What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:32 pm

It's easy to see from the contestants why the show has a bit of a "reputation. . ."


Roar (Noel Marshall, 1981) Tippi Hedren, Melanie Griffith

A flood caused lions to escape which is what led to Police being involved in killing one of the "stars" of the show (not sure if it was Jerry Marshall, the leading lion whose last name was given after the Director and lead cast member who was in relation with Tippi Hedron,) but a zoonotic disease had killed 14. The property was also vulnerable in a wildfire California is prone to.

https://www.stage32.com/blog/surviving- ... r-made-620


I'm reluctant to swap the OEM sensors with Ebay ones (but also, no places seems able to see O2 activity, to determine if it causes some issues with CEL; nothing of which has flagged yet, but it isn't clearing out either.) I would rather attempt to drive further out to see if it eventually clears, while trying to remain consistent in drive speed.

Test with multimeter and gas burner.

And of course the o2 sensors didn't arrive, but all that obnoxious driving on the freeway caused a huge gash on the inside of the tire sidewall, which could easily have caused the tire to catastrophically fail. Since I couldn't find the leak initially (and using an entire can of tire sealant and blaming the sealant for being crap when the tire really had little chance in hell of even making it to the Walmart Auto center--since the local tire shop closed--and I was reminded why I rarely step foot in Walmarts, in spite of the tire associates being relatively decent. . . Usually there is always some doting overencombering sloven dunce of a "Manager" (and strangely not long after some other type will appear to delegate needlessly, and more to hover around both customers and workers without any input other than to give an offputting presence, who have glaringly little knowledge of automotive work and yet make no one who is qualified actually want to work in such environments.) Even still the sorts of things you would normally expect for automotive or mechanical know-how is very much lacking, such as high temp putty or shop vacs, or even just general welfare of

Because they wouldn't have the tires I ended up having to take it to another place, where the usual absurd wait time and trying to upsell is the norm, and where every instict is to get the fuck out of there.


Sensors came in but I can't tell of the multimeter is defective, and am not confident these would resolve any issue.


Similar to the Chex Quest, Devolver made a pretty interesting marketing game/demo (I'm not sure of many companies who have done similarly apart from letting you play the demo games, which used to be common with mail-in cards that you filled out to get promotional material (I had quite a few of Squaresoft demos for PS1.) They were never much more than a menu screen, and never standalone "games."

I can't say this made me all that interested other than the newer Shadow Warriors 3 game which looked interesting, but it didn't seem the reviewers agreed.


I'm sort of surprised they included nothing on Talos Principle 2 which was made by Croteam, but that game might have still been in an uncertain phase at the time the demo came out (around 2020.)


Currently free on Epic Games

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:00 am

Most of this is BS

Referring to this:

Not so sure about this one, because it seemed pretty evident (at the time) that people who were posting commentary about the incident were simply mistaken about how smoke bombs gave off some optical illusion of a shadow figure, or even that the Police response was due to juvenile delinquency (or just criminal activity related to a dispute over something.)

This same guy made another video in which he admits his surprise that he was initially following up on what was an AI generated image and the usual smoke screen that exists with such (mostly) BS. Here though is something interesting, in that this guy differentiates what are drones and something else that "zips" away from the sky while hovering over the area. Not sure if he's just BSing and is actually some hobo who was given $20 not to make the Youtube channel creator look stupid from before (as he also commented about someone who made an initial report about the event at the outdoor mall in Miami, and then denies ever being there (because the cops were looking to make arrests on who was there,) but even then the video creator also ends the video by showing some fat Cuban (or perhaps anywhere from Central or South America) who was pounding and smashing a car that I presume had nearly hit his fat ass while he was waddling across the street indifferent to oncoming traffic. . . Miami is a very tranquil place. . .

Christian BS (confabulating BS'rs so common in the grifter enterprise of so-called "Christians.")

FBI John DeSouza

Checking up again on:
Flesh+Blood (Paul Verhoeven, 1985) Rutger Hauer, Jennifer Jason Leigh

I kind of ignored this in favor of checking Lady Hawke (which has a similar tone to it, though is rated worse.)

Aside from Excalibur, Highlander, and Conan, the list of movies is entertaining mostly for it's "so bad it's good," aspect (though that still applies to the "good" movies.)


Pretty cool way of seeing China from an E-bike perspective.

Illegal child labor is on the rise in a tight job market
https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/30/economy/ ... index.html

The reason farms are so dangerous is due to child labor being used (and if your child dies working on a farm that's already suffering economically, it might explain a lot of the suicides that occur with the occupation.)

Whether by design or by the evil nature of greed, I believe this:


Most of these are probably bullshit but I like to read through the comments.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:39 am

You can learn a lot from this guy.

Much of this is the reason I despise this state.

