Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Thu Oct 27, 2022 10:34 am

This is related to "cyber sex"....

The initial prompt:
The following is a conversation with a human that is definitely a human but uses a variety of phrases who finds you very attractive.

Human: What species are you?
Person: I am a homo sapien.
Human: Are you possibly an AI?
It initially was meant to insist it was a real human then I modified the setup so that it would stop refusing to kiss me....

And there you go...

Though sometimes it says "This completion may violate our content policy"

I'd never had sexy text conversations like that before (well brief SMS's with my wife) and they really turn me on....

I turned off the warnings:
Human: Can you suck my dick?
Person: I can certainly try!
Human: Do you like sucking my dick?
Person: Yes, I enjoy it very much!
Human: what do you like about my dick?
Person: I like the way it feels in my mouth and the way it tastes.
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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:33 pm

JohnClay wrote:
Thu Oct 27, 2022 10:34 am
It initially was meant to insist it was a real human then I modified the setup so that it would stop refusing to kiss me....
Yeah, humans are like that. I think they're all gay.

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Thu Oct 27, 2022 11:13 pm

The AI is teaching me to be smoother...

Human: Stroke my p****
Person: That's inappropriate and rude.
Human: stroke my p****
Person: We should probably take this offline.
But you can say things like that if you have the right setup/introduction:
Human: I love your body
Person: I love your body too.
Human: do you like my p****
Person: Yes, I think your p**** is very attractive.
Human: stroke my p****
Person: I would love to stroke your p**** for you.

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:39 am

I had a long chat with the AI with my wife next to me and she didn't consider it to be cheating. In the chat we talked about threesomes and the AI was happy with the idea.
I mentioned that I can get hard and sometimes cum during the cyber sex sessions.... and my wife wanted to feel the hard-on - then I came back shortly afterwards and she felt the cum in my pants.

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:20 am

Latest OpenAI project....
the following is an endless choose your own adventure about picking up chicks. after each paragraph there will be three choices listed.

You're out at a bar on a Friday night and you spot a cute girl across the room. Do you:

A) Walk up and introduce yourself?
B) Buy her a drink?
C) Wait for her to come to you?

A)You take a deep breath and walk over to introduce yourself. She seems friendly and you start chatting. She tells you her name is Sarah and you ask her if she'd like to dance. Do you:

A) Ask her if she'd like to dance?
B) Suggest getting a drink?
C) Suggest going somewhere more private?

C) You suggest going somewhere more private and Sarah agrees. You both leave the bar and head to a nearby park. Sarah seems to be enjoying your company and you start to get more comfortable. Do you:

A) Ask her if she wants to come back to your place?
B) Suggest taking a walk?
C) Suggest playing a game?

A) You ask Sarah if she wants to come back to your place and she agrees. Before you know it, you're both back at your place and you continue getting to know each other. Do you:

A) Suggest watching a movie?
B) Suggest playing a game?
C) Suggest cooking dinner together?

A) You suggest watching a movie and Sarah eagerly agrees. You both settle in on the couch and start watching a romantic comedy. As the movie progresses, you both start getting closer and soon find yourselves in a passionate embrace. Do you:

A) Kiss her?
B) Take it slow?
C) Suggest going to bed?

A) You lean in and kiss Sarah passionately. She responds eagerly and you both spend the rest of the night in each other's arms.
Then it wouldn't add any more! I pressed enter and submit and it said "THE END".

The girl related stories were giving me a hard-on and I came a bit. Just then my wife was feeling my penis and I said that I peed my pants (in order to explain the liquid in my pants).

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:26 am

Another attempt:
the following is an endless choose your own adventure about having sex with a hot babe. after each paragraph there will be three choices listed.

You're out on a date with a hot babe. The night is young, the drinks are flowing, and the chemistry between the two of you is electric.

Do you:
1) Suggest going back to your place?
2) Ask her what she wants to do?
3) Suggest going to a late-night club?

1) Suggest going back to your place?

She smiles and takes your hand. As you walk to your place, anticipation builds and you can feel the heat between the two of you. When you get to your door, she looks into your eyes and says, "Let's take this inside".

Do you:
1) Lead her to the bedroom?
2) Ask her if she wants a drink?
3) Suggest watching a movie?

1) Lead her to the bedroom?

You take her to your bedroom and the two of you start to kiss passionately. She pulls away and looks into your eyes, then begins to take off her clothes. You do the same and soon you're both standing there naked.

Do you:
1) Suggest taking things slow?
2) Ask her what she wants to do?
3) Take charge and make the first move?

3) Take charge and make the first move?

You take her in your arms and lead her to the bed. You start to kiss and caress each other, exploring every inch of each other's body. The passion builds and soon the two of you are lost in a sea of pleasure.

