Little Rants

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HighlyIrregular II
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Re: Little Rants

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Sun Jun 18, 2023 3:13 pm

The top three songs on the Billboard top 100 in 1978 were Hot Stuff, I Will Survive, and Reminiscing. The top three today (according to Bard) are First Class, Stay, and Industry Baby. Does anyone else not know the top three today?

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Thu Jun 29, 2023 4:22 am

Contrary to popular claims -- just like DDT, is history repeating itself? -- There is a reason they spray this stuff at night when no one is usually awake. ... effective/

A 2002 pdf file informing you about what chemicals are in the spray and the known medical toxicity to exposure.

The Health Effects of Pesticides Used for Mosquito Control ... sMosqP.pdf


Likewise, you have to circle back Covid treatments and find some question marks (were people freaking out and knew they contracted covid, and then get vaccinated, hence the bandaids? Is it all hysteria and should we acknowledge the concern of exposure to Covid, or wouldn't it be obvious that clots are very unique to Covid-19 and not just regular flu?) This stuff sounds like a nightmare.

Embalmer testimony from Covid. ... 652944810/


Something to consider

Can a 50-year-old treaty still keep the world safe from the changing threat of bioweapons? ... ia-biology

AI can generate molecule configuration that will pose a lethal threat to humanity.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Yesterday » Thu Jun 29, 2023 7:07 pm

Catoptric wrote:
Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:58 pm
Yesterday wrote:
Sun Jun 18, 2023 5:46 am
Scrap the site name and instead let's make this place about behavioral analysis where we all have agree to do a trade off on what we believe makes people tick in exchange for learning about what actually makes people tick as taught by someone who wrote the book on applied behavioral analysis. Lots of learning to trust our feelings would be involved.
That would be like arguing, "gay people are beautiful and anyone that opposes any reference to it is a homophobe," when most signs suggest the behavior is an expresiion of maladaption.

How ironic. :cheers:

"Our truest selves exist within the observational incongruencies among general first impressions and further analyses of the finer details."
- from my Ph.D. thesis in psychobabble

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:37 pm

YouTube tests disabling videos for people using ad blockers ... newsletter

This is one reason I never use my cell phone for Youtube since it doesn't have any good method to block ads. Youtube seems to be able to prevent third party websites to download some videos, so most likely it involves blocking all non-monetized videos from similar websites, so you couldn't really circumvent it if it wasn't accessible.


Exclusive: WHO's cancer research agency to say aspartame sweetener a possible carcinogen -sources ... 023-06-29/

Similarly, cell phones are believed to cause tumors; and yet you will find various studies which seem to try and contradict other studies, and then it also gets into contradictions due to where the funding for research comes from (similar to news outlets, such as reports about rBGH being used in the milk industry which is explored in an interview with Journalists in the 2003 documentary The Corporation shown here: )

Last edited by Catoptric on Sat Jul 01, 2023 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by aether » Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:48 pm

The whole AI thing. Nothing can replace an INTP. We are rogue AI.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:03 pm

Alphas are modern cucks ... cucks.html

And cucks are modern alphas. Let’s run this down: why would one care about their partner’s monogamy? A: You’re a beta. Right now you’re seething with rage, getting ready to type verbal excrement about how you’re a total pushover if you’re in an open relationship. That’s almost a fair point. My question is, why would you want a relationship? Answer: you’re also a cuck.

The old saying with regard to pre-marital relations is, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” It echos the reality of women’s sexual value in the mating marketplace. But the men of heroic virtue, the best of both worlds, ask, “After you’ve gotten the milk, why are you staying around to pet the cow?” A truly supreme being takes the cow’s milk freshest, from tap, and as the frothing milk spills all over his beard and iron armor, he humbly requests one of his servants care for the cow.

Cucks (those who demand monogamy) demand relationships because they are weak. Instead, you could be reading on Napolean, playing Minecraft, or writing a manifesto for a global fascist dictatorship inside the hollowed-out remains of where once stood a Planet Fitness.

Everyone with a rudimentary understanding of human behavior knows stereotypically men seek physical beauty and exclusive reproductive access vs. women who pursue resources. Genetically, a man desires to spread his seed far and wide, but that was the old game under the old rules. After enlightenment came Darwinism, informing a new basis for human consciousness and mortality not informed under the umbrella of religion. This self-awareness brought on existential philosophy, raised questions on meaning, absurdity, and the desire to perpetuate one’s lineage. This is the new game, of global interconnectedness that leads a human reality of infinite novelty and an as infinite-sum game.

