What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by JohnClay » Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:43 pm

Catoptric wrote:
Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:06 pm
Reading the comments in this link, I also noticed how similar The Holy Mountain was to Zardoz, and thought about it (though Zardoz doesn't age as well.)
It just occurred to me that John Boorman directed Excalibur, Zardoz, and Deliverance. . . Some of my favorite films (and I need to check out Point Blank.)
Excalibur is awesome. I enjoyed Zardoz but I think it is a bit amateur/tacky compared to Excalibur. I think The Holy Mountain and Zardoz both have some humour and are a bit weird but Zardoz has a somewhat straight-forward plot.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Nov 20, 2022 11:12 pm

Cain slew able because he wouldn't give him his "crops? I'm going to have to consult with the machine elves on that one. . .

Angels We Have Heard While High / Religion scholar Huston Smith looks at drug use and spiritual experiences
https://www.sfgate.com/books/article/An ... 724391.php

Guitar sounds through various objects

Early medieval world playlist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k3e4ql ... zQJ5rVOiyM

Last edited by Catoptric on Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Yesterday » Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:50 am

Vids series is cool.

(Final edit)

Tangentially, not an un-fan. of C.L. and not saying his name means I'll be less likely to directly hurt his feelings for calling out his latest post on a Patreon account for what it is, a grift. He has this post promulgating a movement to preserve the shrinking Caucasian gene pool from total eradication using various mitigation strategies. One of these is selective breeding and is linked to White Supremacist ideology or whatever. Not dissimilarly controversial is his old Errol Morris interview where he discusses anti dysgenics which is effectively selective weeding of psych pathologies from the gene pool. He looks white but I'm certain he is fractionally Native American or whatever given his reservation life early on. Btw, pretty sure there's a correspondence between the CTMU and Native American religion which most think are of polytheistic bent but they were originally monotheistic and his CTMU is basically a revived form of that. It differs from the Christian Bible form by making allowances for extra Biblical things he takes as prima facie via encounters with phenomena that defy current physics like e.g. astral projection, talking dead people, etc.C. L. is a Native American alternative information agent if I've ever seen one. He's a neat guy tbh but the woo-woo is often in high gear. Anyway, glad I could enlighten you with some nonsense. I'll leave sorting out which bits are and/or aren't to personal revelation or shall we just call it all the Great Mystery.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Nov 23, 2022 11:08 am

Yesterday wrote:
Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:50 am
He looks white but I'm certain he is fractionally Native American or whatever given his reservation life early on. Btw, pretty sure there's a correspondence between the CTMU and Native American religion which most think are of polytheistic bent but they were originally monotheistic and his CTMU is basically a revived form of that. It differs from the Christian Bible form by making allowances for extra Biblical things he takes as prima facie via encounters with phenomena that defy current physics like e.g. astral projection, talking dead people, etc.C. L. is a Native American alternative information agent if I've ever seen one. He's a neat guy tbh but the woo-woo is often in high gear. Anyway, glad I could enlighten you with some nonsense. I'll leave sorting out which bits are and/or aren't to personal revelation or shall we just call it all the Great Mystery.
He kind of reminds me of Dr. Stephen Greer (who is sort of a new-age cult leader who proudly references being part Native,) and never comes across as not just using other people for his own benefit, though strangely Chris Langan comes across as much more decent when he was interviewed on Curt Jaimungal's podcast (Greer was a complete asshole.)

People are comparing Langan's CTMU to Fichtean idealism (originator of the dialectical method, or originator of thesis–antithesis–synthesis) who incidentally may have influenced German nationalism. . .


A lot of CTMU does make me think of pantheism, which might actually be more central to what ancient religions talked about prior to the exploitation by Constantine (who incidentally was more of a solar worshipper, just as King Henry VIII remained a Catholic his entire life despite practically outlawing the practice; so too were people unsure of the direction of religion other than to use it to their own agendas.)

Maybe they are secretly conspiring to reunite all Native Americans and denounce any others who don't have native bloodlines, with the intent of creating an Atlantis Utopean mythology claim, so that they can create the new master race?
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:05 pm

1 Chronicles 20:6
"And yet again there was war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, whose fingers and toes were four and twenty, six on each hand, and six on each foot and he also was the son of the giant."

Hereditary Gigantism-the biblical giant Goliath and his brothers

Or Nephilim. . . of course. . .

It is kind of weird though because this guy is considered to be described that way as well.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%CA%BCin ... A%BC_Pakal

Personally, I believe the Mayan access to beans gives credence to the invention of a fart rocket.
https://www.ancient-origins.net/history ... at-0014235

The art depictions don't show 6 digits, but I do recall seeing a reference to it; however, it does seem to show him as having a larger presence in the art--though that might just be an embellishment of his importance--and very evident "club foot which would suggest a similar autosomal dominant condition like acromegaly. Apparently, his son had 6-digit hands and toes (suggesting a very narrow gene pool, similar to Akhenaten?)

