Little Rants

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Yesterday » Wed Mar 15, 2023 7:16 am


"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
- from my Ph.D. thesis in psychobabble

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:04 am

Speaking of war crimes, remember when the US bombed a bridge that had a train crossing it and they said the bomber was pre-programmed so the pilot couldn't abort when he saw the train, then it was discovered that the released video was faster than real life but they said they still couldn't abort? I never believed they couldn't abort. The bomber could have turned or something.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Tue Mar 21, 2023 5:22 pm

Tag clouds, with smaller text for less frequent words, remind me of a new browser that came out about 15 years ago that showed a different opened webpage on each side of a cube and you had to rotate the cube. Dumb.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Wed Mar 22, 2023 4:08 pm

Generation goldfish: Our online lives are having a detrimental impact on our attention spans ... 41950.html


I just consulted

"If the human civilization were to end, what is the most likely scenario."

There are many possible scenarios for the end of human civilization, but some of the most likely include:

Climate change: Climate change is already having a devastating impact on the planet, and it is only going to get worse if we do not take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. If climate change continues at its current rate, it could lead to widespread famine, drought, and flooding, making it impossible for humans to survive in many parts of the world.
Nuclear war: The threat of nuclear war is still very real, and it would only take one mistake to trigger a global catastrophe. If a nuclear war were to break out, it could kill millions of people and destroy entire cities.
Pandemic: A pandemic is another major threat to human civilization. If a new virus were to emerge that is as deadly as COVID-19, it could kill millions of people and disrupt the global economy.
Asteroid impact: An asteroid impact is a rare but potentially devastating event. If an asteroid were to hit Earth, it could cause a mass extinction event that would wipe out most of the planet's life.
Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field, and some experts believe that it could eventually pose an existential threat to humanity. If AI were to become too intelligent, it could decide that humans are a threat and take steps to eliminate us.
These are just a few of the many possible scenarios for the end of human civilization. It is important to remember that these are just possibilities, and there is no way to know for sure which one will happen. However, it is important to be aware of the risks and to take steps to mitigate them.


Childhood Emotional Neglect – 37 Signs, Effects and How To Overcome ... l-neglect/

A character study of Robin Williams suggests he suffered most of his life (it wasn't just something that triggered him due to later issues) ... neglect-2/


Psychotic African (Guinea) pirates
Last edited by Catoptric on Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:32 pm

People who smell like soap. Maybe Irish Spring would be OK but I know one woman whose smell immediately shouts "soap" to me. And yesterday I smelled a familiar scent that I thought was a common perfume at first, but then I realized it was the smell.of scented soap, or a mixture of perfume and soap.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:32 am

My theory is that whatever formulation allows cosmetic scents to retain their scent for a long enough time works on the main product's smell too, so, scented soap will smell soapy longer than unscented soap. Maybe oils in the scent make it harder to rince off the soap. I plan on continuing with unscented soap but I may look for a separate deodorant. People like the smell.of.cocoanut and vanilla. I wonder if that works on a man.

...Found a vanilla one. It has a warning not to use if you have kidney problems, which I'm guessing is on all the popular deodorants. I don't want my kidneys being taxed from that.

Anyway, this wasn't what I intended to post about but I forgot what I wanted to say...

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Re: Little Rants

Post by DJ Drug Problem » Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:34 am

After CS GO started brown screening of death repeatedly I figured it was a dust problem. I cleaned out my CPU fan 3 times, blowing out a hard shell of concreted dust compaction that lowered temps by about 20 degrees. Wow! When it kept crashing after that I figured my CPU or heatsink was on its last legs. I spent a week off and on messing around with BIOS, swapping drivers and monitoring temps at load. It was just that one fucking game.

Valve quietly made the cs go framerate cap out at 300fps! They basically set it so that by default it turns your computer into a hibachi with anything other than liquid cooling. And didn't tell anybody while dressing it up as a graphical update! What the fuck! Who the fuck does that? I almost started peeling off the heatsink to re apply thermal paste. It doesn't need that shit! I just had to cap the framerate at something sane! By hand because there isn't an option in game to do that!

