vaccinated and about 3/4s became infected with Delta within about a month resulting in thirty-nine of 42 unvaccinated inmates testing positive (93%) versus 129 of 185 vaccinated inmates (70%). Three of four of those hospitalized were unvaccinated, and one unvaccinated person required ICU care, including mechanical ventilation and ultimately died. ... definition

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by HighlyIrregular » Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:02 am

My cousin wrote to say he got a serious breakthrough case but didn't say how long ago he was vaccinated. No breathing tube needed but high temperature and he still has memory problems. He went into borderline TMI about my aunt's condition before her death. I think how much detail to give to various people about tragic events isn't taught anywhere. Ask Dr. Phil and you'd probably just get his personal opinion.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by starjots » Tue Sep 28, 2021 5:09 am

We attended a Mexican wedding. It had been put off 15 months by the pandemic and at some point, you have to get on with life. If it wasn't my own kid, I might have balked, but we went and so far, I'm happy with how it turned out.

Almost all of the foreign (US guests) were vaccinated, in fact I was kind of peeved to learn one wasn't. Before the wedding went to the test center because nobody wanted to kill the grandmas who were coming. Everyone negative, including the bride and groom, it proceeded. It was out doors, but with 200 guests and a party till 4 AM (again outdoors), there was a lot mixing.

At check at wedding we were given some weird thing to hang around our neck to ward off covid, which turned out to be moderately poisonous - my wife, ever the canary in the coal mine for chemicals - got a sore throat and cough for a day or two later. Otherwise, people in Mexico seem to take the virus pretty seriously - masks, hand sanitizing, temperature checkpoints, enforced isolation if you're positive etc.

Of course, we won't know for a week...

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by HighlyIrregular » Thu Oct 07, 2021 12:09 am

Studies confirm waning immunity from Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine
3 new studies support arguments for a Pfizer booster -- right before the FDA is set to debate a 3rd shot for fully vaccinated Americans...Published work about many vaccines, such as those against measles, mumps, and rubella, has shown a small decrease each year of 5 to 10% in the neutralizing antibody levels. "We found that a significant and rapid decrease in humoral response to the BNT162b2 vaccine [(Pfizer/BioNTech's vaccine)] was observed within months after vaccination."
BNT162b2-induced protection against infection builds rapidly after the first dose, peaks in the first month after the second dose, and then gradually wanes in subsequent months...The waning appears to accelerate after the fourth month, to reach a low level of approximately 20% in subsequent months. Nonetheless, protection against hospitalization and death stayed at above 90%, they said. Vaccinated persons presumably have a higher rate of social contact than unvaccinated persons and may also have lower adherence to safety measures...possibly explaining the waning of protection.


Re: Covid news and views

Post by Julius_Van_Der_Beak » Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:37 pm

Chaselation wrote:
Sun Jul 18, 2021 1:46 am
I have not been here in some time. I was a bit surprised that this group as a whole seems very accepting of the claims regarding Covid vaccines. I was expecting a more nuanced debate to be taking place.

The research I've done has landed me in a hell no position with regards to the poke. I will be sourcing safe fairly well proven drugs (with almost zero research dollars) that appear to be doing a much better job.
Since you are so into "asking questions" and "not believing the official story", what is your opinion on this post?

Most people who are antivax and pride themselves about not being sheep seem to have fully drunk the kool-aid on America's role in the world. Sure, we're all taught that from a young age, but if I didn't know better about them likely being motivated about some kind of racial anxiety, bullshit nostalgia trip, or a mental health problem of some kind, I would have thought that they would have expanded their love of "asking questions" to the foreign policy sphere, since after all they are not sheeple.

More often than not, the psychology among anti-vaxxers seems to be that the U.S. government harming or killing people who look different from them is fine, but the idea that their white asses might be slightly inconvenienced by something like a vaccine mandate is deeply threatening and troubling to them. That's why we see stuff like cops resigning or getting fired en masse because they don't want to comply with a public safety order in a profession that is allegedly supposed to be for public safety.
Last edited by Julius_Van_Der_Beak on Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by HighlyIrregular » Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:58 pm

I'm wondering about the toll on the body during the effectiveness drop to 20%. Is there strain on the kidneys? Since there's speculation that the drop is due to people exposing themselves to more infected people, it sounds like we don't know. With the 90% protection against hospitalization even at 20% effectiveness, maybe some people should be getting 20% of the dose currently given. I wonder if effectiveness would be stable in that case.

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Re: Covid news and views

Post by HighlyIrregular » Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:29 pm

People aren't exactly beating down the doors to get vaccinated. I hope they give the workers in the trucks some office work to do. Maybe they should also sell ice cream or lemonade.
vaccine-truck-sign.jpg (100.69 KiB) Viewed 17651 times
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Re: Covid news and views

Post by HighlyIrregular » Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:31 pm

I saw some people who seemed to be getting vaccinated by the truck today, on my way to and from the supermarket. I also saw a group of what looked like high schoolers walking toward me, one with an open box of masks. He asked me if I wanted one. I was already wearing an N-95 mask and I had a bunch left from the full box I bought months ago and I shook my head no. Then he said they're free. I shook again. A guy from the rear of the group then asked me if I want a vaccine. His line was "Do you want a Covid vaccine? No?" I shook my head again.

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