What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:48 am

Jim Varney, a.k.a. "Ernest P. Worrell".

Hey, Vern, It's Ernest! (1988 TV series)

The movie collection was online but has been removed, however, VHS recordings:

For pirating. . .


I had this serial number for the paid version from 2018 which was on Indie Gala and never got around to it. It seems a newer free version is available.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:20 am

Adam Curtis - Russia 1985-1999 - TraumaZone - Part 1-7 (2022)
Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... gpujW2hVUD (likewise, this links to the YT videos https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/traumazone-2022/ )

Alternatively https://thoughtmaybe.com/russia-1985-19 ... azone/#top

The last two had age approval requirements that act as a firewall for things like ssvideo.


A Director I'm now finding out about:

Murmur of the Heart (Louis Malle, 1971)
https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search ... ovie-18672

LACOMBE, LUCIEN (Louis Malle, 1974)

https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search ... 0lucien%20(1974

AU REVOIR, LES ENFANTS (Louis Malle, 1987)

https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search ... movie-1390


British documentary series '(Seven) Up' that researches how people progress over a 7 year period (and does a followup over a series of years; so basically the 'Life' movie but with real people who aren't just acting in roles.)

"Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man, (Aristotle)."

Any of the series is region locked to PAL players, though you can get region unlocked (most likely pirated) copies on Ebay ( https://www.ebay.com/itm/314512373624 .) The Blu-Ray are 3 disc but the official copies are 4, though it could just be they eliminated some supplemental content discussing the series.


It should total to about 17 hours and 15 minutes according to the DVD listing on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/7-63-Up-DVD/dp/B ... 8&qid=&sr= though that seems to closely align with the total number of movies in the Archive listing. . . So it probably isn't missing any content.

Dr Who 1.5 hour episode condensed into 5 minutes

Another series I probably won't spend time watching, which was reminiscent of the Twilight Zone and other such programs.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:47 am

The Devils (Ken Russell, 1971) Uncensored

https://archive.org/details/Borat.2006. ... IFY_201905

Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie (James Rolfe, Kevin Finn, 2014)

These are currently $80 right now with $25 off (plus tax)
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CC5 ... 1TZI&psc=1

A newer Kindle Fire costs about the same and has 32-64 gigs, and these have all the crap they normally charge extra for (such as the cover which I've never had a decent durable one for any Kindle,) without the stupid bullshit ads.

Even if the Bluetooth keyboard and mouse never get's used, it would still function as a decent book reader, and the usb c should work as an external hard drive port, if the 1 tb capacity SD card slot is never used.

Just using the tablet as a monitor and utilizing it as a writing tool seems somewhat decent, though I do still think the option of a hub extension for a mechanical keyboard would be ideal, plus it could potentially still charge off the hub?

I'm still looking into it, but this would be a crazy good deal for a gift idea, or as a secondary backup computer (though again, it's android and you can't just expect the same functionality as a regular OS, or a more serious computer.)


Update: After looking at usb hubs and battery banks, amongst many purported memory chips sold on Alibaba, I realize most all the products coming out of China are scammy with false claims, and bullshit quality control that is very likely to crap any legitimate products.

Also, these tablets are mass produced and given different branding (as evident by the video using a different name.) Here is another brand of the same exact items and bundle:

https://www.amazon.com/Android-Expandab ... 3RKSW?th=1

Any hub you might buy and use for it is likely not able to operate simultaneously as a charging device and a way to wire in a keyboard or other device dependent on charge to operate, and most all battery banks are very shoddy. So basically, I have an Anker one that was swelling really bad and in need of replacement, and I'm seeing what are basically the same claimed capacity being sold for a much larger amount (such as the Anker Prime model) with the same quality control issues. My real concern is that it's evident that pretty much all laptops designed for gaming will not let you charge over a hub through the USB C, and this is pretty much the best explanation for why:


https://wethepatriotsusa.org/shot-dead- ... cy=updated

The actors in Power Rangers were fucked up.
Last edited by Catoptric on Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by HighlyIrregular » Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:07 pm