Vintage random videos (not movies.)
https://archive.org/details/@prelinger_ ... ine?page=3


History Channel inspired Gaia (a bullshit new age, alt-hist grift.)

'Is Oak Island a Fraud' (by googling "oak island is a scam from the 19th century")
https://www.quora.com/Is-Oak-Island-a-l ... Freemasons.
The biggest lie is that of the three boys discovering the Money Pit; one was a mature adult landowner on the island at the time. Without that lie, there has never been a reason to believe in treasure buried there.

The fraud began in the mid-19th century with Charles Archibald and continued by local Freemasons.

I was the archaeological consultant for Triton, the previous owner; the present owners refused contact with me. True that most of what has been found could have been planted; not all, though; the brothers do now use an archaeologist.

Interesting commentary about a black guy that might have found a treasure and started owning half of the island.
https://www.yellowbullet.com/threads/so ... d.2666810/


The obscurity of 13 months in the original calender (much like a 13th constellation, Ophiuchus, becoming obscured.)
https://www.facebook.com/share/v/wTp9xN ... tid=D5vuiz

911 footage uploaded by Kei Sugimoto who recorded it at the time.

'Sky King,' hijacked American Airlines plane
https://www.facebook.com/share/r/KCzGyk ... tid=D5vuiz

12:20 I'm just skipping through the next video but I'm noticing the yen to USD conversion, and just realized the currency exchange to USD has changed drastically (what was approximately 100 yen 2 years ago was nearly equivalent to a cent to each yen on the dollar, but now 100 yen to a 1 dollar is now 160 yen to match (meaning our dollar buys far less than 2 years ago, probably due to covid and the $1.5 trillion used to flush the economy to avoid recession.) This might be why Daiso hasn't been closing up and rather has been expanding, compared to numerous other dollar store chains that are closing.

Currency conversion
https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from ... PY&view=5Y

Though some of it's "neat" (if you shop once every 5 years) I consider many of the products to be trash durability (such as a very solid ceramic cup that cracks and breaks if dropped on a rug from 3 feet away) the gaijin of Japan seem to consider most of the products to be trash.

Oh yeah, and though I was apprehensive about accepting a job as an Assistant Store Manager (because when talking to who presents themselves to be the Regional/District Manager for a major expansion for the company in the USA; upwards of 100 stores are now open in the USA) and they are dressed like street trash at a Motorcycle Club with their tattoos exposed and dressed like they were shopping at Goodwill in the 1980s (and maybe this was part of the interview process, similar to if Charlamagne was dressed as a peasant and wanted to test the loyalty and fealty of his kingdom) you tend to take things slightly personal when one of the first things they ask is how would I address someone who isn't complying with dress code, and when you provide your opinion of it being very subjective and possibly invasive into their life, and how it might really be a non-issue; that the definition of the dresscode changes depending on location, where even the graphic image depiction suggests green for khaki whereas if you were in California you would be wearing black or blue jeans and a similar solid shirt color; I couldn't really tell if it was a trick question as even the person that walked me to the backroom had a lot of excessive ear piercings. If you were in Japan and interviewing someone looking like Yakuza it would be extremely socially unacceptable, and yet they would not even expound on the question to clarify my concern of how to "address" it (probably realizing, "when living in glass houses, don't throw bricks.")

Even then I got he hint that I probably wouldn't be a good match for how they "run things," since even the same questions posed toward the store manager contradicts how the District level considered placing merchandise and encouraging associates to get the inventory out for sale (either by cross-referencing) but also mentioning how planograms are not really a part of how they do business (so basically if inventory is out and you know you need to fill the shelves, you would need to wait for the district level to set the shelf layout, since they would be in charge of merchandise not coming in.)

I assumed as much that I would just be glossed over and when the store Manager asks how my followup interview went I even told them I was reluctant to accept even if they were quoting a higher pay. I suspect they have so much turnover in Management simply for the reasons discussed, that it can hardly be something they had any choice in the matter.

I was already feeling like what the reviewers show in their 1 star reviews, prior to even accepting the role (similar reviews for the US site.)

https://au.indeed.com/cmp/Daiso/reviews ... 145a760ce1

And Daiso's on dress code in Japan has been revised to accommodate individuality (though I haven't used google lens to translate the pdf.)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:29 pm


(Members of the) CIA founded the company that controls the stock market

https://www.facebook.com/share/v/PVqRH5 ... tid=D5vuiz

About Argentina


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:41 pm

A pretty good description of what happened with companies like Toys R Us, etc (leveraged buyouts and how a company can go into insolvency purely out of desire to see it go under for greedy self-interests, indifferent to the well-being of those who rely on the company to do better.

