What are you watching?
Re: What are you watching?
More on the topic: Trump and organized crime connection
The Uncanny Resemblance of the Beer Hall Putsch and the January 6 Insurrection
https://www.thenation.com/article/polit ... tler-coup/
Re: What are you watching?
Pretty strange country.
Unbelievable Facts About Turkmenistan, the Dystopian Dictatorship You Haven't Heard Of
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/as ... story.html
The city seems most similar to Astana, Kazakhstan
https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015 ... s-on-earth
Between Turkmenistan and North Korea, Thailand's ruler/King Maha Vajiralongkorn is possibly the most similar in eccentricity.
https://www.quora.com/Whats-wrong-with- ... ralongkorn
The same satellite signal hacker also captured North Korea, but looking at Google Maps in the past, it's hard to compare the propaganda to what is visible, of decrepit building structures (such as hospitals with the same falling apart roofs and lack of material to replace it, surrounded by equally shitty structures surrounding it,) when looking at it recently. Effective propaganda perhaps.
And North Korean propaganda about developing an H bomb were lies that occurred during an earthquake, that happened days after suspending earthquake detecting tests.
https://theconversation.com/earthquake- ... down-96378
They continue to make these claims for anyone that visits the shithole country (much like claims of abundance during their worse famine.)
Something to point out in that last link is some propaganda that might not be entirely inaccurate, regarding US army intervention in Korea, following the liberation from Japan following WW2, which almost resembles Vietnam War's Mailai Massacre.
Massacre at Nogun-ri
Allegedly some of the confusion arises out of guerilla warfare tactics by the North to infiltrate the civilians, in which some of the soldiers felt a legitimate fear for their lives:
More and more, veteran interviews corroborated that charge of intent. Several veterans recalled shooting the civilians at Nogun-ri, and up to 20 recalled having orders to shoot civilians (though neither these veterans nor the Pentagon investigators could figure out from whom or from which level of command the orders came). One veteran recalled shooting on his own volition, without orders, based on the belief that guerillas among the group would kill him if they were not completely eliminated. “We got orders to eliminate them,” said veteran Eugene Hesselman, recalling a similar event a week after the Nogun-ri incident. “And we mowed them all down. The Army wouldn’t take chances.”
Last edited by Catoptric on Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:28 am, edited 5 times in total.
Re: What are you watching?
The Japanese (with translated Rom) exclusive Dragon Warrior 3 was my favorite version, but they came out with a new one that looks pretty good, and seems to remain faithful to the NES game.
Before Dragon Ball, Dr Slump (featuring the main character, a robot girl named Arale who is likely a precursor to the character Lucca in Chrono Trigger) was made. This is the only subtitled version I've seen, though better quality videos exist.
It would be easier finding the rereleased comics in English (VIZ Media started in 2012) which are on Anna Archive.
I'm only just now getting around to watching any of the Harry Potter movies (I only read the first book around the time it was becoming popular, and nothing after that.)
Meantime 1983
Watching a video that promotes the myth of Xi Jianping being frugal and modest (and not just power hungry.)
China just jailed 45 pro-democracy activists, including jailing one (a Professor named Benny Tai https://youtu.be/-ex3LM0pLJs ) for 10 years.
'Hong Kong jails 45 pro-democracy campaigners over subversion'
Xi Jianping closed down a town and turned it into a propaganda ("Tourist attraction") promoting the claim he lived in a cave.
He worked as the party secretary of Liangjiahe, where he lived in a cave house. He then spent a total of seven years in Yanchuan. In 1973, Yanchuan County assigned Xi Jinping to Zhaojiahe Village in Jiajianping Commune to lead social education efforts.
What's so odd is that Xi seems to suffer from Stockholme Syndrome or is likewise using Chairman Mao's image to emulate, since he likewise was a victim of his regime, and is simply using Chinas' brutal history as a way to appear like a marginalized citizen who suffered the misfortunes of needing to "modernize," even as that very system would exploit the poor backwater towns in order to rape them (just like Mao did when "touring" the countryside https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Mao-keep- ... d-mistress .)
Re: What are you watching?
