Your Favorite Charity

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Your Favorite Charity

Post by JohnClay » Thu Feb 24, 2022 11:04 am
Many people stay needlessly blind because they live in poverty. In developing countries, blindness denies people education, independence and the ability to work – things which can break the poverty cycle. But all this can be changed with as little as $25.

Cataract treatment
In some developing countries, this is all it takes to restore someone’s sight and significantly change their future.

Eye technology
With this money, up to 20 intraocular lenses can be manufactured and used in sight restoring operations.

Surgeon training
$88 /m
over 18 months
This covers the training of a much needed trachoma surgeon in Ethiopia – giving back sight to tens of thousands.

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by starjots » Sun Feb 27, 2022 12:45 am

Heffer International
A state environmental action group

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by HighlyIrregular » Sat Mar 05, 2022 8:14 pm

I'm liking ones that curb population growth, in theory. Provide/promote condoms, etc. Planned parenthood maybe? I don't have a particular one. I'd like to start my own and I'm kind of working on the research phase of it. Because everything sucks, so I figure there should be fewer people who have to experience things.

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by JohnClay » Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:53 am

HighlyIrregular wrote:
Sat Mar 05, 2022 8:14 pm
I'm liking ones that curb population growth, in theory. Provide/promote condoms, etc. Planned parenthood maybe? I don't have a particular one. I'd like to start my own and I'm kind of working on the research phase of it. Because everything sucks, so I figure there should be fewer people who have to experience things.
There used to be a site at ("Zero Population Growth"). Now it redirects to:
one significant outcome of providing access to contraceptives is increased education rates for women and girls. And because higher levels of education afford more options for sustained employment and improved livelihoods, women with higher levels of education tend to have fewer and healthier children.

Perhaps the pill is better for family planning than condoms because women can have more control over it....

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by Yesterday » Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:20 am

My pockets!


*retroactively ties a memory string onto Jonclay's finger to avoid reintroductions and such*


Which reminds me of a joke. An ad is posted offering 1million cash for staying a full night in a local haunted mansion with the 1million cash. First, an Asian guy signs up. While fast asleep he's awakened by the rattle of sliding chains. The door to his guest room slams open to a horrifying ghost who whispers, "I'm the ghost of Able Gable, put the money on the table." The Asian guy politely bows in terror, then runs away. Next, a white guy signs up. The white guy falls asleep but only because of good sleep hygiene - no blue screens an hour before bedtime. The ghost bursts in and says "I'm the ghost of Able Gable, put the money on the table." The white guys texts his therapist for an emergency appointment then runs away. Lastly, a black guy signs up. He's a night owl and so doesn't go sleep when he hears the eerie sliding of chains and the ghostly howl from beyond the grave. The guest room door slams open and the ghost shouts, "I'm the ghost of Able Gable put the money on the table!!" The black guy pops up in his high heels, primps his fierce hairdo, sashays with at-ti-tude and says, *clapping* "Listen, I don't care if you the ghost of Davey Crockett, Ima put this money, uhuh *points at booty*, in my back pocket!".

The end

:rip: doa

"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by HighlyIrregular » Tue May 03, 2022 8:19 pm

I like lab grown meat companies. I don't care if they're not charities. I'm trying to get a job at one of them.

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by Senseye » Tue May 03, 2022 10:43 pm

I've always said: "I give through taxes!"

Sounds a bit trite, but lets face it, government funded social programs spend more than all other charities combined I would guess. And as a single salaried employee (i.e. next to no way to game the system) ,I paid more than most.

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by JohnClay » Tue May 03, 2022 10:44 pm

Yesterday wrote:
Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:20 am
My pockets!


