Things you can and can't do

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HighlyIrregular II
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Things you can and can't do

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Thu May 25, 2023 4:34 pm

I prefer my old "I'm better than you because..." thread but I'm being mature here.

I can still, barely, stand on my left leg and lift my knee straight up to put on my right sock, left arm to left of knee, right arm to right. Left sock is easier.

I can't touch my nose with my toe anymore, but a friend was able to do it without even using her hands to push her foot.

I can wiggle my ears at the same time and individually. I can wiggle my nostrils at the same time.

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Re: Things you can and can't do

Post by Yesterday » Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:07 am

I'm good at circus. I balance a broom on my mongoloid nose. Haha, ha. :clap:

"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
- from my Ph.D. thesis in psychobabble

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