Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

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Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Aug 01, 2021 11:31 pm

Human perception is prone to flaws and confirmation bias which acclimates people to say things like, “I saw the tokoloshe” or “that was the Virgin Mary.” People performing CE5 (summoning UFO) will gravitate towards suggestibility if the entertainment venue wasn’t quite worth the long drive or possibly thousands of dollars expended to attend.

Think of any cult-like identity and you will have an answer for why people (no matter how intelligent or educated) can sometimes dupe themselves and others, sometimes because egos depend on confirmation of belief, but also because people get exploited into believing in something that affects them on some level; and people gravitate towards escapism and satiating the ego, seeking a dopamine reward.

Good luck correcting people about false beliefs, as you may discover that people will still prefer to defenestrate with things they would rather not agree with, especially since people gravitate towards being part of one tribe, in opposition to the “other.”

Playing Devil’s Advocate: Perhaps those who believed they were capable of psychic phenomenon start to fake their activity in order to gratify the experiments and would such a thing invalidate the entire foundation of the claims of evidence for psychic phenomenon?

Similarly, do people actually experience a genuine event like, ‘*Our Lady of Fatima/Miracle of the Sun*,’ when prompted to believe in an event?

Did Constantine have an agenda to persuade people he saw Chi-Rho “crosses” as a propaganda tool and did the story suit an agenda of a religious organization (playing into confirmation bias and group hegemony/dominance over perceived enemies?) Since no contemporary account to the battle was recorded and was only written later, it’s assumed no one witnessed it; and the assumption is that if given the opportunity to expect to witness something supernatural and supernal, people would do so willingly?

Mass hysteria is no doubt a real phenomenon and when I was looking into Zimbabwe’s Aerial School sighting of a landed UFO and two beings that were claimed to be seen, I have wondered about some inconsistencies in the drawings made by the children (most showed traditional gray alien, though some drew long hair, and another drawing showed fully cloaked.) Many evident hysteria accounts are real (though does it explain all of them???)

Things like sasquatch have no legitimate evidence of being real, and just like the relics of monasteries people in parts of Asia with their Yeti/Abominable Snowman, apparently had remains of the ‘creature’ which turned out to be bear femur. Did they know that or was it simply a story that got derailed? Similarly, in California people seemed to have ran with such a legend during the 60’s and claimed to video record it, which incidentally was at around the same time in Texas as ‘Lake Worth Monster’ claims were made with someone dressed in goatskin. Claims of Sasquatch are common in many boggy areas, probably for similar reasons, that someone was simply bored?

The ‘Starman Skull’ (a likely hydrocephalus child’s skull famously introduced by Lloyd Pye,) Atacama desert (“Ata”) mummy which was an extremely defective girl’s fetus presented as a possible alien by Dr. Steven Greer, and things like the alleged ‘Mesoamerica’ crystal skulls (with materials sourced from European mines and presented by a known con-man antique dealer named Eugene Boban,) are “modern” Barnam and Bailey deceptions that still linger in the imagination and draw attention, much as any cringe derivitive-“content” on modern social media or anything which seems to convince people of things they want to believe is true; as similarly, you will find many museums which would ultimately point out legitimate mesoamerican art acknowledge by a forger (Brigido Lara) to be their work, just as an art dealer (Han van Meegeren) convinced the world his forgeries were legitimate.

**What constitutes belief?**
When justifying belief in something we base our understanding of what we are familiar with or finding patterns in things that we analyze over time. . . People often resort to their immediate surroundings and are prone to primacy effect and again, confirmation biases with peer influence. . . People like to see what the people around them are thinking.

If someone is walking with their friend and witness their deceased father—they both run—is that hysteria?

If someone sees a dying relative who has given their last breath and in that moment notices a smoke-like wisp of illumination rise up from the body—and no mention until years later of it to the person who also witnessed it in the same room—is that hysteria?

Similarly, if recognizing a pattern in sound is that apophenia, or seeing a very distinct figure in a photograph, would that be pareidolia?

