What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:10 pm

I decided to go ahead and get Assassins Creed Valhalla (Complete) which is on Ubisoft with a 20% off (plus regular price reduction) at $28, after being fairly apprehensive about starting it.

Looking over some other games that I skipped over because they were mostly console games when they launched are Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and The Last of US (though mostly because it seems to be "on rails," similar to the Uncharted series, or God of War, which aside from pushing some buttons, are more of how you make a movie drawn out for many hours.

Assassins creed is also pretty repetitive, but I wasn't seeing too many examples of gameplay that reflected what it was actually like, and similar to Odyssey, I was reluctant to start (but ultimately seem to play start to finish without much distraction from it.)


https://ia804608.us.archive.org/13/item ... 011%29.m4v

Shelly Duvall has returned to acting for awhile in The Forest Hills


I came across the Annals of the Bohemian Grove, which is their publication for members, being sold at a Half Price Books in Plano, TX (a lot of wealthy people live near it.) It had the Cremation of Care listed in it, but nothing really too exciting. The majority of it's reputation has to do with the members involved, similar to Clinton and Epstein, or Bill Gates, et al. The kinds of weird stuff going on behind the scenes, moreso than the ceremonies (but what they truly represent might be the real question regarding everything else.) Of course it also reiterates JFK regarding his famous speech, about people operating outside of Democratic processes (which is arguably what the Electoral College was designed for?)

I keep wondering about the past Presidencies and all the weird crap about them.

https://www.quora.com/Was-George-H-W-Bu ... ve-or-both

I'm thinking of people like Kissinger and others who have a lot of muck circling around them.



55 minutes in sounds like the Mushroom Kingdom?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Dec 24, 2023 5:51 pm

This isn't explicitly said, though it does reference some aspects of what the above video mentions (the idea also echoes the idea, that ancient religions were really promoting child sacrifice and overtaking others, such as in warfare, etc.) Whether some aspects are "lost in translation" over time, due to changes in context of beliefs and how people perceive things (because they have been conditioned to prop up a system that relies on people taking part in it; ex. capitalism relies on people to buy into the system, and not separate themselves from the economy, much like religion relied on you to continue to benefit the system that would otherwise draw and quarter you if you went against it, etc.)

Is Muhammad the Prophet of a false God and also of Satan (considering that the Satanic statue, Baphomet, was named after Muhammad)? Why or why not?
https://www.quora.com/Is-Muhammad-the-P ... or-why-not

"Argument for or against RC church" featuring Christopher Hitchens (from prior to 2011 when he would die)

With Dawkins


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:02 am


A lower quality English dubbed version (could have the audio played so as not to have to watch the screen all the time) Though only Part 1. . . Oddly, the dubbing skips over a lot of things that only show subtitles in English on the first video.

Parts are linked in the description of the first movie (hardcode subtitles) 7 hours total
War and Peace - Part 1 Andrei Bolkonsky (Sergei Bondarchuk, 1965) 2 1/12 hours https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrei_Ni ... _Bolkonsky

War and Peace - Part II Natasha Rostova (Sergei Bondarchuk, 1966) 1:40

War and Peace - Part III The Year 1812 (Sergei Bondarchuk, 1967) 1:20

War and Peace - Part IV Pierre Bezukhov (Sergei Bondarchuk, 1967) 1:40

Also, a newer miniseries by BBC: War and Peace (Tom Harper, 2016) is 6 hours though also considered a lesser version.

They also have a 2017 production of Karenina, but it's considered to have vastly miss-stepped over the source material.

A better series is Liberation (Yuriy Ozerov, circa 1970) about WWII from Russia's perspective



While at it, The Brothers Karamazov 1969 (1866 book by Fyodor Dostoevsky)
The Brothers Karamazov (Ivan Pyryev, Mikhail Alexandrovich Ulyanov, Kirill Lavrov, 1969)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Broth ... 1969_film)


I decided to look into this:

The Cossack Myth in Eastern Europe – Interview with Denys Shatalov

Also, not Russia, but interesting:

Lasting from 1648 to 1669, or a total of 21 years, it is the second-longest siege in history after the siege of Ceuta. Ottoman forces besieged the Venetian-ruled capital city.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:40 am

Existential risk and the future of humanity (Toby Ord)
https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/pos ... y-toby-ord

It makes me think of Talos Principle (which has a new one)

The Talos Principle 2 Review
https://www.ign.com/articles/the-talos- ... e-2-review

Currently discounted on Steam for $24.

Also, this game is free on Epic games: The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition
https://www.metacritic.com/game/the-out ... e-edition/

It kind of is worse than it looks, though it might be because people are against this version for various reasons, mostly to do with optimization, etc.


Many of these examples seem like failure in imparting basic skill-sets, but it doesn't excuse how people didn't question the very ideas that lead them to do stupid things.

I also forgot, Christopher Hitchens had a brother named Peter, who has done a "bang up job" in his steed.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:36 am

Tai Lopez is filing for chapter 11 for most all of the companies he bought. https://www.retailecommerceventures.com ... 20holdings.

I think most of the Glassdoor reviews are fake and I'm wondering how many are removed due to NDA? In the video below, a person that worked for him wasn't getting paid and is now suing him.
https://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Retai ... 421519.htm

The difference between what he does is he hides all the smoke and mirrors behind a brand image, and unlike companies like Barnes and Noble who have been bought out, they are converting store fronts into college bookstores and merchandising (and admittedly it looks a bit pathetic and I don't see it lasting long, but at least they have physical assets and aren't hiking up prices like idiots.)