*retroactively ties a memory string onto Jonclay's finger to avoid reintroductions and such*


Which reminds me of a joke. An ad is posted offering 1million cash for staying a full night in a local haunted mansion with the 1million cash. First, an Asian guy signs up. While fast asleep he's awakened by the rattle of sliding chains. The door to his guest room slams open to a horrifying ghost who whispers, "I'm the ghost of Able Gable, put the money on the table." The Asian guy politely bows in terror, then runs away. Next, a white guy signs up. The white guy falls asleep but only because of good sleep hygiene - no blue screens an hour before bedtime. The ghost bursts in and says "I'm the ghost of Able Gable, put the money on the table." The white guys texts his therapist for an emergency appointment then runs away. Lastly, a black guy signs up. He's a night owl and so doesn't go sleep when he hears the eerie sliding of chains and the ghostly howl from beyond the grave. The guest room door slams open and the ghost shouts, "I'm the ghost of Able Gable put the money on the table!!" The black guy pops up in his high heels, primps his fierce hairdo, sashays with at-ti-tude and says, *clapping* "Listen, I don't care if you the ghost of Davey Crockett, Ima put this money, uhuh *points at booty*, in my back pocket!".

The end

:rip: doa
Sorry I don't get it. Does it have something to do with prostitution? BTW I found a version of the joke that is similar but very different:

In that second version the guy who isn't the ghost is saying that they're the ghost of Davey Crockett..... (not talking about the other ghost)

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by Yesterday » Thu May 05, 2022 11:19 am

Not sure if you are being deliberately obtuse but the intended purpose of my Able Gable joke was to subvert its typical multi-ethnic variant, e.g. the old "an Asian, white, and black guy walk into a bar..." model, by making the black guy gay and sassy. All my jokes are about variance, subversion, etc. It's a less controversial form of humor than just mocking the fu** out of others at their expense. Because that doesn't feel good.

For example: hi Jon I was gonna say something - shit on you for keeping company with sex offenders. but then I found out you already shit on yourself. Heeeeres a photo *references thread*.

I apologize, (edited) I don't hate criminals infact my opinion about them tends to compete with most neuro-normatives I know BTW, but do you get the point now? I'm still unconvinced you aren't a construct pretending to be silly and un-selfaware... But that's what makes you mysterious and cool.

Also, I sometimes slightly mock being overly nice by being my pattern of being overly nice. I have chronic depression and my only mode of survival is to remain buoyed above the fray by a bias for optimism. Not denial, but choosing to not be surprised by the inevitability of disappointment etc. by relentlessly seeking to parse reality for its blessings in affliction. For which exists depending on the inclusion of a sovereign non-sociopathic version of God from the Hebraic interpretation of the Bible in one's life. A less woo-woo seeming variant is to just say I practice modifying my expectations to achieve optimal emotional equilibrium or some such.

*Gasps for air*

I care about you Jon - in a warmly detached kinda way- even though you too are an unusual specimen. :ph34r:

Also I use a ton of allusions and references because I'm a dork-a-saurus (edit: and let's be honest sometimes my writing is kinda sh*t). If something I say doesn't seem to apply (to context), let it fly (i.e. ignore it).

*super secret Black- Aussie handshake*


(Edited) "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:2" another way of saying if I wanna be forgiven for my mistakes, then I need to forgive others. Also, I got the voice acting idea from your role playing video with the little toys you did where you did funny voices. I can relate to how it marked development in your theory of mind or whatever. True story.

"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
- from my Ph.D. thesis in psychobabble

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Re: Your Favorite Charity

Post by JohnClay » Thu May 05, 2022 10:31 pm


I thought when you said it reminded you of a joke you'd tell the joke.... your version of it doesn't make a lot of sense. I mean who posted the ad about the $1 million? When the ghost says "put the money on the table" is he saying that the guys have to put $1 million on the table? The black guy says he's going to put $1 million in his back pocket - but $1 million wouldn't fit!
Normally the multi-ethnic jokes kind of fit with the stereotypes.
Yesterday wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 11:19 am
....I'm still unconvinced you aren't a construct pretending to be silly and un-selfaware... But that's what makes you mysterious and cool.
I like to be incredibly silly with my wife and call myself [first name] Silly-Pants [last name]. I have only become more self-aware recently. But sometimes I know I'd be seen in a bad light but don't really care.
....I have chronic depression and my only mode of survival is to remain buoyed above the fray by a bias for optimism.
I recommend the Uncommon Knowledge depression program and the book "Lost Connections"
I care about you Jon - in a warmly detached kinda way- even though you too are an unusual specimen. :ph34r:
At times I've been extremely detached.

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