What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:52 pm

**********My attempt to avoid video autoplayback*********** (Fucking annoying!)

Did The National Parks Service Murder Paul Fugate?

I was thinking the video might be alleging at around 20 minutes is the guy might have been offed by some kind of guerilla warfare tactics from isolated Apache tribes that still linger in the area (which might be a bit of a stretch, though I'm still watching it, and it seems it was really more of a, "fuck around and find out" from "bros" of some young tartlet while he was married, but it might actually be an attempt to seek revenge and get insurance fraud by his wife who he wasn't living with, if not the guy himself was going into hiding himself and seems to have suspected he would be offed.) I think his wife with strabismus is responsible, though she would have required someone to carry it out as I doubt she could do it herself, though it seems like his will was written out with the intent of his wife carrying out his disappearance (and maybe she requested he did it in advance of planning something, or she isn't saying anything about why he felt the need to write something up?) A lot of highly suspicious stuff is connected to her, but it's undetermined, and too much weird crap confused the situation due to people that might have used the story to try and get attention or possible benefits for "complying/lying" to law enforcement who thought they might have a clue which they probably didn't.

He references this article
The Search for a Ranger Who Was Lost and Never Found
https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-a ... er-search/

I was a little surprised by where the video led into as it was getting into the Spanish-American war and then what would continue into the Apache wars--specifically Conchise who was directly involved with Geronimo who would continue on without him after his capture--and then I was starting to think of Pancho Villa who I think of as the proto Che Guevara of sociopaths elevated to hero status similar to the treatment Griselda Blanco is receiving in modern entertainment ever since the trend of Dexter, Breaking Bad, and perhaps to some extent Mr. Robot has taken effect in modern "entertainment," though arguably the anti-hero trend likely predates Pulp Fiction and whatever else in Westerns films like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids (not the retarded ass cartoon that came after it.)

I'm making comparison of the public perception vs the reality

Che Guevara was an evil, possibly psychopathic, idiot
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opin ... hic-idiot/


This stuff is nearly impossible not to laugh at (I believe it actually takes itself seriously, but I don't see how this crap ever survived the 1990s era when this fascist military-obsessed bullshit was appealing to dumb kids with access to a computer. I wasn't interested in it but I am reminded of the movie American History X where the guy gets fucked in prison, thinking he was going to find more camaraderie in prison with the neo-nazi culture he thought he would find there. . . He did "come closer," however.)

One of the videos suggests that a seagull attacking an orthodox Jew was somehow race inspired.

I think the uploader might actually be pro-Israel, and just documenting the viewpoints of the anti-zionists, because another "folder" shows the Palestinian Hamas activities, which kind of supports Israel's response.

The irony (if you want to call it that) is that the majority of the people in the Levant region descend from the same Canaanite traditions.

Jews and Arabs Descended from Canaanites
https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/dai ... Canaanites.

Some would argue the Jews are more European at this point, if not Khazars.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazar_hy ... i_ancestry

Others insist their is no real significant evidence for it.

No evidence from genome-wide data of a Khazar origin for the Ashkenazi Jews

I'm wondering if the diaspora (which the Abby Martin video interviews Jews who claim they were kicked out of Israel) wasn't just a natural phenomenon of gradual social changes in the area following Roman occupation and the rebellion by the Jews, and the continued influence of Islam and Christianity as a consequence of being in a social hub of competing cultures?

Israel deliberately forgets its history

"An Israeli historian suggests the diaspora was the consequence, not of the expulsion of the Hebrews from Palestine, but of proselytising across north Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East"

(According to this article the above might not have been the case, and I tend to agree with it, since converting 'Gentiles' was really something that only occurred within the fringes of what Christianity became.)

