What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Feb 26, 2023 12:24 am

Seems I didn't know he was the 'Trump Doctor' promoting Hydroxychloroquine and antibiotic (which I might have used once for an ear infection) https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05 ... f-of-trump

He was local to me when died last year (he was 48 and I thought he looked older, though died of lung cancer. It seems he worked in NY at 3 Hamaspik Way, Monroe, NY 10950 though was seeking treatment in Texas.)

He published a book about Kaballah https://www.amazon.com/Essence-Zev-Zele ... op?ie=UTF8


1:19:00 So the name Agnodice (or Agnodike) could be the origin/etymology of the slang phrase, "dyke?"
Though maybe not? https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dike#Etymology_1

Archives of the Impossible
Rice Humanities
https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM ... i52PXOPDWY

https://impossiblearchives.rice.edu/con ... nscendence

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:00 am

The healthcare industry could be improved by A.I. (the vast majority of breast cancer surgery is completely unecessary? Often people that get knee surgery are worse off, but also things like chemo is just a money pit of death, and likewise things like statin drugs do almost nothing for anyone unless they have a completely dead metabolism.)

I have the impression that most people that work in healthcare are unthinking zombies that never question what they are told, and merely operate as someone that hands the patients money over to a greed-based enterprise riddled with corruption.

Incidentally, places like Walmart know full well if their fatty workers aren't getting their diabetes medicine, it will look bad for their image. . .


Straw Dogs (I was reminded of the broken glasses poster for the movie, similar to 'Falling Down')

https://thenewbev.com/blog/2017/02/kim- ... traw-dogs/

GOODBYE, MR. CHIPS (1969) movie (Part 1 and 2) Start at 4 minutes in (or perhaps not, since it is a musical. . .) https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/102989 ... e_mr_chips

Little House on the Prairie

I can still remember when this was played on TV during the 1990s.

Enter the Ninja is the kind of cringe, that only the 1980s could deliver.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:23 pm

This elaborates on oil reserves and where the US is (Texas has the second largest oil reserve in the world)

I can imagine some MK Ultra brainwashing, using early episodes of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood:

Also, I'm saving these Gormenghast (4 part - 2000 BBC miniseries) before I lose track of them:

The Steerpike actor (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) played Henry VIII in The Tudors, and I've yet to see any episodes of it.

This looks to be more of a Documentary rather than the actual show.

His character is intentionally a hammy actor.

Animated Men in Black

Movies (including MIB 1997)

Pirates of the Caribbean etc.
https://archive.org/details/ahmedahmed1 ... _gmail_13L

Dilbert complete TV series

Marvel Super Heroes 1960s Cartoon Series Preservation (note: Each video is 3 gigs. . . a total of 40.6)

Hulk from 1966

Currently a discount coupon for $7.50 on Gog for the enhanced version, though it's still a decade old game that I didn't bother paying attention to when it came out.

The Coming War on China (2016 investigatory documentary by John Pilger)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Mar 04, 2023 3:41 am

John Pilger investigating the absurdity of the Iraq war.



Legal professions have become a joke. . .

"Erin Brockovich": The real story

With Erin Brochovich, cronyism (but also Tom Girardi is a piece of shit liar who has sanpaku eyes similar to Marshall Applewhite) :
"The case never went to trial, because Pacific Gas & Electric, the utility accused of polluting Hinkley, and the plaintiffs' lawyers agreed to private arbitration before a panel of for-hire judges, some of whom had socialized with the plaintiffs' attorneys."

Also, he was part of a team, and never personally represented Erin Brockovich the court clerk

Former High-Profile Lawyer Is Charged With Embezzling More Than $18 Million
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/02/us/t ... i-indicted.

And receiving $10,000 from a settlement doesn't seem to add up for a population of 1,915 (in 2000) if they received a $333,000 million whereas Erin supposedly received $2 million, along with attorneys acquiring a majority of the settlement (hence private arbitration and lost documents regarding the case.)

https://www.dailynews.com/2013/07/09/hi ... %20utility.


The movie reminds me of Patch Adams which had a similar misleading movie and corruption (where money has been received in donations, but the actual Gesundheit Institute has never treated a single person.)

If Wishing Only Made it So

I suspect "Patch" Adams was an acid casualty.
https://www.artic.edu/artworks/186131/d ... in-america

Doctoral students discussed the movie in 2006 (and divulged some really weird stuff that was completely out of touch with reality, but never really glimpsed some of the facts regarding the claimed institute.)
https://forums.studentdoctor.net/thread ... ms.301605/

Why does the entertainment industry subsist off bullshit story telling (I already know the answer.)




Part 2

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Mar 07, 2023 5:51 am

GOG has a discount to $3.99

Huntdown cyberpunk side scroller (similar to arcade)

Flashback for $1, though the Sega CD version might be ideal

Also a recently released Beyond a Steel Sky (sequel to Beneath a Steel Sky) (though it's rated 70% https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/beyond-a-steel-sky )
https://www.gog.com/game/beyond_a_steel ... =EN&r=true

Blackstone has a similar reputation as Blackrock.

