Run-up to WW3

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Sun May 28, 2023 4:15 pm

54 drone strikes on Kviv.

Banker's war? (Will it sink Citigroup?) ... -citigroup

Is the Ukraine actually performing horribly?


Cookbooks for those that think they need it:


Will advances in technology render submarines obsolete?

Experts warn nuclear subs may be useless by 2050... days after £200bn AUKUS deal agreed ... stralia-us

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:06 pm

Wagner captures Russian commander as Prigozhin feud with army escalates ... -commander

In a video posted on Prigozhin’s social media channels, Lt Col Roman Venevitin, the commander of Russia’s 72nd Brigade, tells an interrogator that, while drunk, he had ordered his troops to fire on a Wagner convoy.

"Russia's Winning" (says some random person with a dunce cap)

Sadly, not all pro-Russia supporters are dumb. . . I've known people from Japan as well as "genius" Professors of mathematics in Norway to have initially sided with Russia's propaganda regarding NATO, and who seemed insistent on dismissing things to the contrary (and they would never bring the topic up again as the war progressed.) Their are also those who blithely support Russia with patriotic fervor because they suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, even though they left Russia in the 1970's and have likewise went onto academic positions in California (where they probably are more concerned with saving some exotic animals within the area of the war that no one knows, rather than actually concerned about humanitarian issues. . .)

Update: Apparently it is widely accepted that Ukraine isn't doing as well, and that Russia might be doing better than previously.


Most of the Chernobyl area historically had military purposes, including the refinement of Tritium (if not Plutonium) using the graphite reactors.

Soviet Military Apparently Had Role at Chernobyl A-Plant
OCT. 3, 1986 12 AM PT
"In interviews, U.S. and West European officials said that some of the graphite reactors like the four at Chernobyl may be used to produce weapons-grade plutonium, but that their most likely military purpose is to make tritium, a rare isotope of hydrogen used in thermonuclear weapons." ... %20weapons.

Recent documentary exploring under the reactor "Coffin"

Inside Chernobyl with Ben Fogle ... Ben+Fogle/


Russian "turncoats" claiming to fight for Ukraine, have attacked Russian territory, and of course Russia would destroy a dam which had water reservoir used for growing food?

Most recent video

Ukraine when the war started, vs now (you could hardly guess it was attacked.)
Answer to What are your favorite before and after photos? by Elena Gold ... ype=answer
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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Thu Jun 15, 2023 7:43 pm

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by aether » Fri Jun 16, 2023 5:46 am

Well, the KGB has to be respected and that's where he came from. I feel that Russia is just an ultimate survival state where all you do is try to survive. I also took classes on this. :hat:

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:00 pm

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Thu Jun 29, 2023 6:49 pm

It seems Prig went to Belarus while the Russian Army gave attrition to the logistics and scuttled Wagner at a disused base, with most all of them being absorbed into the Army. Putin used the Wagner mercs to carry out his Vandetta, so I'm curious if he will continue by taking over Ukraine and having to be held more accountable (since Russia is a pretend Democracy, it may not matter much,) or if he will just sit back and try to strategize a different approach.)

A decent article ... dium=email


I'll just add this here:

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:59 am

Was Prigozhin setting up people that would oppose Russian aggression toward Ukraine?

'It is apparent that now Prigozhin has RETURNED to his St Petersburg home, and has had ALL of his weapons and money returned to him, and NONE of his troops have moved to Belarus. How is this possible?'
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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Senseye » Sun Jul 09, 2023 6:56 pm

The counter point to this argument is :

1) Why has Putin been so public in condemning Prigozhin publicly and continuing to do so after the fact. Failing to punish Prigo makes Putin look soft and/or the FSB look incompetent. Not typical for Putin who likes to project a strong man image at all times.
2) Removing Wagner from the battlefield weakens the Russian front in Ukraine. One would assume Wagner would be redeployed if the whole rebellion was a sham from the get go.

I'm going to need more evidence to support the notion that the rebellion was a sham. No explanation for the situation seems to fit well at the moment. Specifically, why is Prigo/Wagner still wandering around while being 'officially' condemned?

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Roger Mexico » Sun Jul 09, 2023 11:00 pm

Senseye wrote:
Sun Jul 09, 2023 6:56 pm
The counter point to this argument is :

1) Why has Putin been so public in condemning Prigozhin publicly and continuing to do so after the fact. Failing to punish Prigo makes Putin look soft and/or the FSB look incompetent. Not typical for Putin who likes to project a strong man image at all times.
2) Removing Wagner from the battlefield weakens the Russian front in Ukraine. One would assume Wagner would be redeployed if the whole rebellion was a sham from the get go.

I'm going to need more evidence to support the notion that the rebellion was a sham. No explanation for the situation seems to fit well at the moment. Specifically, why is Prigo/Wagner still wandering around while being 'officially' condemned?
I'd say the best explanation is probably Putin being anxious about how much risk of further mutinies there still might be, and how much potential support they'd have.

While of course he can't just forgive and forget, he's also got to think about what happens if he makes a martyr out of Prigozhin.

It seems to me the whole thing basically amounted to a standoff, with neither side confident enough to escalate, and this "exile in Belarus" thing is essentially a peace settlement.

That leaves the question of why Putin would be inclined to negotiate a peace settlement with a mutiny instead of just dropping the hammer on them, and to me the most plausible answer to that is something along the lines of Putin being worried about failure to quickly crush the mutiny and having it instead turn into a second front in the war.

Conspicuous provocation of Prigozhin's followers--and perhaps more importantly, potential sympathizers in the rest of the Russian army--would increase the risk of escalation from their side.

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