Judaism before 100 ce Proselytes and Proselytizing
https://academic.oup.com/book/4777/chap ... m=fulltext

Arguably, the threat of Christianity was initially a trend of Judaism to convert people, which became a subset of what lead up to Constantine eventually identifying himself much like Amenhotep 3 as a singular diety, through Mithraism (as Sol Invictus,) which then becomes a propaganda device following his death to convert the "Barbarians" to try and keep them under wraps. For the longest time if you were an outside culture that was attempting to convert people to your cause, you were deemed a threat, but it was moreso that actual Christians killed the Christians they disagreed with. Modern Televangelists have historical roots in Evangelicals that burned people at the stakes; just now they would rather you suffer for being poor and not donating more money. Let the unwashed masses then do their bidding to tell you were you belong, you heathen.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o ... man_Empire
Roman general Pompey conquered Jerusalem and its surroundings by 63 BCE. The Romans deposed the ruling Hasmonean dynasty of Judaea (in power from c. 140 BCE) and the Roman Senate declared Herod the Great "King of the Jews" in c. 40 BCE. Judea proper, Samaria and Idumea became the Roman province of Iudaea in 6 CE. Jewish–Roman tensions resulted in several Jewish–Roman wars between the years 66 and 135 CE, which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple and the institution of the Jewish Tax in 70 (those who paid the tax were exempt from the obligation of making sacrifices to the Roman imperial cult).
Rome basically pissed all over them for rebelling. . . Yet the video interviews still insist the Arabs kicked them out. Christian documentaries portray the Israelis and 'Palestinians' as having decent relations prior to WWII and that the region known as Palestine, was not isolated to the Arabs.

After the (western) Roman's were beginning to fade away from influence, it was the Byzantian transition that took over until the Arabs then dominated.

Also, the Jews in the video like to believe that had Israelis not lived there it would have looked like squaler, and that they don't have a history of burning the ancestral Olive groves owned by the Palestinians, or sprayed raw sewage on them to get them to leave, while acquiring billions upon billions of US state treasury money to assist them out.

No bias detected. . .

Though I can see why people would be biased.


Considering the cultural aspects, some could argue that Israel was seen in the same way as a warmongering nation, to that of Islam. The identity of the Jews comprises of Egyptian, Syrian (ergo the more ancient temple that Solomon basically copied in a smaller footprint,) and Babylonian (hence the Talmud was influenced by and written up into the Middle Ages which comprises of some of the more extremist viewpoints that alienated the Jews from European culture who saw them as a threat to the then prevailing Christian identity.)

Most of it is tribalism:
When people talk about getting over "shared differences" they are overlooking the proclivity of people to see "others" in competition over their desire to acquire more resources; hence the "don't body shame" (let that person get even fatter so I don't have to compete with them for sexual competition --> I want to shove my eggs in someone's face for breakfast and I'm going to ensure I have an equal reproductive chance as the next cannon fodder of "progress" for equality.)

The Universe-25 (the "Rat Utopia") experiment could explain much of the problems with modern society, or any society where populations are forced into a limited social structure of (mal)adaptive identities. If society wants to believe all issue stem from genetics, they will need to answer why those components of biology evolved in the first place, and assume that they aren't adaptive for the sake of evolutionary necessity (which have since become a negative trait when society then depends on things that weren't commonplace "in the wild" of human evolution.) Of course, nature is very deranged by itself, but for our society to assume it hasn't become part of the problem and produced intergenerational trauma in addition to develop a hierarchical system that reinforces the negative traits of society from centuries of tribalistic hierarchies, it assumes that all systems aren't prone to entropy (if we are expected to reward the status quo as a natural order of how things should be.)
Last edited by Catoptric on Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Feb 10, 2024 6:44 am

Physics, UFOs, Metaphysics | Jesse Michels & Curt Jaimungal

The Truth About Muhammad | Robert Spencer

UFOs: Searching for answers

James Webb Telescope Just Detected an Ancient Energy at the Edge of the Universe

UFO (2018) | Full Movie ft. Gillian Anderson | Voyage

Too often the UAP phenomenon is not pointing out the obvious, that the only reason light shows up with the phenomenon is due to something fundamental to the energy exhibited by the phenomenon, involving the plasma effect on hydrogen (or other gases in the atmosphere,) causing illumination.

