Run-up to WW3

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by puerile_polyp » Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:50 pm

@Dot still pointedly ignoring the fact that the Ukrainian parliament recently tweeted in support of Bandera.

I guess you're just floundering now and hoping for me to get tired of repeatedly highlighting the proof of your lies.

Sure, it's hyperbole for me to make Nazi links to the regime that is openly praising Nazis and fielding a militia that openly displays Nazi symbols.

Keep licking the boots of fascists and trying to portray yourself as a victim in this. I have lost all respect for you. You can call me a liar but you can't point to one thing I've lied about. I can put the proof of your lies right in front of your face and you'll refuse to acknowledge it.

In other news, here's Zelensky talking about what this war is really about:

"It is already clear that this will be the largest economic project of our time in Europe. It is obvious that American business can become the locomotive that will once again push forward global economic growth.

We have already managed to attract attention and have cooperation with such giants of the international financial and investment world as Black Rock, J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Such American brands as Starlink or Westinghouse have already become part of our, Ukrainian, way. Your brilliant defense systems – such as HIMARS or Bradleys – are already uniting our history of freedom with your enterprises. We are waiting for Patriots. We are looking closely at Abrams.

Thousands of such examples are possible!

And everyone can become a big business by working with Ukraine. In all sectors – from weapons and defense to construction, from communications to agriculture, from transport to IT, from banks to medicine."

Also - Top NATO official says Alliance ready for direct confrontation with Russia

"Bauer said that NATO countries ought to gear civilian industrial production to the needs of the military and expressed his support for the idea of a "war economy in peacetime"."

Whistling past the graveyard towards annihilation, solely for the benefit of war profiteers.

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Dot » Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:00 am

puerile_polyp wrote:
Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:50 pm
@Dot still pointedly ignoring the fact that the Ukrainian parliament recently tweeted in support of Bandera.
Do you expect a prize from me every time you say something that isn't completely fabricated?

I also didn't quote lots of the other facts you've tossed out in the midst of your sea of misinformation. I'm focused on addressing the questionable and the overtly false claims, of which there are many.

Calling a country a Nazi regime requires a high burden of evidence that you come nowhere close to meeting. If you could've met it, you wouldn't have needed to add the sea of misinformation on top of your fun facts.
In other news, here's Zelensky talking about what this war is really about
It should be obvious to any observer who isn't antisemitic that Zelenskyy would find it crucial to fully cooperate with the US despite its predatory financial behavior because it's the only way to survive (seeing as Putin launched multiple assassination attempts against him) and protect citizens against the atrocities pursued by Russia's genocidal forces.

But I'd like to see you keep going with your American bank theory of 'what the war is really about'. If you had the courage to say it a little more directly you'd be fully in Sinny territory.

What this war is really about: Putin made up fake claims of genocide and Nazis and used those as grounds to invade Ukraine because he thought it would be an easy land grab that would shore up his image of strength.
Keep licking the boots of fascists and trying to portray yourself as a victim in this.
I thought you were just randomly saying stuff but I finally looked back due to confusion and it's funnier than that...

"It's been a record-breaking warm winter which is lucky for all those people in places like Slovakia and Czech where it's either Russian gas or firewood ...[next post]And it's not you that would be freezing to death, I'm sure you have no worries about that. It's the poor people in those countries I mentioned, the ones who suffered the most in previous times when the Russian gas was cut off."

I live in the Czech Republic so technically I am one of your designated "poor people" (though I certainly don't see myself that way). I was also here the last several times Russia cut off gas to Europe too, and likewise didn't require your special status badge.

I assumed before that you were being sarcastic and knew I live here since I've mentioned it several times in this thread. Now I gather the impression you're not actually reading my posts, just spiraling into projections and flights of imagination.
I have lost all respect for you.
You can call me a liar but you can't point to one thing I've lied about.
-Lie 1, Ukraine is a Nazi regime & Zelenskyy is a Nazi. In reality, Zelenskyy proudly talked about his Jewish grandfather fighting on the side of the Soviets against the Nazis and once wrote, on the Day of Victory over Nazism, “[it is our] Thanksgiving for the fact that the inhumane Nazi ideology is in the past. Thanksgiving to those who fought and defeated Nazism."
But I'm sure you will never admit to this particularly awful lie so I'll just link to a few articles that further document how beyond the pale and false these claims are. Here is a list of your other lies:
-Ukraine is committing cultural genocide
-Ukraine tried to eradicate the Russian language within its territory
-Most of the Ukrainian population doesn't actually want to live in Ukraine but they're trapped by fascists in Kyiv
-...modified to half of the Ukrainian population is banned from leaving the country (also false)
-...modified to "ALL" Ukrainian men 18 - 60 are banned from leaving the country (also false)
-probably others because your posts are so dense with misinformation and I might have missed some