Poorest Region of America - What It Really Looks Like 🇺🇸

I don't like how it started, with some local claiming people would die without jobs in the coal industry. There's public assistance. No need to kill future generations or to make people work in unhealthy conditions. But I'm watching it anyway. Then I'm going to browse through McDowell County in Google's Street View.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by HighlyIrregular » Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:09 am

Clips of Cesar Romero's Joker. He had bad teeth, yet he played Doc Holiday who was a dentist, and he was in The Haunted Mouth as Mr. B. Plaque, who "tells of the horrors of not caring for your teeth" though he isn't seen. It's just his voice. He was a good joker though.
Cesar Romero teeth.jpg
Cesar Romero teeth.jpg (41.04 KiB) Viewed 5580 times

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:43 am

Thrive II: This Is What It Takes

The creator stopped using Facebook and only posts on his website:

Considering the video shows a quack like Nassim Haramein (who ran a scam involving selling synthetic crystals as some kind of miracle cure or something absurd, where you would be expected to buy more overpriced synthetic crystals and bind them together like a magic wand,) I'm wondering if his social media status is being revoked by his followers.

The meme posted about taxes being equivalent to people supporting their rapist are also going over deaf ears, because people would gladly use platforms like Amazon or other such websites to pay more just to sell on the platform than they actually make from it, meaning the labor and costs, and taxes that Amazon and Jeff Bezos avoid having to pay, only goes to their profits, whereas the person too poor that get's fucked is supposed to replace their own smile with a cutout of what my spidey-senses is calling a dick for a logo.

Also, it seems other strange stuff/people are shown in the video description:
Now available for free, THRIVE II explores breakthrough innovations from around the world, unpacks the principles they have in common and offers insights, tools and strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Note: While we do vouch for the efficacy of the technology that we vetted as seen in THRIVE II, Foster Gamble and Clear Compass Media make no claims about the on-going technical efficacy or the business reliability of Saith Group or any other inventors. We are not involved in their business dealings and are not responsible for any contractual outcomes.

As of mid-June 2021, Saith Group is seriously delinquent on delivery of devices internationally. Therefore, we recommend that potential customers and licensees wait on commitment of resources until there is evidence that these prior orders are fulfilled.

We will update this page if and when we hear that he has successfully fulfilled on his current obligations.


Jeremy Corbell is a bullshitter and grifter.


Playing this at 1.5x just because the travel time takes so long and is just a waste of time (I don't want to download it right now too.)


Can confirm this works (and Steam didn't do crap after they stopped supporting Windows Live due to security issues; so I'm not sure if I'm exposing security vulnerabilities.)

A surprising number of game data servers seem to just give up, when you would assume they could just continue on indefinitely (and yet also, the games you would have bought can just disappear completely if you delete an account or remove one from a game system like Nintendo DS, and you would also assume they would still make money by continuing to support platforms, when evidently it's controlled obsolescence to continue buying into new software platforms to encourage more revenue.

I highly suspect that some of these graphics card companies like Nvidia have so much control of the market that they give out updates that eventually cause the computer to require either being replaced or a new graphics card (though I'm not sure it wasn't my actual hard drive, and wasn't just a coincidence, despite the updates on more than one occasion requiring drastic measures just to get the computer operational again.)

It's odd that Street Fighter 4 came out 10 years ago and I'm only just now playing it again. I've downloaded most all of my game library except for the larger AAA titles that I don't want to mess with again (playing Assassins Creed 2 was a reminder of just how much I despised the controls and yet continued to play the game for 90 hours to collect everything, etc.)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:56 am

Neko (Cat) Samurai: Tamanojo Goes to Edo (TV Movie 2016)

Neko Samurai Goes To The Southern Island


Why did I not realize the Actor that went missing while hiking was the one that starred in Warlock? I also assumed they hadn't found the body, though he seems to have slipped and fell some distance.

Boots. Bones. An ID with a familiar face. Hikers who found Julian Sands tell their story
https://www.latimes.com/california/stor ... mains-body

Some aspects of this echoes Matthew Perry drowning in the hottub within days of the anniversery of his odd autobiography.
The hikers did not find a backpack, which could have contained much of the gear he would have needed. But the hikers, most of them experienced mountaineers, were troubled almost as much by what they didn’t see as what they did.

