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"Lying flat" in China - doing the minimum to survive (possibly homeless)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:27 am
by JohnClay
In China "lying flat" / lyingflatism means:
not working
not buying a house
not spending
not getting married
not having children
not pursuing any career
reducing personal desires
spending the minimum to survive

By young people who "refuse to be money making machines".

I guess this could get worse if there was "universal basic income". At the moment some of them work one or two months in a year....

On the other hand a lot of Chinese people have a "996" job (9am-9pm 6 days per week). Also "007" refers to 24 hour on call work, 7 days a week (0am - 0am).

Follow up video:

Says some also don't look for love

Talks about problems with traditional factories finding labor:

And an example of a person spending US$31 per month....

I guess this would be better for the environment....

Well I find marriage to be very important....

Re: "Lying flat" in China - doing the minimum to survive (possibly homeless)

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:07 am
by SomeInternetBloke
Good post.

Re: "Lying flat" in China - doing the minimum to survive (possibly homeless)

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 4:23 am
by HighlyIrregular
I saw a video about buildings in Manhattan where Chinese tenants all share a small place and one bathroom but the rent is extremely low. Some of the landlords of the buildings want them out. I was wondering if I would live there to save money, but when I saw how dirty the bathroom was I decided no. That was just one of the buildings though. It only takes one of the tenants to decide it's gross and to clean the bathroom and I assume there's such a tenant in some of the other buildings like that. I wouldn't risk it though.

Re: "Lying flat" in China - doing the minimum to survive (possibly homeless)

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:49 pm
by Yesterday
I'm laying flat and saving money.

Re: "Lying flat" in China - doing the minimum to survive (possibly homeless)

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:04 am
by Catoptric
A lot of this is the reason

It also reiterates Japan's Hikikomori trend.