$3 of debt is needed to produce $1 GDP?

How College Sports Turned into a Corrupt Mega-Business
https://www.jamesgmartin.center/2020/03 ... -business/

Lifeforce (1985)
Last edited by Catoptric on Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Mar 08, 2023 7:42 pm

Skip past Lincoln because it's in French (though if saved, you can add subtitles in VLC).

The second movie is My Left Foot story of Christy Brown
https://owlcation.com/humanities/Christ ... -Left-Foot
https://www.tcd.ie/swsp/assets/pdf/Diss ... secure.pdf

Daniel Day-Lewis' depiction is crazily accurate.

15 Best Movies Set In Ancient Rome, Ranked (According To Rotten Tomatoes)
https://screenrant.com/top-films-set-in ... -tomatoes/

Quo Vadis (1951 VHSRip)


In 1981, a $1.5 million budget for THE HOWLING made $17 million, which was slightly more than the budget for Whitley Strieber's book adaptation of The Wolfen (which made $10 million at a loss,) whereas An American Werewolf in London made $60 million off a $6 million budget:

Watch for free:
https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/pla ... don%2F5107

Or download

I can see why Orion closed up.

Also, it seems highly likely that this balloon scene influenced Stephen King's IT, since he began to write the book in the very same year (though of course, he didn't include werewolves.)

Start at the 19 second point. It should be pointed out that he had just woken up naked inside the wolf exhibit, and had not long before had sex with a nurse after telling her things that could only be construed as a mental illness (such as telling her he's a werewolf and that he talked to his friend who had died.) The script is weird enough that an American could misconstrue "pound" with other than sterling.

Contrast the fear and panic with the likes of John Wayne Gacy or Dean Arnold Corll 'The Candyman,' and it's pretty clear why such a scene as Pennywise is even more frightening, because of the unknown about intent or motivation.

Last edited by Catoptric on Fri Mar 10, 2023 2:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:43 am


April 8th, another event/conference will begin.

Cosmic Top Secret (mentioned around 8 minutes in) is no different from US Top Secret, though attributed to NATO exclusively. In addition: Information "above Top Secret," a phrase used by the media, means either Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Program (SAP). It is not truly "above" Top Secret, since there is no clearance higher than Top Secret.

Innerspace movie (1987)

Jurassic Park (the only good one)

I was looking over some images from 'Institute for Creation Research' where the credit Marco Polo with confirming their beliefs, when a lot of his story is fictional or false claims filled with well known mythical animals (or ones that didn't detail specific info that would describe something as a dinosaur which could be an alligator, or a unicorn which could have been misattributed from known horned animals, or a Roc bird which though large birds might exist, it could have been something like a vulture ("big enough to lift an elephant?) Some massive birds with 24 foot wingspan did exist, though it was millions of years ago, though some claim a bird referred to as the thunderbird exists ( https://www.liveabout.com/the-giant-thu ... ns-3862215 ) though most likely he saw a condor ( https://www.ba-bamail.com/nature/the-am ... s-of-prey/ )

11 Things You May Not Know About Marco Polo
https://www.history.com/news/11-things- ... marco-polo

15 Famous Explorers Who Changed the World
https://www.historyhit.com/most-importa ... the-world/

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:49 pm


Roswell officer's deathbed confession about theory of alien cover up
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-new ... y-27063641

Geriatric Thomas Jefferson was such a dream boat

Sally Hemings: An American Scandal (4 hours total)
Part 1
https://www.crackle.com/watch/0457f8ea- ... /episode-1

Part 2
https://www.crackle.com/watch/5571babc- ... /episode-2

aka Sally Hemings An American Love Story. Apparently, Sam Neil hasn't been particularly successful outside of Jurassic Park.

A 40 minute documentary (I only saw this previous, and might check the one above eventually.)

What Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings had was not a 'love affair,' new Monticello exhibit reveals
https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the ... -1.4710485

What I find especially absurd are the people calling it romance when the chattel slavery laws are the only reason grandpa Jefferson (age 44) was fucking a 14 year old.)

Even animals with accusations against owners of bestiality (according to chattel classification) had more rights.

Even then, the last century has plenty of incidences of "cradle robbing," much of which people turn a blind eye to.

The Illuminatus! Trilogy (2021) by Primordial Soup Productions
Part 1 (of 6) is only 30 minutes, and this is 11 gigs total

Full download
https://archive.org/details/the-illumin ... logy-movie

Or just 2mb for the book trilogy
https://archive.org/details/robert-anto ... 4/mode/2up

I just realized that this exists (and currently is being discounted and promoted as a bundle online.)

The original full game is just 1 hour?

This game just seems much more brilliant, and you could literally play through it for a much longer duration. Admittedly it doesn't look too different from the Turbografx Rondo of Blood, though I still think it looks more refined than Dead Cells for the time period it came from.

The actual gameplay can drag on much longer in the reverse castle, though the video does also show the lesser known aspects of the gameplay such as using Axelord, or playing as Richter. At the beginning their is a way to cheat the gameplay and keep the Alucard equipment (which you would need to find in the reverse castle otherwise.) You can also get weapons that are throwable and reusable.