Fuck! Eat my shit gaben once people get sick of the steam deck you're fucked! Your company is swollen with hubris and the clock is ticking! You got like 2 years left until somebody eats your lunch you bloated fucker!

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Mon Apr 24, 2023 5:55 pm

I think I can sum up some of the latest entries from my Pennsylvania blog by saying two thirds of the people I hung out with recently, who I met through a Buy Nothing group, dabble in the sex trade. I didn't tell everything in the blog, but it's true. It makes me think that preferring TV and computers over live people for all these years was for the best. I don't fit in with the sex worker type. I'll be moving in about three months. I'd rather be the poorest person in a nice neighborhood than live in another "middle.class" melting pot thing like I'm in now. I don't care if people "talk about" me. As long as THEY'RE not people who get talked about.

I saw a Facebook group of Times Square Photos pre-Disneyfication. I'll take the Disneyfied version.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Sun Apr 30, 2023 12:40 am

I told an out of state real estate agent to email me but she's texting me. So far it's two texts just for her intro. And she's slow!

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Mon May 01, 2023 12:50 am

The idea that if someone is an adult; they can no longer blame their parents?

So if someone grew up in Detroit and claims that people they grew up with had a significantly higher than the normal number die by their 20s; just because they are telling me this as they have achieved adulthood, by default does not mean their experience and circumstances of upbringing, was somehow transcended into adulthood?

Even if someone were to achieve measures of success, does not mean they aren't rendered incompatible with the nature of society, simply by having ignored the impact of their upbringing.

Perhaps look into:
- Intergenerational trauma and the effects of war.
- Segregation and its trauma and influence on populations
- Conflicts of religion (such as Catholics in Protestant environments and vice versa) and how identity is formed by that.
- Constant Invalidation and invasion of space, or disregarding, or having absolutely zero genuine acknowledgment of someone beyond cursory appearances (either a child is raised with the anticipation they actually matter or they will seek a neurotic form of approval all their life, without any satisfaction in composure.)
- People's behavior and trust of society IS directly the result of how they were raised, and problems such as PTSD or how you view society IS VERY MUCH a reflection of how you are raised.

All the problems you see around you are a direct result of something that happened or has happened, or will happen. To assume that the past has absolutely no bearing on the future of society is an incompetent window dressing; a bloated facade of pretensions.


Very concerning for Internet Archive (

I'm surprise it mostly focuses on the books. . .

I've seen where an Author is dead for well over 50 years and the book access is restricted to "renting" digital material, even if it has been published over 100 years ago.

Seeing what the website gives access to, it isn't difficult to imagine that people skirt copyright protection by making it difficult to track unless someone physically examined the content and reported it.

Most of the time the content given access to is not going to impact the sale of something, if it only gives access to material that would otherwise not get noticed, and compromises people's legacies under the false impression that it protects the original creator, when too often it only takes control and profit out of companies like Amazon which profits indifferent to those who suffer by acting as an intermediary of data access or exchange/distribution.

Are copyrights just crony capitalism?

Fixing Copyright: Is Copyright A Part Of Free Market Capitalism? ... apitalism/


And then you have sperm donors responsible for 550 people in a small population like the Netherlands, and it's not an isolated case. ... t-29839683

Not to mention the psychological disconnect that being a donor baby does to you:

Study finds lasting problems for those conceived through sperm donation ... rint=print


What I find amazing are people would pay someone $600 for a preorder of a collecter FF16 on Ebay, when they could just as well go to the companies website directly and pay $350. . . That and they will spend several hundred for something that is about $70. . .

Complete dumb asses, and they praise the seller in reviews instead of catching onto how stupid they are (not to mention, they could probably have gotten it even sooner if they simply had the product sent to themselves directly. . . From the F'ing company.


Holy-crap, people like this exist. . . People like this should be banned from ever posting on the internet.

An example (she sounds like a breeder cow used for milking and being inseminated.)

Do you like adult breastfeeding?
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