Why am I not surprised this exists?


Jay Leno Tank Car aka Blastolene Special


https://www.way.com/blog/jay-lenos-car- ... -it-worth/

He has since done a lot of mods to it since that video which might be circa 2015 (though it was around 2003-2004 when GTA 4 put it into their game, and since then he has turbochargers making it nearly double it's hp.) He added a top to it, probably since it didn't have any roll bars. . . In this updated video he shows similar cars that inspired it, where he mentions the obvious safety issues (such as no brakes.)


Pretty neat history

One of the more impressively engineered cars

In many of his videos he drifts past the lines, and I started wondering about how many accidents he get's into. . . Apparently he is building up a track record.

https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a4268 ... -accident/


It's a bit like Daphne laserdisc games, for 3do.

A decent cast of actors in a movie I overlooked.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:12 am

Even though both of my parents are still around, I relate to this.

A good series (and rarely do people acknowledge god is a projection of the egoic narcissistic traits of mankind.)

https://youtu.be/qjZ3f-IXEXU?list=PLi5Z ... 5L7oHk49aO

This is a good summary of why INTP can be traumatized by people:

What is the best way for an INTP to recover from a traumatic life experience?

Mostly just discussion (this is a 3 hour talk about Vietnam and military veterans)


Colio died in 2022?

The joke made around 24 minutes in the Gordon Ramsey video is referring to how Coolio was crouched up on a couch following the program.


Mr. Show with Bob and David
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Madrigal » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:17 pm

Honeyjubu's addictive. Of course, could be the ASMR.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:54 am

A 'Glass Harmonica' inspired parody of the Simpson's Episode

It's a bit crazy how much this one part of the show inspired different versions.

Another example

4:00 Reactionary behaviors are largely trauma-based victimhood mentalities, brought on by invalidation and poor coping mechanisms, which causes people to cling to reactionary pathos mindsets (as they can then exist vicariously through the group as opposed to individualized healthy-minded identity.) Their entire persona is a bluff brought on by vacuous personality WHICH overcompensates due to insecurity, so they poster themselves in such a way that is incapable of self-reflection and critical thinking, since they are prone to confirmation bias through the zeitgeist of an insular ideology.

Jellyfish UFO video:

If these weren't seen with their own eyes, I would have guessed it was bird poo on the outer lens house, with an infrared camera rotating inside the housing?


Society critique

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:55 am

Somewhat derivative:

These are the kinds of short videos I save and keep in a folder.

Antique 19th century bike designs (they went from how we tend to identify with, to the absurd penny-farthing which might as well be a byproduct of the gilded-age and how people tried to identify with genteel fashion.)


Rewatching The Last Emperor (about China's Puyi) and was wondering if the entirety of China's nobility were wiped out (it seems most of them were rendered common citizens, but you would swear some remnants of that era still permeates in some ways.)


Puyi ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pujie ) had only represented the position of Emperor over China since 1912 and only formally appeared as such within the 'Forbidden City' but resumed some formal representation when Japan wanted to use it's army and created the puppet-state of Manchochou (sp? mostly known as Manchuria and which Puyi wanted to refer to it.)

And though the movie glossed over the warfare aspects, it's arguably the case that Japan was overall more notorious than the Nazi and Waffen SS, and they committed numerous war crimes such as some Japanese getting in competition by luring Chinese soldiers by duping them into coming closer, only to shoot them, while some were notoriously using their sabers to stab whatever moved. To some extent the Nanjiang massacre reflects the incompetence and disregard for life such as the Mailai massacre during Vietnam.

I'm also reminded that Japan and Russia never formally ended the war (just an agreed cessation of battle,) which was mostly a dispute over a few of the 14,000+ islands that comprise Japan's territories. that are adjacent to the Russian isthmus (which still contains some remnants of WW2.)

The movie

I followed up with the Shogun movie (1980) and was surprised to find a remake is being released in a month, where they try to make the interpretor for the Englishman a 'Samurai,' which I thought was a weird term. Though women did fight in battle, the term was different (though the book and mini-series was always for western audiences.)

https://www.historyhit.com/facts-about- ... -warriors/


Asajiro Yura abandoned mansion (ghost hunt)
https://rumble.com/v2seckt-abandoned-hi ... atal-.html

A shorter video and the Youtube channel
https://www.facebook.com/steveroninoffi ... 3894675335
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa7xWe ... gyXSK63I4Q

I always assumed the Ganbare Goemon games were just a fictional character, though it turns out (though still fictional in the game) it's based on a real person.

The miniseries Shogun would have been based around the early 1600's, before the Jesuits were banned from the country (around 1620,) though not reference to tobacco is shown, even though it would become widely popularized.
https://www.japan-experience.com/all-ab ... cco-museum

A major mistake of the Shogun miniseries is they depicted the Ninjutsu tactics of the competing samurai from a modern perspective (the stereotypical ninja.)
https://introvertjapan.wordpress.com/20 ... ese-ninja/

Further emphasis of the difference between "samurai" and "shinobi/ninja" (spy)
https://www.insidejapantours.com/blog/2 ... s-samurai/


A website for a bunch of movies (linked to American Psycho)
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