What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Jul 27, 2022 7:11 pm

More (part 2 and article)

Criticism of Capitalism by G. A. Cohen, reflecting on Al Capp’s creature, the Shmoo
http://ditext.com/wordpress/category/bu ... -bullshit/

I've attempted this previous but the results never seem sufficient. Using a cell phone screen or a flat panel light source, the film can be photographed using a macro lens, but getting the right exposure level and even when done, the proper color can be an issue in settings (the new Gimp 2.10 has a tool option for developed film, but also color invert is a bit more nuanced.) This tutorial has an advanced video as well.

Biden is freeing the guy that was the inspiration for the Lords of War movie (Nicholas Cage)

The Notorious Mr. (Viktor) Bout
https://www.xumo.tv/free-movies/the-not ... 6LFH4MTS0X


I get the impression that the person that started this youtube channel 'The Paranormal Files (Official Channel)' has started to fake some of the content.
https://www.argusleader.com/story/opini ... 751158001/

I'm looking back over, 'DEMON Caught ON CAMERA @ DE SOTO HOTEL (Scariest Place in Texas) | THE PARANORMAL FILES' (which has some questionable bullshit. https://youtu.be/MKSkRf6jsSM ) because the hotel burned down within weeks of them filming there, and I pretty much just ignored the video (way too much propping the video up as if he knew it would be destroyed and possibly arson being committed, and the background of the building seems completely fabricated,) and at around the 2hr mark the part where he records what sounded like audible noise coming from within the building, after a few cuts in the video it sounds like a door closing and a girls voice when you listen with headphones, and I highly suspect they were starting to BS part of the way throughout because it was never explained what the heck was going on in the first half where a guy is going on about how haunted the place is and talking about people having images, nor showing any of their own evidence (which should have been shared along with the claimed injuries they received in one of the parts of the video.) Usually, people want to keep records of something which can be shown off to people, especially when it seems he was very observant of the history of the place.

I suspect that either they intended to hype up the location just prior to fire engulfing the main upper floors, or the video drew more attention to the place (such as, perhaps when they locked the outside perimeter--which should have been their damn responsibility to begin with--they might have had someone upset they couldn't get back in the building and so they throw something flamable inside?) You can see the upper floors missing in google maps, which you can see by going to the main street (which was photographed on the same month the fire happened.) https://goo.gl/maps/8VdxqkEAtHkbvSFk9

Reddit seems to mention them a lot (though believe he's more legit, which to some extent might be true, but when they start loudly commenting on things they claim to be hearing, it seems less interest is being made to actually document the phenomenon, especially when they start adding music or sound effects. . . They start putting "unexplained knocking" which could be anything and rarely is it audible in recording.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comment ... hat_arent/

The same could be suggested of 'haunted' hotels, and yet reading through the comments suggest maybe it's not just made up.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:14 pm

People seem to prefer “black and white” thinking and don’t want to consider that society is much more complicated. A movie called ‘Visioneers” somewhat explores the theme of escaping the programmed dystopian rat box our societies created, where conforming to misery and injustice is anathema to true happiness, where the pursuit of conformity to a dystopian landscape of enterprise and fake values is perceived as the highest honor, and the suppression of idiomatic mindsets unique to human society are somehow relegated to the landscapes of destroying the very thing that makes the human capacity for a “soul” of any real importance.

Perhaps inadvertently such pursuits can be escapism but it’s also ruled as though even questioning social norms isn’t an appropriate counterbalance to the enslavement of ideals and values.

https://sites.google.com/site/thefaceof ... -hellscape


Interview with Yeshe and Maurice Part 3 03212021 Discussion of Torus, Timelines, Aether, Microtubules and Consciousness.
https://www.academia.edu/video/jRnybj?e ... le&pls=RVP

This is a discussion based on aspects of the Torus, Timelines, Aether, and a higher Consciousness. includes in depth discussion on the Brain, Memory, Perception of Time on Consciousness.

Starting out: A man looks dumbfounded, a person looks to be out in the middle of the woods, and the person talking has the camera aiming at a bookshelf and TV of some dude on mute. . . WTF? (if it might not already come across that way from the topic.)