Remote jobs (scammy links?)

https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tushar-d ... er_android

Though I'm noticing this just with the one SSD (Crucial 4TB) it could just be a ram issue and requires either tweaking BIOS, or in some cases people seem to suggest that the Ram is not suitable for the MB.

Memory Timing Tweaking & Avoiding Stutter 2/2 (Updated in description)

Firmware/BIOS (apparently for me the DEL key starts bios, but this can also be used.)
https://www.windowscentral.com/how-ente ... w%20button.

Other UEFI buttons.
https://www.windowscentral.com/how-ente ... w%20button.
Dell: F2 or F12.
HP: ESC or F10.
Acer: F2 or Delete.
ASUS: F2 or Delete.
Lenovo: F1 or F2.
MSI: Delete.
Toshiba: F2.
Samsung: F2.
Surface: Press and hold volume up button.


I was just watching this (Short Circuit, again) after Robocop (again,) and decided to look into the puppetry involved, and one of the Johnny 5 animatronic ("robots") was being sold off:

(an) Original Johnny 5 Robot from Short Circuit!

Pretty neat props were auctioned off (all the of the most iconic movies, and the actual prop in comparison to what I was thinking I remembered of it's appearance, seems very different. Roy Batty's coat for example is slightly different, but it might have just been due to the lighting in the movie.)
https://propstoreauction.com/auctions/i ... n=emlauk22

Was the Moon Landing Fake? - History is a Lie (Of course I don't believe it was a lie but it is something that challenges conventional thinking.)

Consumerism is THE number one cause of narcissism’s explosive rise.

3 Reasons Why The Narcissist MUST Abuse You
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:25 pm

This is what Consultants do. (Bain crap involving what would become a dive bomb of 3D Blue Ray technology)


The reality is any market research couldn't have prepared people for the shitshow of 3D television (it was based on assumptions about how the technology would be consistently offered as an incentive, and not a liability to have to deal with, while becoming obsolete as near as it hit the shelves.)

Sure, the option to watch something like Avatar on 3D on your tv and not a movie screen, would seem decent, but should not require any special hardware, anymore than using basic red and green or whatever filters on a disposable glasses (instead of what would be expensive wired glasses that most people never even used even after buying the TV and special blu ray player.)


All Market Research is Wrong
https://farisyakob.typepad.com/blog/201 ... wrong.html

Every company is a shit show
https://jaredhecht.com/2021/07/08/every ... shit-show/

Why nobody wants to work in customer service
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-nobo ... uglas-kim/

Opinion Men are lost. Here’s a map out of the wilderness.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... new-model/


I posted in the food and beverage section about the Bud Light issue, which likely used some kind of self-referential woke ideology which was inherently biased, and unlikely to be of any benefit in the purpose behind market research. Too often people assume that what they do is contributing in some way towards an end-goal that isn't inherently self-referential, all the while alienating anything associated with it by the myopic echo-chamber of intolerance for outside opinion.

Are consultants a help or a hindrance if the company only uses them to reiterate that they are going off the cliff in exactly the direction they intend to?

It kind of reminds me of how schools ban books like 'To Kill a Mockingbird' because it's "negative" and not that it serves a purpose in sending a message that was affecting people at that specific time period (in the hopes of moving away from it and becoming more enlightened,) all the while promoting an ideology seems to miss the point of just how deranged and repulsive such shallowness creates when such people are incapable of developing an understanding of meta-aware attitude towards theory of mind.

When people's only virtue is their own ignorance and they are rewarded by it, you can expect bad results (the end of Rome was a continuation of bad decisions and biased understanding of the world around them.

Early Signs of the Bud Light Backlash | Alissa Heinerscheid’s Cringey Interview Statements


Narc side effects
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3I3U_ah ... BpaGpoaGNm

RT propoganda?
Ukraine pop used as trial study for big pharma
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3QAJ-dP ... 40Y2xreg==

Because bombing people isn't as bad when you can pretend that medical studies aren't altruistic.