Did science itself overlook things because it didn’t know where to look, or did it only seek out what it was prompted to look for?
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Re: Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by Ferrus » Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:03 pm

Ex falso, quodlibet

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Re: Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by SomeInternetBloke » Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:38 pm

You should read Atheistic Humanism by Anton Flew, late Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Reading, England.
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Re: Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by SomeInternetBloke » Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:33 am

oops accidentally deleted those words but you've already responded so that's good.

edit: Ryan, how would you want reality to look like if you could modify it, from just the present onward?
Last edited by SomeInternetBloke on Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:48 am

SomeInternetBloke wrote:
Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:38 pm
You should read Atheistic Humanism by Anton Flew, late Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Reading, England.
SomeInternetBloke wrote:
Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:33 am
"Modernity is founded on the myth that morality is irrelevant in political, economic, and cultural spheres. Absent any moral impulse or guidance, the drones ramble on about rational functionality, as their society crumbles into decay." so like bruv check it. they replaced naturalism with determinism. then priorities shifted. now man is using tech obfuscate it's lineal origin. Meh. Brilliant obfuscation. Holy moly. Then there's the counter reformation. Also, go as far back to the original sources as possible. There's a lot of goofy ass fantasy authors who make buku bucks spinning bullshit like syncretism and such to cull revelations toward truer grasps of reality.
From the Amazon listing of the book:
"Antony Flew begins his comprehensive study with "Fundamentals of Unbelief", in which he argues that there is no good or sufficient natural reason to believe that the universe is created by a conscious, personal, willing, and doing Being; that such a Being has nevertheless provided his (or her or its) creatures with a Revelation; and that we should either hope or fear some future for ourselves after our deaths. "

"In the second part, "Defending Knowledge and Responsibility", Flew disposes of the perennial charge that a naturalistic world outlook presupposes values for which it cannot itself make room."

"He concludes by criticizing B.F.Skinner's "science" of behaviorism, arguing that the ability to make choices for which we can be held responsible is an essential and distinctive characteristic of human beings."


People's moral imperative is to benefit themselves which acclimates society to take advantage of things that are perceived to be "for the greater good." A society that perceives classism and status as imperative will gravitate towards exploiting the resources that amplify that, while conditioning society to tolerate the organizations that enable the society to perceive its benefit.

People project onto themselves an ubermensch mindset that rises above the detritus of social conformity; that individualism and not towing the populist appeal to modern consumerism, conditions people to become an outlier that isn't buying into the cultural appropriation of cultural identity.

People become their own guide through vicarious acceptance of an echo chamber in which anything that is not immediately apparent to one's cultural identity becomes anathema to the truth--that the only truth is one which supersedes the authority of individualism--indifferent to what is ultimately altruistic.

People become the arbiter of virtue through creating hysteria in the echoing decay of ennui towards societal collapse--of the individual identity--which must through virtue of group ubermensch identity, exist vicarious. Through paving the way for loss of self-identity, anyone that deviates from the norm becomes cancer that cannot be appropriated, in order for society to continue on its self-righteous ideology. In "fog of war" scenarios with the truth people accept an altruistic path of least resistance; it's akin to a religious fanatic who would lie and perpetuate a myth of the Bible or exploit the gullible audiences with a rouse of saving a village with donations, if that had some shred of truth to benefit themselves--though it is still perpetuating a myth that is geared towards social co-operation--in order to gravitate towards their own 'Ubermensch.'

Capitalism expects hysteria and exploits human psychology to "sell" the quackery of a panacea that cures all of society ails.
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Re: Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by SomeInternetBloke » Wed Aug 04, 2021 9:21 am

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"My favourite song from one of my favourite albums, Nena asking you to please, please let her be your pirate. So smooth and joyful, I have to listen to it three times if I listen once" - ashi

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Re: Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by MissBingo » Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:05 am

SomeInternetBloke wrote:
Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:33 am
"Modernity is founded on the myth that morality is irrelevant in political, economic, and cultural spheres. Absent any moral impulse or guidance, the drones ramble on about rational functionality, as their society crumbles into decay." so like bruv check it. they replaced naturalism with determinism. then priorities shifted. now man is using tech obfuscate it's lineal origin. Meh. Brilliant obfuscation. Holy moly. Then there's the counter reformation. Also, go as far back to the original sources as possible. There's a lot of goofy ass fantasy authors who make buku bucks spinning bullshit like syncretism and such to cull revelations toward truer grasps of reality.
I don't grasp the point you're making. Are you making an observation only? I read some disdain, but I'm not connecting exactly what it is that is bothering you.
From the Amazon listing of the book:
"Antony Flew begins his comprehensive study with "Fundamentals of Unbelief", in which he argues that there is no good or sufficient natural reason to believe that the universe is created by a conscious, personal, willing, and doing Being; that such a Being has nevertheless provided his (or her or its) creatures with a Revelation; and that we should either hope or fear some future for ourselves after our deaths. "
I'm sleepy, so I may be missing something. There's no reason to think that the Being created the universe, but that the Being was jerk enough to provide a Revelation to scare us.
"In the second part, "Defending Knowledge and Responsibility", Flew disposes of the perennial charge that a naturalistic world outlook presupposes values for which it cannot itself make room."