This was my introduction to Castlevania and the intro still looks pretty cool; and strangely I never did bother to play any of the franchise until I reluctantly bought SotN for $20.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:58 am

Queen Catherine Parr's ghost sighting starts about 16 minutes in and I think I was wrong (I started writing and added the below paragraphs while writing a response to someone on the video,) I had seen this before but it inspired me to read more into the subject and I've added a bunch of details to what happened to Catherine, et al.)

I should mention I've yet to start watching the video and I have some passing knowledge of the Tudor era because I tried to confirm some genealogy claims which have never been confirmed past the 1800s, I figure I have some knowledge of the topic.) Also, the Parrs had the title of Baron (of Kendal and Horton,) in addition to Earl of Essex (EDIT: Apparently these titles were looming in the background and it wasn't until the Duke and Uncle to future queen Anne Bolyn and Catherine Howard, acknowledged William's assistance with suppression of the Kett Rebellion that he became introduced to Parliament and had the titles restored from his family and father-in-law) and only achieved Marquess of Northumberland after Catherine got married to Henry. The family was vying for Henry VIII's bastard Arthur to potentially become King since they assisted in his welfare while he was Duke, and they would never have been as close to the Tudors if they hadn't at least some acknowledgment as courtiers prior to that time period. As far as I know Catherine and Seymour (who is a bit of a freak and was known to eye future Queen Elizabeth as a teenager and smack her on the behind which is maybe "partly" why he was beheaded. . . Aside from sneaking into the palace and killing Edward's dog) seemed to disown his daughter after Catherine's passing to be put in the care of people close to Catherine following her death, where it's believed she died shortly after (though unlikely rumors persisted that she didn't.) What happened to Catherine's body when discovered in her lead coffin centuries later is pretty disturbing (such as having the desiccated corpse danced with in a barn, etc. and I assume this is mentioned in the video but I still have to watch it.)

There are some today with the Parr surname that are adamant they have some ancestral right to claim to be Baronette (which is slightly different from Baron) and they are likely delusional since no male heirs ever were able to pass on the Parr surname with any of the Barony, and nor do they have confirmation by the known list of 'Royals' of Britain, and yet it seems some attempts to "fill in the blanks" of genealogy are being done. My ancestors would have arrived in the US possibly during the 18th century, and as far as I know, not a single person could claim to have any titles from the Tudor era, because as a result of Marquis William Parr getting divorced following the claims from his wife that all three male children were the result of an affair with a church Prior (which is an account written down by a noble women) and never having any heirs with his subsequent relations (one of whom was well known, Elisabeth Brooke, would die of cancer, and his Swedish wife apparently was too late in his life, that the titles were forfeited and returned to the crown,) and yet people want to insist they have a direct connection when it's likely that the patrilineal name Parr (and similar variations of the name) also derives from orphanages. The surname was common enough that Queen Elizabeth would document gifting something to a baker with the surname Parr, who had no connection to the people she grew up with.

I suspect that even if Catherine's daughter did make it to adulthood, it seems that much of the titles no longer applied to them, and the Barony of Horton (and likewise Kendal in the north which was a ruin for centuries since they were no longer at war with Scotland) would have become extinguished with William Parr.

Between Baron of Sudeley Thomas Seymour and Duke of Northumberland John Dudley trying to exploit Edward (and potentially Mary if not for Jane Grey not making it for Dudley) and Elizabeth, it's possible the only reason "Bloody Mary" didn't see William Parr as a threat to the throne, had to do with being mostly disinherited and having a difficult time with finances, so much so that when Elizabeth became queen she paid for his studies at Cambridge and arranged his funeral.

A book titled, 'The Protectorate and the Northumberland Conspiracy' highlights some of what was going on, and it was pretty messed up.

What happened to Katherine Parr’s daughter, Mary Seymour, after her mother’s death?
https://www.historyextra.com/period/tud ... ers-death/

It seems that the Duchess of Suffolk had Edward Seymour Duke of Somerset (who as Thomas' brother, Mary Seymour was handed off to) give money for her guardianship (since she required assistance along with it which wasn't cheap,) and this stopped along with no followup petition to reinstate Thomas Seymour's titles/estate, following her second birthday, which assumes she died.

You would think the daughter's body might have been buried near the Sudeley castle, if she did die before age 2?


The first part of the video mentions Thomas Skelton (a Jester)
https://hauntedpalaceblog.wordpress.com ... er-castle/

A better account that seems to correct some inaccuracies in the story (and it even refers to the Jester as a serial killer)
https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/684 ... urt-jester

So when you hear the term, "Tom Foolery" it refers to him.


Westall 1966 UFO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westall_UFO
https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/westall ... o-mystery/

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Mar 12, 2023 8:51 pm

CBGB (film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBGB_(film)

Historic music club that closed down and was reopened as John Varvatos' flagship store (who has been resembling financial distress for some time)

'You Weren't There' documentary about the punk rock scene

13 great punk and rock documentaries to stream right now
https://www.brooklynvegan.com/13-great- ... right-now/

Music from 1983

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