Physician unravels cause of deformities of famous Punch character
https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-ge ... ter-004527


Video of Walmart employees outside of a Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia (1521 Sam's Cir, Chesapeake, VA 23320) after a shooting which currently has 7 people die from it. Apparently the Manager of the night targeted employees while they were in the break room coming off from the break, and he intended to kill all of the employees. . .

Seems the personality tests when taking a job there didn't vet them appropriately. . .

https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/us-n ... b4595.html
https://www.ibtimes.sg/andre-bing-drama ... ents-67847

This is also one reason why they shouldn't leave such stores closed at night because this kind of crap has a much higher chance of happening, where people think they can get away from it (though usually something like this results in suicide.) I knew a Manager that kind of reminds me of him, and Walmart takes advantage of those who have screws lose, with neurotic habits, even if they probably have a negative impact on the store itself (Walmart stores are becoming a shit hole due to less standards, and perhaps they always have been, but the cultural impact on stores have turned for the worse.) I was just watching the documentary, 'The Divide' and it shows a Walmart employee who started noticing this.

The 31st mass shooting of November 2022? Seems that doesn't include the stabbing done by Jack DuCoeur.

Died Suddenly - Covid Vaccine documentary (with a biased slant of course.)



Much of the movie doesn't do due diligence (a basketball player featured as collapsing due to vaccination collapsed prior to Covid-19 vaccines even existing/known, and didn't die) though I haven't yet noticed where in the video it's mentioned.
- https://www.indy100.com/viral/died-sudd ... tew-peters

A lot of confirmation bias and people associating phenomenology with causes they attribute to vaccines might just be symptoms of covid itself (or probably not even connected, yet is being proposed as being connected to it,) yet people will still question which is the lesser of two evils. I do suggest watching the full documentary, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that what they were revealing was known aspects of symptoms involving blood is just badly researched, and yet it does seem to be very evidently a recent phenomenon people are connecting to this particular virus itself (which may in fact be an accidentally released bioweapon which is being presented in the documentary as being a depopulation agenda.)

https://www.techarp.com/facts/died-sudd ... x-exposed/

The documentary is still pretty shocking and people will assume it's not a valid argument to be skeptical of what science is confronting, because it is a very corrupt industry.

45 minutes has many of the more surprising claims, and it's pretty evident people have been lied to about vaccine safety.


I was looking for the newer one. . .
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:46 am

Because the internet has bad bandwidth I'll have to come back to this, though am watching Seven Samurai (DVD Criterion)

I've actually been downloading Red Dead Redemption II, which I've passed on because I didn't want to spend $20 for it, and never wanted to buy a Playstation (plus it had issues at launch,) and now that has passed. Most of the videos I had seen didn't seem compelling, though I figured it was a game I would need to actually play at full resolution, etc to enjoy.

Magnificent Seven (1960)

I'll try to look into some of these films


Perhaps not the best insight, though it is something I've been studying.

Consciousness of a human. Why consciousness is not the brain?
https://allatra.ca/consciousness-of-man ... the-brain/

Seems this is the background of the group. . .

Download. . . If you dare.

The actual organization seems to be trying to rebrand itself, and they seem to be using digital manipulation of videos to demonstrate a reptilian conspiracy. . .?

https://creativesociety.com/news/igor-m ... ve-society


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Nov 27, 2022 2:31 am

One of the better presentations on the subject (posted 3 days ago)

Ultimate incel simulator.

Tom Cruise cares

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:35 am

I was looking for The Outsiders (1983) Francis Coppola movie because I can't remember anything distinct about it (it's a very forgettable movie for some reason.)

A museum was made of the filming location

The book it was based on:
https://archive.org/details/theoutsider ... 1/mode/2up

Probably easier just reading that.


I was a bit surprised by the number of submarines lost in WW2 (most of which have never been recovered)

'Lost 52' - Submarine recovery project

USS Grayback
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/wor ... 563126001/

USS Stickleback (which struck the USS Silverstein ship in 1958 while making an emergency ascent https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Silve ... k_(SS-415) )
https://maritime-executive.com/article/ ... back-found

S-28 (Sinking as a result of motor overheating/malfunction during a training exercise)

I'm not even sure how I started looking at these submarines, but I was reading up on the Japanese royal family.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Yesterday » Fri Dec 02, 2022 5:31 am

Very important video about tallness.

"She has BIG powerful legs. Wow. Wow."

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Yesterday » Fri Dec 02, 2022 5:44 am

More tall girls for you to see. Come and see.

"Amazing, truly truly amazing."
"She has lifted him like a baby and now she is riding a cycle."

"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
- from my Ph.D. thesis in psychobabble

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