Thomas Pynchon inspired movies (documentaries)
Prüfstand VII ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pr%C3%BCfstand_VII )
Robert Bramkamp film/docudrama about the V2 rockets
Thomas Pynchon: A Journey into the Mind of P
The only actual movie produced of his work is 'Inherent Vice' (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2014)
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inhere ... cs-reviews
A recurring issue with some of his story-telling approach, seems to have a similar effect to how David Lynch does films (hence, unless Thomas Pynchon was a film Director, much of his books might never be adapted to film. A similar thing happened with J.D. Salinger (who adamantly refused to have any adaptions of his Catcher on the Rye book, though he did have an Iranian adaptation called 'Pari' in 1995 which was loosely based on his lesser-known book, Franny and Zoey.)
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inhere ... cs-reviews
I was inspired to look it up after finding a near-mint copy of Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon book (which it seems Half Price Books refuses to sell, along with Charlotte's Web and other legitimate literature.) That along with a ton of books that some Confederate sympathizer seemed to collect, along with anti-Obama as well as JFK conspiracy books (that all might sell for a decent amount on the used market, considering how niche they are.) I left the Anti-Obama books, but took some books covering the circa 2001 failure by the US intelligence (CIA, FBI et al) and how the zealots were motivated by arms smuggling into Iran during the Reagan administration. Not ironically another brand-new book titled, The Best of Burke edited by Peter Stanlis who compiled writings by someone who is considered the founder of the conservative movement.
The thing with the Civil War books is that it was apparent that it was focused primarily on Robert E Lee and the other Generals or war Leutenants that played pivotal roles in the time period, and didn't really show much transparency over anything else.
I have an additional 3 full box/containers filled with such dreg, and I'm too lazy to list them for sale and am apprehensive about selling them on any median where people will connect it to social media (but also the vast majority of people I would rather not interact with in general. . . Indifferent to what the heck I might be selling. I eventually blocked certain people that were a pain in the ass and clearly lying pieces of shit, who made up various excuses until it was clear I didn't want to deal with them (and hence why it's only advised to give your address out when they are such a long distance away that you don't care if you piss them off in return.)
An exception to writers who sometimes have an eccentric vibe are Kurt Vonnegut, who has quite a few film adaptions (and though most are good, I mostly remember Harrison Burgeron, and will need to find a suitable time to watch Slaughterhouse five, because it's one of those films you really almost need to be dedicated to watch it.)
Some on that list are just short films (and out of 7 years, a little over 400 people have watched this next one.)
The Man from Bagombo (Igor Stanojevic, 2010) 14 minutes
Prüfstand VII ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pr%C3%BCfstand_VII )
Robert Bramkamp film/docudrama about the V2 rockets
Thomas Pynchon: A Journey into the Mind of P
The only actual movie produced of his work is 'Inherent Vice' (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2014)
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inhere ... cs-reviews
A recurring issue with some of his story-telling approach, seems to have a similar effect to how David Lynch does films (hence, unless Thomas Pynchon was a film Director, much of his books might never be adapted to film. A similar thing happened with J.D. Salinger (who adamantly refused to have any adaptions of his Catcher on the Rye book, though he did have an Iranian adaptation called 'Pari' in 1995 which was loosely based on his lesser-known book, Franny and Zoey.)
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/inhere ... cs-reviews
I was inspired to look it up after finding a near-mint copy of Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon book (which it seems Half Price Books refuses to sell, along with Charlotte's Web and other legitimate literature.) That along with a ton of books that some Confederate sympathizer seemed to collect, along with anti-Obama as well as JFK conspiracy books (that all might sell for a decent amount on the used market, considering how niche they are.) I left the Anti-Obama books, but took some books covering the circa 2001 failure by the US intelligence (CIA, FBI et al) and how the zealots were motivated by arms smuggling into Iran during the Reagan administration. Not ironically another brand-new book titled, The Best of Burke edited by Peter Stanlis who compiled writings by someone who is considered the founder of the conservative movement.
The thing with the Civil War books is that it was apparent that it was focused primarily on Robert E Lee and the other Generals or war Leutenants that played pivotal roles in the time period, and didn't really show much transparency over anything else.
I have an additional 3 full box/containers filled with such dreg, and I'm too lazy to list them for sale and am apprehensive about selling them on any median where people will connect it to social media (but also the vast majority of people I would rather not interact with in general. . . Indifferent to what the heck I might be selling. I eventually blocked certain people that were a pain in the ass and clearly lying pieces of shit, who made up various excuses until it was clear I didn't want to deal with them (and hence why it's only advised to give your address out when they are such a long distance away that you don't care if you piss them off in return.)