I recall a documentary where a musician connected to Courtney Love had bragged about killing Kurt Cobain and said that he would never be charged with it. This is one of the better documentaries (but he doesn't seem to delve into that one musician, however, he does suggest evidence for someone clearly drugging Kurt which would have incapacitated him enough to where he couldn't have pulled the trigger or coordinated himself, and the shell casing was found on the opposite side of where it would have come out of the shotgun (though perhaps it could have been blocked by the hand and bounced over to there?)

Kurt Cobain File Released by FBI 27 Years After His Death
https://www.nbcchicago.com/entertainmen ... h/2506248/

Quite a bit of evidence clearly suggests that Courtney was behind it and had many people recorded with highly suggestive complicity. He ignored Courtney's phone calls and she routinely lied or mislead the investigation.

A 1979 recorded punk rock documentary

It comes in 3 parts, with additional videos added to this playlist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0GFOUP ... hannel=FHS

You Weren't There (Full Punk Documentary https://youtu.be/Af5Kjgs8BI4

It seems from the two documentaries that it's either really divided between extreme neo-nazi and anti-homo, or extreme homo (such as the last video.)

How L.A. Punks of the ’80s and ’90s Kept Neo-Nazis Out of Their Scene
https://www.lamag.com/culturefiles/l-pu ... zis-scene/

The punk rock scene emerged at a time of uncertainty in the economy, which sounds very similar to today.


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:25 am

That guy is now on Gaia (so he must be a big-time BS artist) and has been promoting evident fakes and claiming they are 14,500 years old depictions of aliens which were all found together. . .

https://www.facebook.com/HigherPerspect ... 13586846/
Museums have been known to show off artifacts claimed to be Mayan or some rarer culture which are known to be modern fakes (not even alien-related) so if even that artist confronts the museums, it takes an act of god to admit to the blunder.


People allow themselves to be used by those with "evil" intent because they have gone their entire life not questioning it, and not realizing that the only reason humanity even exists on this planet, is because everyone is self-serving (even those who think they are altruistic.)

The illusion of doing good cannot ignore the underlying presumption, that not doing good would not be self-serving.

Most are not even aware of the inherent flaws in perpetuating self-serving agendas, much as the Evergrande Real Estate market was propped up by a giant Ponzi scheme of creating buildings that would end up being demolished after 20 years because they could never complete the projects, while also having loose regulations due to bribing (much as lobbyist for big companies pay into Washington D.C..)

Neither should places like Mumbai have landlords destroy slums to make way for new properties while promising a family of a dozen that they would provide them with new accommodations the size of a small room (while expropriating the funds intended to benefit them for grafting, which one person did.) The same thing which 'elect' pretend by handing out cash to people, which is the very money they took from them in the first place.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Money and resources could have gone to better use besides artificially inflating an economy 70% dependent on real estate wealth, which in turn brought much charismatic enthusiasm for the big dream to serve society, or the illusion of "progress."

And then people wonder why major trends on social motivation end up floundering due to no desired outcome that isn't based on a lie, and all who would follow along with it then believe they are vindicated because they drank the kool-aid (or took the blue pill of trusting their own confirmation bias,) without realizing the impetus was based entirely on misguided belief (such as Mao killing off the sparrow bird population because he believed they were eating all the grain for harvest, when in fact they were also the main predator of insects that destroyed the harvest,) and in turn brought starvation, which likely amounted to more deaths than the holocaust and WW2 combined.

Assuming that "good" is good, and "bad" doesn't pretend to be good, is not always how society actually functions. Their are of course people that have absolutely no remorse for any actions, nor do they hold themselves accountable, and humanity's desire to see people as expendable and either a beneficial resource or a liability to self-interest is not entirely apparent. One argument is that Mother Teresa was not altruistic if her actions were purely with the intent of making it to heaven (all the while neglecting the healthcare she claimed to provide to the poor people, and demanding they be proselytized.)

Inside The Little-Known Dark Side Of Mother Teresa

https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/docu ... the-camps/
Last edited by Catoptric on Tue Aug 02, 2022 4:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Aug 01, 2022 12:39 am

They missed one

Paddington turned the prison into a bunch of gay dudes.

Start at 27:25 to summarize what Rael is all about. . .



1996 documentary Shtetl (meaning: a small Jewish town or village in eastern Europe.)