I think saying you've had a 50% truthfulness rate would be generous. The fact is that you don't actually care about victims of this war or else you would have taken 5 seconds to check your claims or admit to being completely fucking misinformed rather than soothe your ego by digging in deeper. I also know that if you asked any Ukrainian refugee for clarity on any of these matters, the odds are very good that they would answer the same as I have. But will you do that? No, of course not - you only care about feeling better about yourself and apparently spreading misinformation serves that purpose. I could say worse things about you but I suspect you're self-aware or else you wouldn't be lashing out from shame.

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by puerile_polyp » Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:39 pm

Dot wrote:
Mon Jan 30, 2023 7:00 am
Do you expect a prize from me every time you say something that isn't completely fabricated?
I expect someone arguing in good faith to acknowledge something so relevant, when my entire argument is that the country praises Nazis and yours is to tell me that's antisemitic Russian propaganda.
Calling a country a Nazi regime requires a high burden of evidence that you come nowhere close to meeting. If you could've met it, you wouldn't have needed to add the sea of misinformation on top of your fun facts.
The only people using the term "Nazi regime" have been you and Senseye. I did not post those words.

Here's what I've said about Nazis:

"according to Ukrainian officials, Nazis were heroes"

"You're ... simping for literal Nazis" (referring to Bandera and his organization, the actions of which you tried to downplay and apologize for)

I called Zelensky a "Nazi sympathizer". (you have insisted that Zelensky doesn't support Bandera when he's right there praising him in clear language)

"I'm saying that the tyrants in charge in Kyiv are Nazi sympathizers if not outright fascists."

That's what I've actually and it's well-documented facts. Do you want to be pedantic and insist that Bandera wasn't a Nazi? I'm waiting for you to defend him further.
It should be obvious to any observer who isn't antisemitic that Zelenskyy would find it crucial to fully cooperate with the US despite its predatory financial behavior because it's the only way to survive (seeing as Putin launched multiple assassination attempts against him) and protect citizens against the atrocities pursued by Russia's genocidal forces.

But I'd like to see you keep going with your American bank theory of 'what the war is really about'. If you had the courage to say it a little more directly you'd be fully in Sinny territory.
So I'm antisemitic again now, this time for calling out the Military Industrial Complex and blatant war profiteering. While you sit there and apologize for an actual Nazi who wanted to exterminate Jews. Brilliant.

For your talk of the "burden of evidence" for what I'm saying, what's your standard of evidence to claim that I'm antisemitic? It's enough for me to criticize someone who happens to be Jewish?

What seems antisemitic to me is the assumption that any criticism of the MIC, or of these large multinational investment corporations, is really about Jews. But I don't think you're dumb enough to actually believe this, I think you're cynically arguing in bad faith, just trying to put words in my mouth and paint me as a villain so you don't have to engage with what I've actually said, and what they themselves are saying. First it was Russian propaganda, now it's all conspiracy theories about Jews. All because you don't want to acknowledge that this is a proxy war pushed by war profiteers and propping up a corrupt and oppressive government at the expense of poor people living in the region... yet another in a long line of them.
I live in the Czech Republic so technically I am one of your designated "poor people" (though I certainly don't see myself that way). I was also here the last several times Russia cut off gas to Europe too, and likewise didn't require your special status badge.
Are you a poor person? Have you worried about how you'll stay warm this winter and have you depended on Russian gas? I really didn't get that impression from you indicating very early in this that you weren't worried about it, and didn't think it could possibly be a humanitarian crisis for the gas to be cut off.

When the gas was shut off in 2009, it was widely considered a crisis and I had thought that Czech was one those heavily affected, since they get so much of their gas from Russia. However, looking into it more I see that they were able to switch to importing a lot from Norway and Germany and the impact was low. It seems that the worst-affected were actually Bulgaria, Slovakia, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

And for what it's worth, I would never wish for you to freeze to death. I might wish that you were forced to live in Ukraine since that seems a just reward for defending the government there and supporting continued war escalation. In a just world, wars would be fought by and affect only the people who want them to happen... and ALL such people.
-Lie 1, Ukraine is a Nazi regime & Zelenskyy is a Nazi
Words I never said that you're attempting to put in my mouth.
-Ukraine is committing cultural genocide
-Ukraine tried to eradicate the Russian language within its territory
What I said: ""decommunization" is a euphemism for this long campaign to eradicate the Russian language and culture from this region. It refers also to banning Russian literature and music, banning the speaking of the Russian language in schools, banning Russian religious organizations..."