For example, all of the clothing they found was dark, with nothing orange or red or yellow that would have made spotting him from the air easier. “He was dressed like a ninja,” one of the hikers said in disbelief.
As much as Julian Sands is remembered for those that happened across his movies, he was very much a forgotten Actor (late 1980s, early 1990s, badly rated movies, where his initial lead roles were quickly relegated to secondary minor characters with overacted hammy performances in movies like Arachnophobia, which hasn't aged well. The fact he remained in California long after his star power diminished seems to evoke a yearning for a past that fizzled as quickly as it began.

(This is actually in English though says Portuguese)

Warlock (Steve Miner, 1989) Julian Sands, Richard E. Grant, Lori Singer

I only remember seeing the second film, right around the time that Highlander was the alternative "bad movie" with a similar tone.

His most memorable film might be Naked Lunch, which I only remember for the film title, and until today did I realize it was a William S .
Burroughs book turned into a movie (the somewhat notorious 'Beat Generation' author that was similarly acting in films like Drugstore Cowboy as an homage, much like Timothy Leary in the Cheech and Chong movie, 'Nice Dreams,' offering the "keys to the universe. . ."

Naked Lunch is something I could probably only watch now, since I was too young to understand what it was about, and looking at still images is probably akin to thinking you could understand a movie like Eraserhead based off a few images. . . (you can't.)

Naked Lunch (David Cronenberg, 1991) Peter Weller, Judy Davis, Julian Sands, Ian Holm, Roy Scheider

He still wasn't in the lead role other than Warlock.

I keep thinking I've seen him in other movies, but I'm confusing him with a different Actor, David Thewlis, who incidentally starred in a movie in 1993 called, 'Naked.' I suspect his similar appearance made him kind of "takeover" in roles since he kind of fit the character appearance (though very different temperamentally.)


Compared to:


And the highest-rated film, 'Room with a View' seems to get more attention due to Daniel Day Lewis's early performance (the guy is extremely talented,) but he also had a minor role in Leaving Los Vegas starring Nicholas Cage (who prior to this was probably more known for 'Birdie,' which was more of a "cult-film.")
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Nov 23, 2023 8:44 am

Vanishing Point (Richard C. Sarafian, 1971) Barry Newman, Victoria Medlin, Cleavon Little, John Amos

https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/102250 ... hing_point

The absurdity of it can be summarized in this:

Most of the key points that should be pointed out (that keep you from thinking of conspiracy theories as being plausible) are the behavior of Oswald and the reasons he was pointed out in theater (following approaching and shooting at Officer Tibbits, his hiding into a shoe store and then scurrying and sneaking into a theater, and then hitting and attempting to shoot the Officer upon getting apprehended--which even following it the part that's being left out is he denied doing anything despite hitting the Officer, etc.--the absurdity of his behavior and clear implications are readily apparent.)

The main reason the conspiracy theories came about are due to the evident desire to surpress speculation about the whole thing given that crap was happening overseas (Russia, Asia, Cuba, etc.) and it became popular to bring up strange events like Roswell and how it ties into supression of the truth, and when people started turning to "alternative" ideas, it then incentivized fraudulent sources to then dupe people into supporting their ideas. Since the propaganda and approach to handling official "truth" clashed with the actual truth, people denied the truth, since already they were realizing that the government would do insane things to keep people preoccupied with the kinds of crap that our government would not only permit, but moreso supress info about. "What else are they hiding," basically.




Blow-Up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966) David Hemmings

The character Alex was originally considered for David Hemmings, and Mick Jagger protested his being considered (in that he wanted to get the rights to the film, but Stanley Kubrick acquired it before him, while also deciding on a different lead Actor (Malcolm Macdowell) against the choice of Screenwriter Terry Southern's who wanted Hemmings.)

Mick Jagger’s ‘Clockwork Orange’ Petition Signed by Beatles Up for Auction
https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/ ... on-187503/
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:10 am

My Winnipeg (Guy Maddin, 2007 mockumentary) Ann Savage

She is mostly known for the movie Detour https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/ann_savage , but every other film credit, you would find difficult to find much reference to. Even films starring other 'movie stars' from the 1930s-1940s have no reviews on Rotten Tomatoes (though some you will find reviews on IMDB, such as Pygmy Island from 1950 with Johnny Weissmuller known for Tarzan.)