More info (a review): https://almondemotion.com/2018/04/07/shtetl/

Similar to Shoah (meaning Holocaust) 1985 documentary from a prior decade.

The foundation is still active which had interviewed people throughout the years.

The person who did Shtetl https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marian_Marzy%C5%84ski

more video shorts- https://vimeo.com/129697814

An entire series, 'Never Forget to Lie,' was produced by him.

https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/docu ... the-camps/
Last edited by Catoptric on Tue Aug 02, 2022 4:09 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by jyng1 » Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:11 am

Comm Games... anyone else watching? Finished the indoor cycling and up to the ball bouncing...

The cyclists recovered from Olivia Podmore's suicide last year and have turned themselves around and built a really solid team culture. Finished at the top of the medal table.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Aug 03, 2022 1:39 am

I've never seen so many CRT computer monitors in a recent video. . . but apparently it's not as recent as I thought, and goes by, 'Love & Terror on the Howling Plains of Nowhere' (2014)

History of examining ancient Roman scrolls

Wings of Hope (1998)


Last edited by Catoptric on Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by jyng1 » Wed Aug 03, 2022 10:43 am

jyng1 wrote:
Tue Aug 02, 2022 8:11 am
Comm Games... anyone else watching? Finished the indoor cycling and up to the ball bouncing...

The cyclists recovered from Olivia Podmore's suicide last year and have turned themselves around and built a really solid team culture. Finished at the top of the medal table.
Watching the mtn biking. Anton Cooper had to drop out with covid so never started but Sam Gaze is currently leading.

I was riding the Heaphy and stayed a night with Anton Cooper in one of the huts. Anton and a couple of girls from Lincoln Uni left the hut in the morning, rode down to the end of the track which was a 900 metre drop then turned around rode back up and then rode the 80 km out to the other end of the track... all single track.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:02 am

The shopping mall was destroyed by Putin.

Another interesting place with full 360 degree images

Both show no activity after 5 months, which is not atypical for most of Ukraine, even when it's possible for people to update the status of what's going on.


Odd cow/baal worship at Commonwealth Games (similar weirdness as the olympics.)
https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=9371151 ... ef=sharing
- full video https://rumble.com/v1ej147-full-satanic ... LXEUc7A0Cw

The Disturbing (and Deeply Irritating) Globalist Agendas in the James Bond Movie “No Time to Die”
https://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv ... me-to-die/


A fake "found footage" documentary establishing liminal space to keep you manipulated into believing it (you can probably tell looking at it.)

An interrogation of two men who didn't know they were recorded, suggested that they weren't hoaxing when the police chief left the room.

Calvin Parker and Charles Hickman in Pascagoula (audio discussion) about an alleged abduction.
https://mississippimoments.org/msm-459- ... -abduction

Complete BS obviously (abducted by aliens with carrot-like faces and lobster-claw hands???)


https://www.webmd.com/bipolar-disorder/ ... r-disorder

Iron road (predating silk trade) documentary
https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/onde ... 202208-001
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:40 am

Posting some 2017 notes from my phone (using Samsung Dex and a wireless keyboard with a built-in mouse cursor)

Geoengineering the end of life

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that, despite global side effects and long-term consequences, geoengineering techniques involving solar radiation management (SRM) should be maintained:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/solar-radi ... ls/5356632

Rationality versus Intelligence
https://www.project-syndicate.org/comme ... telligence


Hunter for Amiga (1991) is one of the earliest 3d games.


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Yesterday » Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:01 am

Catoptric wrote:
Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:40 am
Posting some 2017 notes from my phone (using Samsung Dex and a wireless keyboard with a built-in mouse cursor)

Geoengineering the end of life

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that, despite global side effects and long-term consequences, geoengineering techniques involving solar radiation management (SRM) should be maintained:
http://www.globalresearch.ca/solar-radi ... ls/5356632

Rationality versus Intelligence
https://www.project-syndicate.org/comme ... telligence


Hunter for Amiga (1991) is one of the earliest 3d games.


Oh for God sake quit drooling all over yourself. This entire website is a psyop. *Perpetual robot laughter* Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. etc. :lol:

"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
- from my Ph.D. thesis in psychobabble

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