Apollo 11 First Steps Edition (Todd Douglas Miller, 2019) 1969
Last edited by Catoptric on Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:42 am

WHOA, WHEN DID THE CHROME BROWSER MAKE EVERYTHING (on Youtube at least. . .) AUTO-PLAYBACK! (I noticed this crap in Gog.com and now it's doing it here after it came back online. . . It seems specific to videos hosted on Youtube.)

This is infuriating.

I'll try putting this in spoilers to see if it does something. . . (it doesn't.)

Seirpinski triangle (and chaos theory. . . If only Youtube videos weren't such bullshit clickbait.)

I suspect Google was hoping to prevent the browser from allowing adblock, so they are generating more ad revenue by bombarding the browser with video playback, but also forcing people to have to go directly to Youtube in order to make it more functional in the browser. I might try to transfer my settings over to Brave or another browser (even the cringefest Microsoft browser,) assuming it avoids this issue (though I think I noticed this when using Gog's app, so it seems to be indifferent to what browser is used.)

I had kind of given up on this website thinking it was gone, but if the Chrome browser is making everything play without the ability to control it, there is supposed to be a mute audio function (without actually disabling video) under privacy and security -> Additional options -> BUT THAT DOESN'T HELP NOW DOES IT!

Why does Google think it's making things function better, and how does a company so persistently fuck up with even basic uses (such as killing how the search query works and allowing the proliferation of search to redirect to other big tech, while allowing exploitive SEO feedback loops.)

The Big Tech antitrust report has one big conclusion: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google are anti-competitive
https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/10/6/21 ... s-tim-cook


This is another show that was being hosted on Netlix and then cancelled, because it shows a character who is basically a gypsy who runs a circus, and uses blackface. It seems the Old Gregg routine of The Mighty Boosh also fell under scrutiny and was cancelled by Netlix at the same time. A similar thing happened with Father Ted, and it extended onto Monty Python, for the jokes about men having babies or pushing the idea that their was indeed something abnormal about trans people (why else would they fire upon people including fucking up little kids; as if kids should even be around them, as otherwise, you are an intolerant bigot.)

The League of Gentlemen: The Complete Collection (DVD ISO PAL)

You can find the rest of the video in non-iso format on DailyMotion, though the 4th episode of Season 2 is in that link, otherwise it would need the iso mounted in Windows, or burned to disc; but in general it's 30 gigs vs 5 if you save them off Dailymotion.

It's kind of a combination of Wicker Man with Monty Python, and I can see the book series Scarfolk inspired from something like this (though that's more of the dystopian bubble of the soviet era, or North Korea, as if it kept people in a time loop of the 1970s.)


The spiritual successor to the above:

Inside No.9
Season 1 Ep 1https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6k6jw5
Ep 2 (better, and to understand it on a different level, it helps to notice the female is Oona Chaplin, so it has silent era components to the story.)



(wokeness fallout in academia)

Do The Elites In Power Actually Care About You? - Rob Henderson


Gog had a deal on the Yakuza series, which included the 1 and 2 remake Kiwami, with Zero up to 6, for about $20.

Since I already started with Zero, it made it convenient to start on Kiwami (where you will see the remade environment of the main game leading to the updated modern city where the transition is fairly noticeable in the graphics (even though Zero was still one of the better games, that extra year or two kind of made the difference in the release, though still retained some of the appearance of how much the original game aged with story development.)

Kiwami kind of encouraged me to play the Pocket Circuit Racing, which was in Zero but the extent of the gameplay and the particular aspects of the various swapping of components never seemed quite as interesting (though I had to actually, search online to find the very specific layout of the components to not waste too much time on the challenges, which seemed to drag on forever at times, though was still fun.)

Real-world version is the 'Mini 4WD' with a popular car craft kit by TAMIYA (which I mostly only see the modeling superglue they are known for.) The competition aspect along with the option to customize is the whole point of it, and alternatively R/C Rock Crawling is probably what the west is more known for (outside of Hot Wheels.)