An exception to writers who sometimes have an eccentric vibe are Kurt Vonnegut, who has quite a few film adaptions (and though most are good, I mostly remember Harrison Burgeron, and will need to find a suitable time to watch Slaughterhouse five, because it's one of those films you really almost need to be dedicated to watch it.)
Some on that list are just short films (and out of 7 years, a little over 400 people have watched this next one.)
The Man from Bagombo (Igor Stanojevic, 2010) 14 minutes
Re: What are you watching?
Why Mick & Bianca Jagger's Marriage Ended On Wedding Day | Rumour Juice
Re: What are you watching?
I had no idea this existed. . .
I've most likely watched this before, though parts of it are worth rewatching.
Inspiration for Ron Burgundy
https://mix957gr.com/did-michigan-newsm ... character/
(Audio is off, but the 'Anchorman' is in the video)
Mort Crim - Anchored - A Journalist's Search for Truth (2021)
https://www.facebook.com/PalmsChurch/vi ... 7886244616
The book (also available on Annas archive as a pdf)
https://www.amazon.com/Anchored-Journal ... merReviews
It's mostly about his religious beliefs but in the video presentation he isn't really articulating it well (such as, what exact moment can he pinpoint where his belief in religion was tried, etc.) At around 22 minutes in the video he seems to reveal some of the aspects of society that made him question his beliefs or make him depressed as it were (such as people only buying his book as a souvenir, as if what he has to talk about doesn't matter apart from being a well-known news anchor from that area.)
In one of the videos in the first link, a woman mentions that she went to a rehab clinic where he was (so he was kind of famous for being in rehab, which isn't uncommon for those who are devoutly religious. . . I found a few AA books when dumpster diving along with religious books, and am going to miss looking through the trash since I quit my job next-door to it and don't plan on visiting the bookstores anytime soon. I'm going to try and get rid of about 80 KLTV CDs (which were dumped off at Half-Price books since such radio stations now almost entirely use hard drives as a storage median for a good decade by this point, though a few of the discs are especially notable, such as a special 1992 cd which is practically like going back to that time and listening to a radio broadcast; but also a reminder as to how horrible radio broadcasts are, since they are mostly spam and time-wasting nonsense.) I kept a few of the unique discs, such as the cases that resemble old 3.5" floppy discs with their slide back protectors, which can also open in the middle to give disc access, as well as a mailed demo disc to the station DJ who has a similar decades long career to Mort Crim.
Cryptozoo is an animation that looks eerily like Fantastic Planet
Missing (2003 film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Cate Blanchett) was somewhat flawed and lacking in transparent storytelling (making the plot and characters seem inauthentic and over the top) though did make me consider the historical aspects of sex slavery. Usually if females were kept following the murder of their parents it wasn't just for some puerile reasons, but rather because they were young and children that were then integrated as one of the natives (so yes, they might eventually end up being "raped" in the context of not feeling ready, but were seen as a necessary component to the social hierarchy within the tribal community, in which it seems from an historical perspective, the people that do get spared from being murdered for having "Manifest Destiny" compel them on towards the western frontier; often felt more "at home" within those communities (though that might be more akin to feeling ostracized once returning to "civilization." Obvious some tribes were more prone to mistreatment, and perhaps it was seen as "sex slavery," but usually in this context, it's that of people that would come from impoverished backgrounds where they are more easily preyed upon, and which they develop something of a Stockholm-syndrome.
Incidentally in modern times, the Native populations are far more vulnerable to exploitation. Usually, this comes from a desire to escape the confines of a somewhat isolated community (sort of like rural America where someone might be dumb enough to want to hitch a ride on a moving train in order to eventually get to California to shack up with a daddy figure.
'Nobody saw me': why are so many Native American women and girls trafficked?
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... new-mexico
Usually, it's people turning a blind eye to the truth, even when they accept it (sort of like the Holocaust. . .)
Was watching a discussion on bias a perception of economy and a book recomended was 'A Place of Greater Safety' by Hillary Mantel (same Author of Wolf Hall, who just wrote a third part, 'Mirror and the Light.')
Another thing reading:
The "Depressing" Reason Our Workplaces Have Gone From Bad To Worse
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/depressi ... se-crowley
I've most likely watched this before, though parts of it are worth rewatching.