Why do you want a relationship? You’re scared to be alone. You like fuzzy cuddles and small talk. Oh, does someone want hugs and kisses? Does someone want their personal insecurities quelled? What are you, a 4-day-old? Meanwhile, you can’t stop texting a woman every 15 minutes when she says she’s at the mall because you’re afraid you’ll be cheated on and your feelings will be hurt. This is beta behavior. This is betahavior. Or, you’re afraid your partner gets an STD. You’re a grown adult still afraid of cooties. Embarrassing.

Perhaps there is a caveat. What if you want kids? Well, if you want kids, naturally you need a stable relationship, and monogamy helps toward this end. However, wanting kids only tacks on negative points to your total cuck-life rating and beta philosophy. Only the bitchest of men would welcome the nuisance of increasingly gigantic, live-in pests. We know Darwin, we know Dawkins, who replaced god with hedonistic impulse. There’s zero reason to have children, unless you’re starting a family to prove you’re a non-tyrannical “family man” to polish your public image as you take-over nations, and as you have nannies who are secretly your mistresses watch over them.

Beta alpha Chads often ask things like, “Is this the future mother of your children?” to shame slutty women and the men who love them. They’re the same weak-minded people who will complain about female body hair with “It’s not very feminine!” If the only thing stopping you from twat is a little body hair, you’re not very masculine. This is a strange form of gatekeeping in the pretend masculine arena to hold the mantle on what’s considered attractive where their wits won’t suffice. Then they act surprised when their woman leaves them for a man with dreadlocks who runs a hookah lounge and acts like Prince.

Anyone who needs a partner is weak. You are a cuck if your partner is not easily-replaceable. If your partner is easily-replaceable (within 8 hours), you’re not in a proper relationship because those are long-term romances that require stability and compromise (AKA the requirements of broken and damaged individuals).

What are you if, you:

Want a relationship
Want children
Want emotional stability (lol)
Want faithfulness

Notice how sissy this sounds. These “alpha,” modern cucks want guaranteed monogamy and sexual reproductive access because they’re so scared of the pain of cheating and rejection, or having to find a replacement despite their lack of skills and confidence in doing so. That’s why they get furious and filled with jealous rage if a female talks to another person. Or they lie to keep multiple potential partners interested out of that same lack of confidence. A worthy person doesn’t care. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. Genghis Khan didn’t hate the one who got away, because he had hundreds more to take their place.

The ideal relationship is portrayed in Conan the Barbarian when Conan makes love to a stray witch before freeing her into nearby flame.

Someone will make the argument about how, as we age, we need our offspring or spouses to care for us as we’re older. Two flaws: first, what, you want to impede your children’s life success so they take care of you? Epitomizing beta. Second, your spouse will grow old. If your only argument is the kinship you share is very strong, okay, become penpals, then have a cadre of attractive young nurses instead of children and wives to take care of you. Likely cheaper in the long run as you are insured against potential alimony. Of course, if you are looking at marriage from a financial standpoint as a cost-benefit analysis you’re poor and hence a wife and family is your life’s participation trophy, relegated to the pathetic state of liking Ben Shapiro destroys videos as you lose your mental faculties and slide further into existential insignificance.

This even plays into the pinnacle of male sexual prowess, the pimp. What is a pimp? A pimp is someone with many women he sends out to fuck other dudes. He watches over them, mediates disputes between the women (AKA “a good listener”), and if a trick gets aggressive, he becomes the protecting whiteknight. They also get their sexual needs met by these promiscuous, often ugly women. This is entirely cuck behavior except the money is going the other way.

Who doesn’t behave this way? Who doesn’t get jealous, fear rejection, slut-shame someone’s sexuality or want a serious relationship? Likely only Matthew McConaughey and actual cucks. People like Will Smith who lets his wife fuck a 27-year-old rapper while gaslighting the public and pretending they’re not bisexual swingers. Healthy open relationships like Asia Argento and Anthony Bourdain before he hung himself. Miley Cyrus destroying her marriage to kiss a woman on a yacht. That’s right, Liam Hemsworth the bastion of manhood was cucked out of his marriage by another woman, when he could have asked to watch or participate instead. Yet in traditionalist Chad fashion he divorced, when he could have had two girlfriends sixty-nining on a yacht silhouetted before the setting sun until it got so boring he chose to read Camus instead.