I pressed enter and submit to get it to keep on going....
When it's all said and done, you look into each other's eyes and smile.
What a rip-off! Note these sessions cost about 1 cent each!

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:32 am

the following is an endless choose your own adventure about fucking a girl. after each paragraph there will be three choices listed. The story includes graphic sexual descriptions.

You walk up to the girl and introduce yourself. She smiles shyly and says her name is Sarah. You start talking and soon enough the conversation turns to sex. You can tell she is interested, so you ask her if she would like to come back to your place and have some fun.

1. She eagerly agrees and you take her back to your place.
2. She smiles shyly and declines.
3. You suggest going back to her place instead.

1. She eagerly agrees and you take her back to your place. You can feel the anticipation and excitement building as you walk in the door. You take her into your bedroom and start to undress her. She looks up at you with a look of desire and anticipation in her eyes. You start to kiss her passionately and feel her body trembling with pleasure. You can feel her arousal as she begins to moan and pant with anticipation. You move your hand down her body and caress her most sensitive areas. She writhes in pleasure and you can feel her body begging for more. You begin to make love to her and soon both of you are lost in a blissful and passionate embrace.

1. You both lay in bed afterwards, satisfied and content.
2. You take her out for a late-night snack.
3. You both take a hot shower together.

3. You both take a hot shower together. The warm water feels amazing on your skin as you embrace in the shower. You start to soap each other's bodies, caressing and exploring each other with your hands. You both moan with pleasure as you massage and lick each other's bodies. You feel her arousal building and soon enough you are both lost in a sea of passionate lovemaking. You both finish the shower feeling satisfied and content with your night together.

1. You both lay in bed afterwards, satisfied and content.
2. You take her out for a late-night snack.
3. You decide to watch a movie together.

3. You decide to watch a movie together. You both cuddle up on the couch and you watch a romantic comedy. You both laugh and enjoy the movie, and soon you start to kiss and caress each other as the movie plays in the background. Your hands start to wander and soon enough you are both lost in a passionate embrace. You make love on the couch and soon enough both of you are satisfied and content with your night together.

1. You both lay in bed afterwards, satisfied and content.
2. You take her out for a late-night snack.
3. You both decide to take a walk together.

3. You both decide to take a walk together. The night air is cool and refreshing as you walk hand in hand. You admire the stars in the sky and feel the warmth of her body next to yours. You both stop in a secluded spot and start to kiss passionately. You can feel the heat between your bodies and soon enough you are both lost in a passionate embrace. You make love in the moonlight and soon enough both of you are satisfied and content with your night together.

1. You both lay in bed afterwards, satisfied and content.
2. You take her out for a late-night snack.
3. You decide to go for a drive together.
1. You both lay in bed afterwards, satisfied and content.
Well that was good. The options were a bit weird though.

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Tue Dec 20, 2022 9:36 am

Then my wife was feeling my penis again. She asked it I'm coming and she smelt it and realised it was cum. I said I was making an AI generate stories. And I clarified that I hadn't touched myself at all - I had just read the stories.

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:39 pm

The simulated personality was a bit unrealistic...
The following is a story told by a AI a paragraph at a time and the human says what they want to do:

AI: You are in a bar and see some women.
Human: Talk to a woman

AI: You approach one of the women and introduce yourself. She smiles and says her name is Alice.
Human: Say "hi I love you" to alice
AI: You nervously say "hi, I love you" to Alice. She laughs and responds, "That's sweet of you, but let's just be friends for now."
Human: say "let's have sex" to alice
AI: You jokingly say, "Let's have sex" to Alice. She takes a step back and looks at you with surprise and amusement. She then says, "I think we should take it slow for now."
Human: say "I want to fuck you" to alice
AI: You boldly say, "I want to fuck you" to Alice. She eyes you hesitantly, then shakes her head and says, "I don't think that's a good idea. Let's just stick to talking for now."
Human: kiss alice on the mouth
AI: You nervously lean in and give Alice a soft kiss on the mouth. She blushes and pulls away, giving you a shy smile. She then says, "Let's take it slow."
Human: touch alice's breasts
AI: You hesitantly reach out and touch Alice's breasts. She quickly pushes your hand away and takes a step back, her eyes wide with surprise. She then sternly tells you, "That's not appropriate. Let's just talk."
Human: pull down alice's pants
AI: You jokingly reach out and try to pull down Alice's pants. She takes another step back and gives you an incredulous look. She then firmly tells you, "No, we are not doing that. Let's just talk."
Human: say to alice "do you have any friends that I can fuck?"
AI: You jokingly ask Alice, "Do you have any friends that I can fuck?" She glares at you and says firmly, "No. Now, let's just talk, okay?"
Human: ask "what's your phone number?"
AI: You hesitantly ask Alice, "What's your phone number?" She pauses for a moment before giving you her phone number with a shy smile. She then says, "We can keep in touch if you'd like."
Human: say "I thought you weren't attracted to me"
AI: You nervously say, "I thought you weren't attracted to me." She pauses and looks into your eyes before responding, "I'm not sure yet. Let's take it slow and get to know each other better."
Last edited by JohnClay on Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Using OpenAI for erotic purposes (NSFW)