No Man's Sky is offering free (for 1-2 more days) in Expedition mode, though the gameplay is still really bad (it seems glitched and is badly implemented, to the point I can't see wanting to play it beyond getting the spacecraft in the air, which is what I did after about 2 hours of roaming. The game is contrived and repetitive, with no clear distinction between the environment and the purpose of exploration, without forcing you to trial and error and having to deal with a clunky interface.

Talos 2 is worth messing with and I'll be getting around to completing it, and I'll probably be returning to Assassins Creed Valhalla at some point if I don't see any purpose in writing or reading at this time. . . Though again, it's kind of like No Man's Sky as well, when you think about it.


So attempting to read (and scrolling down to disable playback just starts a new article with another video that autoplays, so it defeats the purpose. . .)

The Real Reason Kirstie Alley Left Star Trek After Wrath Of Khan
https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/ent/k ... -khan.html

An extension can mute the playback, but when going to this website it will block playback and loading of the reddit preview, so it kind of defeats the purpose of enabling it universally. I'll just not link youtube without url brackets, while trying to tolerate the obnoxious nature of Youtube/Chrome/Google.

And this method doesn't really have a specific block issue within Chrome browser that won't mess things up.

https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-stop-vi ... completely
Last edited by Catoptric on Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:43 am

Demonlover (Olivier Assayas, 2002)
https://actionviewphotography.com/watch ... _456239292

Could the Flintstones be living in a post-apocalyptic future?


Dying Out of Sight: Hikikomori in an Aging Japan
NHK Documentary
https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/onde ... fCkVZtGCaU

Quantum interference from observation (quotes from Einstein at the beginning)

It's worth noting Einstein was skeptical about Quantum Mechanics.
https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/einste ... servations.


Raymond Chen, a legendary programmer at Microsoft

David Lynch Unified Field (kind of interesting to wonder about.)

Seems not all Youtube videos will autoplay now?

Opening Scene of Inglourious Basterds (examination of the shots)

Screenplay (This was uploaded before the movie was released) :
https://archive.org/details/inglorious- ... 3/mode/2up

Full movie:

Something to evaluate in the opening scene is: Would the Nazis have resorted to shooting out the floorboards, or would they have preferred to arrest the Jews?

https://www.quora.com/Would-German-sold ... ish-person

Places like Ukraine have formerly inhabited Jewish villages, abandoned during WW2, where flame throwers components were left discarded, and the village had been burned (and of course, mass graves do exist in various parts of Europe,) though officially such actions would generally be opposed for sake of the image that Germany wanted to present. The SS with the totenkampf seemed to be reserved in particular for the psychopaths, much as how Putin would generally favor those who will "redeem" themselves by being let out of prison in order to carry out death and destruction of Ukraine (or Georgia, or Syria, and probably even secretly supporting Hamas while publicly shaming what the world knew to be terrorism.)

Of course, now it could be seen that Isreal fired upon Palestinians seeking humanitarian aid. . . So there's that. . .

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Mar 02, 2024 11:59 pm

42:20 "...Half of all children born today (in 2014) in USA and EU are going to live to 103-104?"

Currently, the median age is 38.9 so I very much doubt that.


Apparently, about 8.8% of the US population is millionaires, and 1 in 6 millennials (about age 40) have $100,000 saved up (so the wealth seems to concentrate to about 8.8%, but nevertheless, you are already "middle-aged," and yet in some areas where you make $100,000 you are paying most of it to some shitty vulture capitalist corporation like Black Rock that already owns most of the properties in existence.) I suppose buying all your crap through an Amazon truck is also the only way to feel "grounded" when you might also lack any accessible convenience, in order to afford a property to stay in; and yet an ubiquitious number of people come out of the woodwork to say how they own a property and have money saved up (though they seem to be an uber computer nerd who does nothing but write code all day.)