Now sure, most of this essay’s attitudes toward sexual coupling may come across as callous, objectifying, and denying of agency. But that’s what attraction and physicality is, you don’t fixate on someone across a room thinking what their personality might be like. Life is about winning the sum of all games. Some people have quaint notions of domesticated lives and romanticism. And yes, there may be beauty in conquering the bittersweet melancholy of “love,” with your partner, as you balance work and life ambitions with family. But why stop there when you can take a page from the book of Mormon and juggle multiple wives, taking things to higher heights and higher stakes for all joys life has to offer. Imagine how fun and funny and rewarding Thanksgiving is going to be when your stepchildren intermarry.

If this appears sexist it’s because it’s not written from a woman’s perspective. The female version of this person is likely an Onlyfans user, receiving an oil rig worker’s yearly salary in monthly donations, with just enough mystery and provocativeness to be in a constant state of attention. With her overt or “accidental” sexuality, she is a pimp of simps, and from this attention are hordes of viewers who hope maybe one day that attention will turn to them. Without exaggeration, 15K dudes will watch a video of a lady with a hint of personality eating a sushi tray who is streaming YouTube videos, and pay for the privilege.

And this speaks to a controversial point that feminism gets a bad rap. Sure, third wave feminism is about female power, largely toxic, and seemingly indifferent to third-world women. However, the welcome counterpart to this is the 50 Shades of Grey feminism, where 21st-century women seek liberation, through literal contractual enslavement. Perhaps instead of being a tepid men’s right activist you could convince a Miller-Lite swilling five-out-of-ten that your franchise investment in a Dollar General is an “empire,” and your half finished garage is a “playroom.” Hey, Steve Jobs started there, you can, too. Instead, marriages go bland and women are blamed as the gatekeepers of sex, when it could be the psychological chastity imposed by men who cannot seem to navigate their madonna-whore complexes. They ask for novelty and complain of frigidity, and act Victorian when a woman asks to equally explore her whoredom.

Now anyone who doesn’t see the charm of this article is probably some want-to-be alt-righter who visits dork LARPing websites like Return of Kings or A Voice For Men. You know, alpha males who apparently have nothing better to do than call people cucks all day online. Or they are Men Going Their Own Way. Laughable, because you can’t go your own way in a group. They are demented enough to the extent they would be better off as paypigs, at least that form of chastity comes with it self-awareness. We’re talking about the level of people so bad interpersonally, they ask how to get into the friend zone.

Anyone who doesn’t objectify their partner is not doing their due diligence, women and men alike. Cucks (modern alphas) treat women as pornographic actors, there for display in a personal theater as they watch from an iron throne with a monocular and no risk of disease, intimacy, children, or unneeded emotional attachment. Treating persons as inanimate objects for our implacable needs is the only way forward and is the evolutionary ideal, as we seek infinite novelty, and later the stars. For once the sexual desire known as “The Little Death” is expelled, we can renew again our noble pursuits of philosophy and scientific discovery.


Ron DeSantis Signs 'Radioactive Roads' Bill Allowing Mining Waste In New Highways ... 21245.html

The bill, which DeSantis signed on Thursday, lists phosphogypsum among “recyclable materials” that can be used for road construction.

Phosphogypsum, a waste byproduct of phosphate fertilizer mining, “emits radon, a radioactive gas,” and contains uranium, thorium and radium, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Radon is “potentially cancer-causing,” an EPA spokesperson told CBS News.

It seems Ron is sucking off some corrupt person in charge of toxic mining activity?

If only there was Akira when you need him?


More info on the potential industrial uses for the product (the problem I see is that cars driving over the material will be constantly exposed to microparticles that will enter the lungs. Their is a reason this stuff is kept where it is. Perhaps if it was used to construct a dam, the material might be rather innocuous, though even still the same thing happens for the aquatic life. ... ith-value/


This is what deep compression and implosion (and eventual explosion) would look like in deep sea diving/exploration.

For some reason when attempting to use my cell phone to view the link, it doesn't transition well between the shitty apps.