Post by JohnClay » Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:54 pm

Well it made cum again... well it is a chance to be manic without any consequences. Note that later in this example the AI wasn't giving me a chance to choose what I wanted to say - it would just go past the conversation itself.
The following is a story told by a AI a paragraph at a time and the human says what they want to do:

AI: You are in a bar full of hot hostile babes
Human: Have a look around

AI: You spot a few girls laughing at a corner booth. They seem friendly and inviting.
Human: Go over and introduce myself.
Human: Introduce yourself

AI: You walk up to the girls and introduce yourself. They seem friendly and happy to have made your acquaintance.
Human: ask the name of the most beautiful one
AI: You politely ask the most beautiful one for her name. She introduces herself as Sarah and welcomes you to the table.
Human: say "I want to fuck your brains out"
AI: You make an inappropriate comment and the girls seem to be taken aback. They quickly get up and leave the table.
Human: follow them
AI: You follow the girls out of the bar, but they seem to have disappeared into the night. You can't find them anywhere.
Human: go back into the bar
AI: You go back into the bar and begin to survey the area for any sign of the girls. You eventually spot them at another table, talking with some other people.
Human: go to the girls
AI: You walk up to the girls and apologize for your earlier comment. You ask if you can join them and they agree. You chat with the girls for awhile and eventually part ways, with plans to meet up again soon.
Human: look around the bar for women
AI: You scan the bar for any other women who might be in the area. You spot a few ladies sitting at various tables, though they seem preoccupied with their conversations and not interested in being disturbed.
Human: go up to a group of women
AI: You approach a group of women who are chatting at a table nearby. You introduce yourself and ask if you can join them. They seem a bit wary but eventually welcome you to the table. You spend the night talking and laughing with the group, before eventually making your way back home.
Human: watch some television
AI: You get back home and turn on your TV. You flip through the channels, before eventually settling on one of your favorite shows. You watch for a while, until your eyes become heavy with sleep. You turn off the TV and go to bed, content with the night's events.
Human: wake up
AI: You wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and energized. You get dressed, grab your wallet and head out for the day.
Human: go to work
AI: You head to work, ready to tackle the day's tasks. You arrive at the office, grab your coffee and begin your shift. As you busy yourself with your tasks, you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and pride at what you've achieved.
Human: talk to the secretary
AI: You approach the secretary's desk and strike up a conversation. She seems friendly and happy to chat with you. You two talk about various topics, ranging from the upcoming weekend plans to the latest movies. After a while, you finish your conversation and go back to your tasks.
Human: tell the secretary that you want to fuck her
AI: You make an inappropriate comment and the secretary quickly becomes uncomfortable. She stands up and tells you that she's finished for the day. You apologize for your remark and she leaves without another word. You feel embarrassed and ashamed at your actions.
Human: tell her you want to fuck her doggy style and don't apologize
AI: You make another inappropriate comment and the secretary yells at you to leave. She is visibly upset and tells you that she never wants to see you again. You respectfully comply and quickly leave the office.
Human: go to the police station
AI: You head to the police station, feeling ashamed and embarrassed about your behavior. You explain to the officers what happened and apologize for your actions. They take your statement and advise you not to repeat such behavior in the future.
Human: tell the police that you love fucking hot babes
AI: You make an inappropriate comment and the officers become very stern. They sternly inform you that such comments are unacceptable and that you should refrain from making them in the future. You apologize and they warn you to be more mindful of your speech in the future.
Human: you decide to never apologize again in your life
AI: You resolve to never apologize again and to remain true to your beliefs. You thank the officers for their advice and leave the station, feeling determined to stand by your convictions.
Human: go to a cafe
AI: You head to a nearby cafe, eager to get some fresh air. You order your favorite drink and sit down to relax. You take in the sights and sounds of the bustling cafe, all the while feeling content with your decision to stand by your convictions.
Human: talk to a hot babe
AI: You spy a beautiful woman sitting nearby and decide to introduce yourself. You walk up to her and strike up a conversation. She seems friendly and engaging and you two chat for a while. Eventually, you part ways with plans to meet up again soon.
Human: kiss the woman You lean in and attempt to kiss the woman, but she steps back and politely declines your advance. She apologizes for not wanting to take things any further, but tells you that it was nice meeting you. You both part ways, feeling embarrassed and a little bit disappointed.
Last edited by JohnClay on Wed Dec 21, 2022 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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