Equally so are companies where they layoff a large chunk of the workforce to pay themselves as CEO 28 million, and then use stock buyback options to increase their own portfolio cashout, such as the case for the hicks at John Deere.

UAW Rips 'Corporate Greed' of John Deere as Mass Layoffs Follow $43 Billion in Stock Buybacks
https://www.commondreams.org/news/uaw-j ... re-layoffs


Last edited by Catoptric on Fri Aug 02, 2024 3:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:59 am

John Perkins wrote 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' (2004, 2022 3rd ed) - A 2nd edition has 'New' in the title, but the newest version has boat freight painted with a China and USA flag on the cover.

I think that video is an excerpt from a longer 3 hr video.

He also wrote books on shamanistic traditions. . .

The thing is, what he talks about is nothing new.

Another book,

Two centuries of Parasitic Economics - Eve of the Financial Collapse of the West (2016) Basil Al-Nakeeb

You could also consider how the USA ignored the Monroe Doctrine and exploited South American countries at the beginning of the fruit trade.

Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World by Peter Chapman (2009)


Another guy with his same name has co-authored Attack Proof: the Ultimate Guide to Personal Protection (which has a newer 2nd edition from 2009)

Self-Defense videos Playlist (Matt Kovsky - Attackproof.com)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... A31267BE1B

The secret is ultimately in the marketing of self-defense (ergo none of that martial art dance routine or acrobatics here!) Be able to annihilate and jab the eyes of your enemies and piss on their ancestors graves! Make their caveman ancestors tremble in their bones and transcend into enlightenment in the process! No one will "get you" and you will evade the crime lords who are after you but too scared to find you in your bunker hideout on the remote mountaintops; evading world governments who are after your spy knowledge and survival prowess!

Or just watch some Neil Breen movies for comparison.

Video two (titled 3 since the 2nd one must have revealed some sacred knowledge from an immortal Shaolin Master that was too top secret for Youtube) in the playlist demonstrates the Gravy Seal fighting tactics.


John von Neumann

The catastrophic impact of World War II on American education.
https://www.mediapolicyproject.com/post ... -education

Prioritizing war over social emphasis will ensure their are people willing to die rather than live.



This ornate mansion was built over a 100 years ago and was later bought by Rev. Carl Stevens, leader of the Christianity group The Bible Speaks. Stevens was known to have stolen over 5 million dollars from his followers over the years as well as bankrupt and ruin lives. The property we will be exploring is one of his conpounds buildings. After lawsuits and his name in the news, Stevens then fled town, moving to Baltimore with some remaining followers, he stayed there until he passed away.

Steubenville, Ohio ("Ghost Town")

Inside the Ohio ghost town that gave birth to a Hollywood legend but now sits as a 1940s 'time capsule' due to its derelict houses and deserted stores
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/arti ... tores.html

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:54 pm

I can't help but think of Alan Wake when I see the above game, and many seem to regard RE4 as the last true game (though it seems very similar to 8 because it seems to gloss over the virus.)

Just fast forward to the video - It's inside the cube that houses the Kaaba meteorite/stone.

I followed up with this and made reference to someone in regards to the similarities to Islam and Christianity/Judaism

It's likely a remnant of antiquity with planetary worship (the circling the stone was supposed to represent the planetary motion, but so are the 12 disciples likely a reference to the constellations, so it's been considered an astrotheological remnant.)

In the earliest parts of Judaism they would actually use stones (hence why Jesus chose the name for Simon, to be 'Peter/Petras'--"Stone"--and more or less said "upon this rock I will build this church" and it seems that certain stones have a special meaning, such as a turquoise referred to as Jerusalem/Eilat Stone in Israel which are likely an artifact from when King Solomon would mine the stone in the area.)

Also the "as above, as below" made reference to The Urim and Thummim were circular stones that each had a triangle/arrow pointing up and down, encircled by an "infinity" circle made of rope (I'm guessing,) which were used by High Priests in Judaism, said to be used to discern God's will (that when combined together as a symbolic overlap, you get the Star of David symbol.)

In early parts of Christianity, they adopted many pagan aspects and traditions, and simply renamed them as Saint traditions, though this video will gloss over it.

More info on the circular stones (that I'm guessing were twirled around by the rope on the ground using a stick, which when one of them flipped over, were used in divination to determine the fate of someone or an event.

https://askgramps.org/who-created-the-u ... criptures/
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:13 pm

Titicut Follies (Frederick Wiseman, 1967)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:33 pm

I went on Youtube for comments on Titicut Follies but I chose a video that ended up opening with some guy I don't know making strong, negative judgmental statements about treatment of the people in the video, while soundless clips played in the background. I let him go on for a minute, then I just left. It's interesting though. They were insane, I think criminally insane. That makes it less funny.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Aug 04, 2024 12:19 am

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