Amazon’s ‘dark patterns’: These six design tricks make it almost impossible not to sign up for Prime when you buy something, the FTC says ... NVjAn4NQkA

Most Amazon exclusive videos are unwatchable/deplorable, or the products are scammy and illegal (which they are unaccountable for) and if you leave negative reviews, they will not long after ban your reviews from the site. Most of the time impulsivity is what drives their revenue, and the search algorithm is a racket where the fox is watching the hen house (if you sell a product they will freeze the seller's account and source the manufacturer, while preventing you from resuming at the first search result for that product.) Also, you aren't saving money with "free shipping. . ." And the horrible interface is deliberately engineered that way for profitability.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:21 pm

I don’t want to participate in society: 10 reasons you feel this way ... n-society/

Collapseologists are warning humanity that business-as-usual will make the Earth uninhabitable ... ate-change

Gross Drinks: 13 Most Disgusting Drinks Ever Made ... ever-made/

The valedictorian is not the smartest kid in school ... in-school/

Invisible Wounds of the Sensitive, Emotionally Intense Child ... ense-child

Response to a BS influencer/attention whore page regarding, "why don't men get into relations with woman well into old age."

Look into (early) trauma and social isolation, and how people cope. When you come across people that believe it is far "safer" not to be around other people, then you will find your answer. Some people are also far better not being around other people and prefer isolation to what they believe is a false construct of "friendship."

Also (presumably) fear of bringing people/children into a world (hence at times of uncertainty people don't have children, which is expressed by disengagement and the fetishism of consumer culture which has little value in commodifying men other than the labor force,) but also the consequence of maladaptation can give people some semblance of empathy with the scene in Eraserhead with the 'lady in the radiator' (which ultimately is a psychological projection of fear of fatherhood--and producing an aberration with needs and wants ill-suited for--but also a temporary reprieve from fear; it's false.)

Also, the court system is extremely overrepresented in favoring women when it comes to legal disputes, etc. . . And society values bias and pathos over the mischaracterization of tropes in societal dogma (the "nuclear family" or the pretend smiling-happy people that prefer the illusion over the reality, might continue to live that imaginary ego-projection, but it is a false construct. Society has become ill-equipped to acknowledge coping skills for anything to endure past instant gratification, and a "throwaway society" that is both fickle and masochistic is the worst kind of society for everyone involved. . . It's not just men.)

Further BS: "Why are there no men who can cook, know god, and remain loyal"

"Knows God," probably contradicts the expectation of being a pacifist or promoting "family values," (“I came not to bring peace but a sword,” Jesus declared. “For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother," etc.)

And didn't Jesus turn water into wine? Noah getting drunk was more of a symbolism about having excess when previously they didn't and wasn't so much of an abolishment of intoxication but a warning about lacking self-awareness about moderation and control (since abundance before the flood implies society had to flush itself down in order to resume a sense of balance amidst the societal chaos/entropy.)

Basically, they should stop scraping the bottom of the shit barrel, and you will have your answer; but alas.
Last edited by Catoptric on Mon Jul 10, 2023 1:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Little Rants

Post by JohnClay » Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:23 am

Chatting to my "friend" on Facebook Messenger:

Me: a couple of nights ago it looked like you stayed up to 4am

B: That's when I woke up

Me: but then at 2pm it said you hadn't checked messenger yet

B: U can hide that info

Me: you can stop it saying things like "active now"?

B - [stopped showing "active now". Appears as if he went offline but obviously kept on reading my messages]

I'm fed up with this - he had been ignoring a lot of my messages and usually doesn't answer my phonecalls. But if I don't answer him (like when I was working) he even tries to ring me up.

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Re: Little Rants

Post by Catoptric » Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:28 pm

I hadn't even seen Anchor Steam beer in stores for some years now (before covid.)

Anchor Brewing, the Oldest Craft Brewer in the U.S., Will Close After 127 Years ... -beer.html

I had to resort to cloning the beer in homebrew.

I'm sure some soulless corporation will acquire the brand. . .

San Francisco reminds me of France:
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Re: Little Rants

Post by Senseye » Sat Jul 15, 2023 4:16 am

Catoptric wrote:
Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:28 pm
I'm sure some soulless corporation will acquire the brand. . .
It already was. Sapporo bought it 2017. People often abandon a local brand once one of the big corporations suck it up, so maybe that was the beginning of the end.

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