Inspiration for Ron Burgundy
https://mix957gr.com/did-michigan-newsm ... character/
(Audio is off, but the 'Anchorman' is in the video)
Mort Crim - Anchored - A Journalist's Search for Truth (2021)
https://www.facebook.com/PalmsChurch/vi ... 7886244616
The book (also available on Annas archive as a pdf)
https://www.amazon.com/Anchored-Journal ... merReviews
It's mostly about his religious beliefs but in the video presentation he isn't really articulating it well (such as, what exact moment can he pinpoint where his belief in religion was tried, etc.) At around 22 minutes in the video he seems to reveal some of the aspects of society that made him question his beliefs or make him depressed as it were (such as people only buying his book as a souvenir, as if what he has to talk about doesn't matter apart from being a well-known news anchor from that area.)
In one of the videos in the first link, a woman mentions that she went to a rehab clinic where he was (so he was kind of famous for being in rehab, which isn't uncommon for those who are devoutly religious. . . I found a few AA books when dumpster diving along with religious books, and am going to miss looking through the trash since I quit my job next-door to it and don't plan on visiting the bookstores anytime soon. I'm going to try and get rid of about 80 KLTV CDs (which were dumped off at Half-Price books since such radio stations now almost entirely use hard drives as a storage median for a good decade by this point, though a few of the discs are especially notable, such as a special 1992 cd which is practically like going back to that time and listening to a radio broadcast; but also a reminder as to how horrible radio broadcasts are, since they are mostly spam and time-wasting nonsense.) I kept a few of the unique discs, such as the cases that resemble old 3.5" floppy discs with their slide back protectors, which can also open in the middle to give disc access, as well as a mailed demo disc to the station DJ who has a similar decades long career to Mort Crim.
Cryptozoo is an animation that looks eerily like Fantastic Planet
Missing (2003 film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Cate Blanchett) was somewhat flawed and lacking in transparent storytelling (making the plot and characters seem inauthentic and over the top) though did make me consider the historical aspects of sex slavery. Usually if females were kept following the murder of their parents it wasn't just for some puerile reasons, but rather because they were young and children that were then integrated as one of the natives (so yes, they might eventually end up being "raped" in the context of not feeling ready, but were seen as a necessary component to the social hierarchy within the tribal community, in which it seems from an historical perspective, the people that do get spared from being murdered for having "Manifest Destiny" compel them on towards the western frontier; often felt more "at home" within those communities (though that might be more akin to feeling ostracized once returning to "civilization." Obvious some tribes were more prone to mistreatment, and perhaps it was seen as "sex slavery," but usually in this context, it's that of people that would come from impoverished backgrounds where they are more easily preyed upon, and which they develop something of a Stockholm-syndrome.
Incidentally in modern times, the Native populations are far more vulnerable to exploitation. Usually, this comes from a desire to escape the confines of a somewhat isolated community (sort of like rural America where someone might be dumb enough to want to hitch a ride on a moving train in order to eventually get to California to shack up with a daddy figure.
'Nobody saw me': why are so many Native American women and girls trafficked?
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... new-mexico
Usually, it's people turning a blind eye to the truth, even when they accept it (sort of like the Holocaust. . .)
Was watching a discussion on bias a perception of economy and a book recomended was 'A Place of Greater Safety' by Hillary Mantel (same Author of Wolf Hall, who just wrote a third part, 'Mirror and the Light.')
Another thing reading:
The "Depressing" Reason Our Workplaces Have Gone From Bad To Worse
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/depressi ... se-crowley
Re: What are you watching?
It's easy to overlook this Dracula (1970) film starring Christopher Lee, as well as Klaus Kinski (who in previews appeared to be smearing crap on the wall, though it turned out to be food he didn't want to eat. . . Whether it was originally in the book, I don't know. . . But then he pulls a box of insects out from the toilet that makes me think he really was pooing on a plate and throwing it at the wall. He was playing the guy in his 1979 Nosferatu movie where he has an obsession with bugs (Renfield) and did insane cackling about his master Nosferatu returning (and in this film it's regarded as more true to the book and he remains reticent throughout.)
1978 Nosferatu with Klaus Kinski by Werner Herzog (this was labeled the 1929 film in the thumbnail)
Here is the 1922/1929 (English) release of Nosferatu
A Bollywood version of Nightmare on Elm Street is exactly how you would expect it to turn out. . . (Singing and some cameo of a Michael Jackson impersonator.) Another Bollywood adaption is a film called Ghulam which was intended as their version of Marlon Brando, in 'On the Waterfront.'