What was that crap we were told about 50 being the new "Middle age?"

And yet I despise the thought of "easy money" and grifting off people, which seems to become rather commonplace in todays' society (so basically, you join some group on Facebook and you realize the entire premise is to redirect to the group founder who wants to sell you some programs, or if someone seems to show even an iota of interest, you realize they are either some robo puppet, or they are pitching some other crap to you. The majority of money made in this world is practically a ponzi scheme designed and engineered to exploit people on a social level (so if anything is genuine in this world, you can be assured that someone is bound to fuck it up for everyone else. . .)

If only the half-life was shorter.


Population aging is the top global demographic trend; the pandemic can teach us how to prepare for it
https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fan ... oom-zucker

"Total world population passed the 8 billion milestone on November 15, 2022. The progression from 7 to 8 billion people took a mere 12 years,"

A lot of the population growth is found in emerging markets, whereas the fertility rate is declining, and yet the average life expectancy shown in that link was just 71 during Covid, and jumped back up to 73, with the prospect of 80 being the average (so the earlier reference to 38.8 can't be correct, if the average age was expected to be 73.) The distinction should also be, that it's "at birth" life expectancy, so whatever that 60 minutes video is quoted from is clearly way off.

Some also suggest not drinking coffee or alcohol, especially if it's "unfiltered" (which seems to also include espresso due to the nature of extraction, though mostly Turkish/Greek style of coffee or the kind of espresso that is boiled on a stove top,) mostly because the coffee in that form has components to it that increase cholesterol, and alcohol in contradiction to the video also will always reduce life.

This next video suggested that many of the carbohydrates and sugars (such as would be found in alcoholic drinks as they break down) and generally shitty diets, are one of the major components to why people died from Covid, since their body wasn't as resilient to autoimmune disease caused by it.


Also, 1 in 6 are narcissists.

I highly suspect that these kinds of people are the kinds that result in rabid atheists:

The Christian Covert Narcissist: Most Dangerous of Them All
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/christia ... carradice/


I also especially hate it when your narcissistic mother is repeatedly told not to buy an LG fridge because they are a turd bucket that will cost more to repair than any money "saved." That warranty only covers the cost of a compressor and will require a service fee (people pay $1300 because it requires special handling of the gas?)

It's one thing to be notified of making a dumb ass purchase already after they went off and bought a separate property off in a meth filled part of Arkansas nearly 1000 miles away from the spouse they live with, where an LG fridge seems to work, but it's another to be notified about the very evident problems plaguing the fucking fridges, with the potential of having a whole bunch of issues with two of the same plague filled fridges.

I had to delete a rant here, because I can get pretty unhinged about the glib indifference. It's the sort of thing that leads to a boiling point (it's apparently called "self-soothing" which I haven't quite developed yet.) It's interesting to note that I fucking repaired the LG washing machine twice, after resolving which parts weren't trash (hint, it wasn't an LG branded product that I needed to use.)

I likely would have resolved the issue with the older fridge if the dumb ass just decided to get a part needed for it to work(compressor relay switch and overload, which is probably something that messed up when she removed the ice that pooled at the bottom of the freezer which is due to when the coils de-ice and the little bung at the back of the freezer doesn't open to release the water into the evaporator tray at the bottom), but stupid is as stupid does. . . The parts had actually been ordered but I was needing to reorder them after the order turned out to be not available. All I know is the relay switch was making some click sounds, and I think I recall having replaced it before, which is usually the very first thing that will go out in such fridges assuming the compressors aren't intentionally badly designed. The parts would normally be about $20 in total, and they are so ubiquitous because so many fridges use the same crap.


Though Bitcoin will likely be the turd that doesn't flush, I believe Cathy Woods may also be a grifter to push it, as she has an agenda into pushing fads into popularity while also suffering for it.

Recently (also, dogecoin/turd went up again) :

A year ago this was the common criticism

It's as if they want to sell you gold and silver. . .