"He concludes by criticizing B.F.Skinner's "science" of behaviorism, arguing that the ability to make choices for which we can be held responsible is an essential and distinctive characteristic of human beings."
We make choices. Yes, with constraints. Responsibility is complicated: the tendency among people is to assume we all are presented with the same choices.

People's moral imperative is to benefit themselves which acclimates society to take advantage of things that are perceived to be "for the greater good." A society that perceives classism and status as imperative will gravitate towards exploiting the resources that amplify that, while conditioning society to tolerate the organizations that enable the society to perceive its benefit.
The thirteen U.S. soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan a few days ago lost their lives for nothing. A botched. clumsy withdrawal from Afghanistan was why they died. They were just unlucky. They will/are hailed as heroes because to face the fact that Biden's fuck up simply killed them is too hard to accept. They didn't die valiantly. They died doing routine checks. It's too sad to see how their lives weren't worth much to anybody except their loved ones.
People project onto themselves an ubermensch mindset that rises above the detritus of social conformity; that individualism and not towing the populist appeal to modern consumerism, conditions people to become an outlier that isn't buying into the cultural appropriation of cultural identity.
Individualism is all the rage!

People become their own guide through vicarious acceptance of an echo chamber in which anything that is not immediately apparent to one's cultural identity becomes anathema to the truth--that the only truth is one which supersedes the authority of individualism--indifferent to what is ultimately altruistic.
I think everyone see him/herself as individualistic (or wants to); in a crowd where individualism is prized, everyone is trying to be "the best." You did just that with this post. It's full of references to respected thinkers, and the language you use is unnecessarily academic. It only confused the reader and obfuscated your point. Right now, I am pointing out errors in your presentation rather than trying to understand your point. We are competing.

People become the arbiter of virtue through creating hysteria in the echoing decay of ennui towards societal collapse--of the individual identity--which must through virtue of group ubermensch identity, exist vicarious. Through paving the way for loss of self-identity, anyone that deviates from the norm becomes cancer that cannot be appropriated, in order for society to continue on its self-righteous ideology. In "fog of war" scenarios with the truth people accept an altruistic path of least resistance; it's akin to a religious fanatic who would lie and perpetuate a myth of the Bible or exploit the gullible audiences with a rouse of saving a village with donations, if that had some shred of truth to benefit themselves--though it is still perpetuating a myth that is geared towards social co-operation--in order to gravitate towards their own 'Ubermensch.'

Capitalism expects hysteria and exploits human psychology to "sell" the quackery of a panacea that cures all of society ails.
Do you think it's possible to resist the bullshit and be a good person?

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Re: Is humanity purposely disingenuous?

Post by SomeInternetBloke » Sun Sep 05, 2021 9:14 am

MissBingo wrote:
Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:05 am
SomeInternetBloke wrote:
Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:33 am
"Modernity is founded on the myth that morality is irrelevant in political, economic, and cultural spheres. Absent any moral impulse or guidance, the drones ramble on about rational functionality, as their society crumbles into decay." so like bruv check it. they replaced naturalism with determinism. then priorities shifted. now man is using tech obfuscate it's lineal origin. Meh. Brilliant obfuscation. Holy moly. Then there's the counter reformation. Also, go as far back to the original sources as possible. There's a lot of goofy ass fantasy authors who make buku bucks spinning bullshit like syncretism and such to cull revelations toward truer grasps of reality.
I don't grasp the point you're making. Are you making an observation only? I read some disdain, but I'm not connecting exactly what it is that is bothering you.
*dislodges fishing hook* Calm down, there, there. Nothing I've ever written is devoid of humor. No, some of it's a mockery of my own weaknesses and shortcomings and foibles and idiosyncrasies and handicap problems and tragic burdens that I proudly carry around like a yoke around my tired kneck. C'mon tell me what you really want to say... spit it out. Daddy ain't got all night. :popcorn:

Btw, I gave Eric Weinstein the April Fools day idea. Yes, I'm very lowkey, I know.
"My favourite song from one of my favourite albums, Nena asking you to please, please let her be your pirate. So smooth and joyful, I have to listen to it three times if I listen once" - ashi

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