(The above doesn't have subtitles available, and when trying to download the movie it will not work if attempting to append an SRT file to it. . . But I think it might actually be worse if knowing what's going on.)
The Hitcher (1986 film starring Rutger Hauer)
I might have already posted this but didn't want to wait for the website to load to see if I did (it's running exceedingly slow right now.)
Short by "sweet. . ."
1978 Nosferatu with Klaus Kinski by Werner Herzog (this was labeled the 1929 film in the thumbnail)
Here is the 1922/1929 (English) release of Nosferatu
A Bollywood version of Nightmare on Elm Street is exactly how you would expect it to turn out. . . (Singing and some cameo of a Michael Jackson impersonator.) Another Bollywood adaption is a film called Ghulam which was intended as their version of Marlon Brando, in 'On the Waterfront.'
(The above doesn't have subtitles available, and when trying to download the movie it will not work if attempting to append an SRT file to it. . . But I think it might actually be worse if knowing what's going on.)
The Hitcher (1986 film starring Rutger Hauer)
I might have already posted this but didn't want to wait for the website to load to see if I did (it's running exceedingly slow right now.)
Short by "sweet. . ."
Re: What are you watching?
Near Svalbard, an abandoned Russia, Soviet-Era coal town that was mostly operated by Ukrainians, Pyramiden (abandoned in 1998 after a plane disaster that killed 148)
I know this guy (well, as far as "knowing.") It's been awhile but I'm continually surprised how little recognition it gets, even for those who are in those high IQ groups (supposedly designed for support and collaboration, but they have continually been a shit stain on societal advancement.)
South Korean recognized as person with world's highest IQ
https://medium.com/@gigasociety/youngho ... d73e5a88c5
Auto-translation works sufficiently well, though it won't catch all of it.
I wasn't aware he has a Doctorate in theology but knew he did go into it (and seems a bit reluctant to be a Pastor.)
This Kazuchoice's fanedit version of Bladerunner ('White Dragon Cut Version 5.0) is supposedly coming out this month, and I'm not even sure what to think. The website he was linking to is no longer active, and I'm assuming some new link is going to be made. Even still it was nearly impossible to find a Version 4.0, and as different as that is from the 'Final Cut' film, this 5.0 is supposed to be even more extreme, with constructed visual environments to flesh out what was omitted in the final version.
Strangely. . . It might be Blu-Ray only (how the fuck does he monetize someone elses' movie?)
Most of the scenes that were added into the V4 version were these (and the additions were supposed to be historically relevant to various versions that exist, but it's possible with new technology that they are AI-enhanced for things like TV broadcasted exclusives that have lower quality. These are more for curiosity, but the additions were omitted for a reason because the characters (even in the official versions) come across a bit awkward already.
Near Svalbard, an abandoned Russia, Soviet-Era coal town that was mostly operated by Ukrainians, Pyramiden (abandoned in 1998 after a plane disaster that killed 148)
I know this guy (well, as far as "knowing.") It's been awhile but I'm continually surprised how little recognition it gets, even for those who are in those high IQ groups (supposedly designed for support and collaboration, but they have continually been a shit stain on societal advancement.)
South Korean recognized as person with world's highest IQ
https://medium.com/@gigasociety/youngho ... d73e5a88c5
Auto-translation works sufficiently well, though it won't catch all of it.
I wasn't aware he has a Doctorate in theology but knew he did go into it (and seems a bit reluctant to be a Pastor.)
This Kazuchoice's fanedit version of Bladerunner ('White Dragon Cut Version 5.0) is supposedly coming out this month, and I'm not even sure what to think. The website he was linking to is no longer active, and I'm assuming some new link is going to be made. Even still it was nearly impossible to find a Version 4.0, and as different as that is from the 'Final Cut' film, this 5.0 is supposed to be even more extreme, with constructed visual environments to flesh out what was omitted in the final version.
Strangely. . . It might be Blu-Ray only (how the fuck does he monetize someone elses' movie?)
Most of the scenes that were added into the V4 version were these (and the additions were supposed to be historically relevant to various versions that exist, but it's possible with new technology that they are AI-enhanced for things like TV broadcasted exclusives that have lower quality. These are more for curiosity, but the additions were omitted for a reason because the characters (even in the official versions) come across a bit awkward already.
- HighlyIrregular II
- Posts: 511
- Joined: Thu May 26, 2022 10:50 pm
- Formerly: BarII