And I was wondering about the BRICS banking countries to also be opposed to Bitcoin, and if it is, would it be perceived as Democratic on the outside, and autocratic on the inside (would their politics need to go legit for them to quit?) Is this some kind of transition into "who will be the leading superpower" that likewise monopolizes mineral resources for newer technologies, while expecting countries like in Africa to move into BRICS banks exclusively (since China and Russia are already establishing themselves like cockroaches.) If a significant margin of crypto adoption is due to scammers, how much of the popularity will be long-term, especially if a bigger problem with things like Bitcoin is that, if you fuck up on accessing it, you can literally be locked out of your account with no way to access it (according to some stories, there is no reset button on confirming your identity and being able to access it, which could just as well occur if someone was trying to hack into it? This also assumes that a company couldn't have reasonable security and have a database that exclusively knows the correct access codes but also has it secured behind another system.)

Either way, I would prefer to think such crap never existed.

It seems also that ARK investments sold a Bitcoin trust and then reinvested it into a bunch of Bitcoin strategy ETF. . . So they are pushing this idea of applied use of Bitcoin which they seem to think will be more stable, even if the video mentions that the economy was flushed down the toilet for the first time in it's history even with the assistance of computer algorithms.

Cathie Wood is trialling a new Bitcoin strategy for 2024—including shedding shares of a former favorite holding
https://fortune.com/2023/12/28/cathie-w ... e-holding/
One of Cathie Wood’s exchange-traded funds has executed a massive shake-up in its Bitcoin-related holdings as the cryptocurrency rounds out a blockbuster year.

The ARK Next Generation Internet ETF sold all of its remaining 2.25 million shares of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust on Wednesday, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The same day, it bought 4.32 million shares of ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF, according to Ark Investment Management LLC’s daily data, making it the second-biggest holder of the fund.
The biggest problem facing global currency is that a lot of politics will be behind it and trend away from the petrodollar (US currency) and this likely may be in favor of Bitcoin if it weren't for the fact that the USD doesn't have a lot of other factors propping it up, which of course is flushing down the toilet, though to what extent isn't their more concerns with privatization and how technology becomes a bigger burden to investors to adopt, since it centralizes the currency into an oligarchical system of governing (so it basically overtakes a genuine democracy by concentrating the wealth into the greedy and unethical practices of privatized wealth.)

Bitcoin: The Oligarch Privatisation Of Money (Part One)
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bitcoin- ... _directory
Last edited by Catoptric on Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:17 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Mar 04, 2024 12:34 am

GOG has these on reduced sale (though I would hesitate on some of them.)

The Blake Stone series (Aliens of Gold, Planet Strike, and Rise of the Triad: Dark War) are about $3 with Planet Strike at just $.20. (I think I have all of these on an emulator console, but it would probably be best on a pc.)

Albion $1.49 (I had my eye on it for a while but $6 seemed like too much, even though it reminded me a lot of Chrono Trigger with it's graphics. An Albion online was recently released. . . Though I don't believe they are connected.)
Walkthrough part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMytffcTEoE

Might and Magic 6-pack $2.49

Hacknet complete edition $2.29

(though already owned)
Divinity, Leisure Suit Larry (series 1-6 labeled "hits and misses" in preview) as well as the 7 Love for Sail game series is cheap

About the LSL 4 "Missing Floppies"

The Bard's Tale Trilogy $2.99 (is a remake, though a caveat is the original language used in the series has been removed in favor of the updated text.) The game incidentally has a lot of different ports, and the Amiga version is the best one, though you can also get the 2004 Bards Tale game, which seems to include the original trilogy releases unchanged; though maybe not the Amiga version. It's a good adaptation which allows you to load a character floppy from the interface for the 3rd game, right at the end of it.)

I would rather just skip through these videos since they can take forever (and though 7 is generally considered the better of the series after 6, it still looks incredibly bad (even Minecraft looks better than that.)