I posted sources about all of this, and all you seem to say is "that's terrible but you're being hyperbolic".

Fine, perhaps "eradicate" is hyperbole. However, all of the specific examples I've provided of ways in which Ukraine is attacking Russian language and culture and trying to reduce or eliminate them from public life are well-documented facts, and easily meet the definition of "cultural genocide"
-Most of the Ukrainian population doesn't actually want to live in Ukraine but they're trapped by fascists in Kyiv
-...modified to half of the Ukrainian population is banned from leaving the country (also false)
-...modified to "ALL" Ukrainian men 18 - 60 are banned from leaving the country (also false)
It is a fact that practically all men 18-60 are banned from leaving the country. It is an inference that this doesn't only affect those individuals but also their families. I also provided a poll showing that the majority of Ukrainians don't support this law.

You've tried to equate this to arresting people for draft evasion when it's clearly much different because it affects such a huge part of the civilian population. This isn't some fringe view, read the opinions of experts from Western humanitarian orgs which I've posted.

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:21 pm

Colonel Douglas MacGregor interview.

Skip through about 35 minutes and do 1.5-2x speed.

It's also worth mentioning that Taiwan makes the vast majority of all silicon chips, and China relies on US design and technology to make use of it (hence when they launched a supersonic missile test that was strategic to go under the radar, it relied on that technology from Taiwan.) The Nancy Pelosi visit clearly had something to do with their technology infrastructure.

Russian-Iranian Axis: Biden Administration Missing in Action? ... anian-axis

A lot of really weird stuff with Ukraine and Russia (and I recall a documentary covering Ukraine's response to Donbas, which they describe here as genocidal; and apparently Ukraine on the day of the Russia assault were ordered to burn a bunch of documents connected to Meta Biota biolabs which had some connection to studying bat coronavirus(???,) which are shown at the end of the video being shown by unassuming news Journalists recording a bonfire of documents.) ... e-out.html

Threat Of Chinese ‘Acquisition’ Of US Nuclear Tech Worries Washington As The World Moves Towards ‘Third Nuclear Age’ ... ashington/
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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Dot » Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:10 am ... s-criminal

The article begins with the story of an activist imprisoned for promoting the Ukrainian language and then it broadens into an interesting discussion of historical revisionism in Russian museums:

"After the destruction of the festival, there was a struggle for the museum. The administration of the governor decided to make it entirely state-run.

In May 2014, the Perm region’s culture minister dismissed the museum’s interim director, who had taken Shmyrov’s place while he underwent heart surgery. After coming home from the hospital, “I found that we no longer had a museum,” Shmyrov recalled...

Changes were made in exhibits. Some were hidden from visitors or altered; a display about Ukrainian prisoners, for example, was changed to accuse them of sympathizing with ultra-right-wing Banderites. There was even some discussion of a display honoring the “effectiveness” of the camp staff, though this has not been done so far. The group Memorial was designated by the government as a “foreign agent,” ending its involvement in the project."

A few of the journalists from meduza I follow on social media can get a bit too "both sides"-y, but over the last month or so that I've been reading their stuff I've found it to consistently be a prolific, thorough, and thoughtful source.

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Thu Feb 02, 2023 10:10 pm

500,000 Russian troops planned for deployment?

CBS News: Suspected Chinese spy balloon spotted over U.S. skies, Pentagon says. ... 023-02-02/

99 Luftballons? ... on-lyrics/


A Balloon Is Spying on the U.S. From the Sky. Here’s Why China May Be Using Old-Fashioned Surveillance Technology When Satellites Exist
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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by puerile_polyp » Sat Feb 04, 2023 8:52 pm

Germany is sending tanks to Ukraine...

88 Leopard 1 tanks, and 14 Leopard 2 tanks

You can't make this shit up

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Dot » Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:31 pm

(a long thread)

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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by Catoptric » Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:12 pm

Russians training with a bear.

Russians running themselves over with a tank.
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Re: Run-up to WW3

Post by puerile_polyp » Thu Feb 09, 2023 5:00 am

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline ... ord-stream

Look up the author if you're questioning his credibility.

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