Literally, 60 years goes by with practically no acting performances and the one movie she makes just before her death is one of the most bizarre experimental films I've seen in some time. It's almost like he was attempting Orson Welles' The Other Side of the Wind.


Some Christmas movies are listed, with one not added:

Whether musicals are even tolerable.

I'm comparing the movie Rififi by Jules Dassin to A Killer's Kiss by Stanley Kubrick made in the same year (1955), and it's evident that Kubrick had to refine his ability to Direct, though you can spot many tell-tale signature approaches. A prior movie Force of Evil (Abraham Polonsky, 1948) influenced people like Scorsese.


Opening Night (John Cassavetes, 1977) Gena Rowlands, Ben Gazzara

The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie (John Cassavetes, 1976) Ben Gazzara

Pulse (Kairo) (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2001) (ENG Sub)


You can mod the game to play without VR, but I wouldn't attempt to get the game without the option of VR gameplay. I think Steam/Valve were trying to sell consoles/accessories when they used Half Life Alyx to promote it. Though I'm sure my old and new laptop are capable of playing the game, I've had little interest in VR, and consider required integration shortsighted (perhaps use a VR headset as a monitor which interfaces with camera movement, but don't make it a requirement to ONLY use VR controllers (which is one reason I despised Wii games, because it seemed to really over-emphasis "innovation" instead of gameplay, which tends to make game mechanics too shallow.)

The Killing (Stanley Kubrick, 1956)

This is probably Stanley Kubrick's first "true film" where he seemed to come into his own.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:31 pm

(So basically, looking at it a bit more--I didn't know who the video creator was--it could really be a bit sketchy other than a phone record subpoena which points out the Trayvon' Martin legal team Attorney calling Eugene Diamond as well as interactions with Trayvon who apparently seemed a bit pissed off with her. The social community was rather tight-knit with some questionable criminal history.)

The Trayvon Hoax (Joel Gilbert, 2019)

Filmmaker Joel Gilbert exposes the Trayvon Martin shooting's key witness as a fraud and reveals the shocking story that divided America in every detail.

Very evidently the witness statement was by a half-sister, and I can't really figure out why. . .

This is really what happened (Diamond Eugene refused to testify so her half-sister was used as a political tool.

'TIL: Trayvon Martin's girlfriend "Rachel Jeantel" who spoke at his trial was not actually his girlfriend. The Prosecution used a stand-in because his real girlfriend "Diamond Eugene" refused to testify. Jeantel claimed the other name was a "nickname" she used.'

Would that not have become more evident at the time, and if it wasn't, wouldn't Florida's Supreme Court have been brought under serious questioning, along with the people involved with the trial be losing their licenses for misleading the court?

So the Zimmerman lawsuit was in fact the result of Trayvon Martin's family possibly knowing that the true girlfriend was not the person doing witness testimony to Trayvon?

“The research also allegedly reveals that Trayvon's real girlfriend and legitimate phone witness was in fact Miami resident Brittany Diamond Eugene, who was switched out for Jeantel when Eugene refused to bear false witness against Zimmerman,” Klayman alleges.Dec 4, 2019

George Zimmerman sues Trayvon Martin's family for $100 million in damages
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ge ... s-n1095916

Which the Judge dismissed.

https://www.quora.com/Why-was-George-Zi ... not-guilty

Reports of suspensions paint more complicated picture of Trayvon Martin (stolen items in backpack)
https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2012/03/26 ... ary%20tool.

I'm not sure to what extent the guy isn't just a big troll, who is just carrying on the torch of Michael Moore.

Elvis Found Alive (2012 mocumentary)

Other things to be reminded of: George Zimmerman is a psychopath that abuses people and saber rattles with a gun, and got jumped like a little bitch while giving out the address for the dispatcher. He actively persues situations where he can be a psychopath.
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2015/01 ... sycho.html

George Zimmerman: The Threat From Trayvon Martin Was All In His Head
https://familyfieldguide.com/ffg-news-s ... -his-head/

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