9 is the game in the series where they declared bankruptcy before finishing and it is rated the worse due to bugs in the software, which it has a patch for. Since nearly every game from 1-6 of the series is rated most favorably and costs about the same as any one of those, I'll just stick with it, (though they are all about $1.50, and probably aren't bad just to check up on, however, even Morrowind looks leaps and bounds better, and I have a hard time wanting to play that agian.)

I had Heroes of Might and Magic on an emulator console, and it's considered the strategy version of Might and Magic (though not particularly based on the RPG version apparently apart from the "world."


I keep on avoiding these, even though they were considered one of the more exciting series, and I've owned them at some point, though never really did get to play them (these really are better off just jumping around through the video, probably the same for the ones above as well. . .) though it doesn't hurt to get them (even if people seem to have their own reasons to avoid them, similar to how the developers for Disco Elysium were fired for not monetizing the game more. . . I suspect the increase in DLC additions and other things with the proliferation of downloading games over cds installations, have increased this trend.

If I were to pick one it would just be Icewind Dale (I would skip the rest because it's simply not worth playing now.)

Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced Edition (includes all the DLC) $2.99

Neverwinter Night Enhanced Edition Standard is $2.99 or Complete is apx $7 for 1 more day
Full walkthrough in 1 hour?? (not DLCs evidently, as it's generally assumed the game takes about 100 hours with everyting in it)

2 additional Standalone DLC (a little over 1 gig total) not included in the game are free to download here (though require adding to a mod folder) :

Siege of Shadowdale Enhanced Edition
https://neverwintervault.org/project/nw ... ed-edition
Crimson Tides of Tethyr Enhanced Edition
https://neverwintervault.org/project/nw ... ed-edition

Tyrants of the Moonsea is in the complete edition.

Oddly, I have a hard copy of the game which strangely had the DLC without the serial number (because the company screwed up when printing the manual, and it wouldn't allow the game to even start without it.) These look a bit like a bad version of vanilla WoW.

Icewind Dale $4.99 (is generally considered the better of these games, though is a 3.9 rating)

A lot of the Gog MS-Dos games are available to play (and download) on Archive.org

https://archive.org/details/softwarelibrary (seems that clicking directly from the profile adds an @ to the beginning of the name which doesn't work?)
Last edited by Catoptric on Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:20 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Mar 04, 2024 1:33 pm

Bell Curve author

Somehow it didn't occur to me the Close Encounters of the Third Kind movie was based on J Allen Hynek's book, and because he often worked with Jacques Vallee, a character based on Vallee was used for the story, whereas Hynek cameod. . . I only watched the movie before studying the subject more.

Daniel Lieberman

Dark matter is invisible


Looking back over some games on sale on GOG (I probably won't buy them. . . Just skimming through.)

I thought I already had this one.

The Order of the Thorne - The King's Challenge is reminiscent of Sierra games.

Earlier I mentioned Anvil of Dawn (to save the trouble, it requires a cd in a opt disk drive to load from DOS Box) and it would have seemed pretty cool when it came out in 1995, and it's around 12 hours.

Ending (part 4 - 4 hours) https://youtu.be/k08Y-mGDakc
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:49 am

Other GOG games

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry ($3)

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Dry Twice ($3.50)

Another game with a similar theme, currently on sale for $2. This differs from the original release, in that their should be results shown at the end of the game (I suspect they might have removed it because it assumes the game actually functioned as medical advice?)


These are the sorts I would rather speed up x2 and fast forward on.

Playthrough (14 hours total?) - https://youtu.be/WUn-tPYKsXQ

2 other games by them have been made, called Slayers X and Dreamscraper (not yet released.)

Indiegala has this for about $11, though it seems like it would be better off in video.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:45 pm

This gives a good idea of how books are marketed to appeal to insecurities (hence a lot of books sell because they are escapism.)

Eben Alexander (still not sure what to make of him)
https://www.facebook.com/share/v/bsG9JP ... tid=wILeQC

More Reader's Digest and similar programs https://archive.org/details/@beardedsasquatch

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