What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:21 pm

Watching this makes Lord Kim Jong Un angry. . . He starts to cry tears of murder.

He was actually playing the piano in this show.

THE LOVERS AND THE DESPOT (Kim Jong-Il documentary)

(I don't fully believe this) "Confirmed CIA" John Ramirez suggests that the CIA gave Google it's technology to assist with data between an alien civilization, along with to prepare for increased disclosure of UFOs, Hybrids, and the future of information tech (perhaps things like crypto and how data is used to keep society integrated and manipulated on an individual level?)
https://www.tiktok.com/@mindhackinghapp ... copy_url=0

Not sure how much of his statements are just BS and possibly he was paid to infiltrate the gullible UFO groups (though more than likely he believes people are stupid and he plans to ride the gravy train, knowing full well he has no real secrets,) and he talks about Area-51 and an underground tunnel system in St. Louis (which just looks like some caves and water reservoirs that have been used for over a century by bootleggers and criminals?)

Explore 3 of Missouri's underground wonders
https://www.stlmag.com/health/outdoors/ ... uri-caves/
https://www.stlmag.com/history/this-gro ... -st-louis/

Video below is reposted here and this comment in the second one by ShellOilNigeria caught my attention, as I noticed this phenomenon when seeing UFOs:
"In Sekret Machines: Gods - they say, and this is a scientific paper also, that UFO/UAP's are only a thing because they can't be adequately described like every other thing in the universe.
They are some sort of indescribable power that alters our reality. The phenomenon interacts with civilization and mankind in a multitude of ways."

This is similar to the Japanese forest, and has a lot of ghost stories.

A different John Ramirez on the Sid Roth program. I remember seeing him before and believe he confabulates to get paid to bullshit at churches.

https://www.amazon.com/John-Ramirez/e/B ... pop_book_1

39 minutes in a dark shadow figure moves to the right of the stair case with no evident noise or direction they could have gone to (and yes, "it is possible" it was faked, though it doesn't appear to be the case here. noticed a light orb show up along the bottom right of the figure, which seemed pretty unusual for a person in a black suit?
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by elfsprin » Fri Dec 17, 2021 11:09 pm

I have feelings about the fact that these channels exist at all, but damn it get your money.

AKA: give these channels views and make corporations pay them to advertise.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:59 am

I see what they did there:

The song used is also a reference to coal miners who were paid so little but also kept in servitude to the mining company, while also so financially insolvent as to remain in place because they have nowhere else to work or head off to.
25 Photos of Kentucky Coal Camps During the 1930s and 1940s

Did Amazon really kill Seattle?
https://www.seattletimes.com/business/e ... on-talton/

Interesting business concept though it didn't turn out so well:
"Where are they now?" Susan was sentenced to 40 years, with 20 years to serve in prison and the rest on probation. . .
and the name Shawn Adrian Pender...graft should probably say grift, as he got a $170,000 bail.
https://www.ajc.com/news/breaking-news/ ... Rgu8RmgDP/


For some reason, I don't care to actually play this game (I'm feeling the same for Kingdom Come Deliverance which I need to clear off the hard drive.) I've yet to buy Red Dead Redemption (1 or 2.) I think it's some sort of protest against the direction that GTA has taken, and similarly, I don't want to play Assassin's Creed Valhalla, as most of the games seem to do a bad job integrating a cohesive story, and apart from exploring the environment, the game plots seem to deliberately skirt the main point of the story telling, a bit like Bethesda games tend to be.

This showed up as a 28 hour video though it does something odd when you play it and seems to split the video part way.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:51 pm

Note: Use good quality headphones when listening to and examining EVP.

39 minutes in a dark shadow figure moves to the right of the staircase with no evident noise or direction they could have gone to (and yes, "it is possible" it was faked and as they were walking up the staircase to see where the figure went, they returned back to where they were visible and exited through a door without making any noise, though it doesn't appear to be the case here. noticed a light orb show up along the bottom right of the figure, which seemed pretty unusual for a (hypothetical) “person in a black suit?”

The role of science is to exclude all possible explanations to the contrary (even when scientific consensus cannot be honest with itself that it was wrong,) so you can’t know for a fact whether the people recording this phenomenon didn’t just luck their way into recording evidence (and of the people that might enter such a building, how often do they bother to record it) and I am also reluctant to assume they didn’t have an agenda by creating a channel if they allow payments to encourage such videos through subscribers (as it would somehow “discredit someone” much as agreeing with whoever pays salary within any profession would just as well contaminate results by having their own preferred biases, such as in academia or news channels might prefer to withhold evidence of ethical wrongdoing if they are the company paying ad revenue to sell more products?) How far does integrity have to go before people acknowledge hypocrisy?

In theory, a person is only experiencing a very small percentage of the overall light mass/energy, of which part of that is dark matter energy. Matter never simply disappears and Physicist have sometimes speculated that consciousness interacts with matter on an experimental level (such as the “double-slit experiment”) so while science tries to isolate for all possible contamination of an experiment, sometimes it really is similar to “if a tree is falling in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it actually make a sound?” Does being aware of something before you could even possibly KNOW suggest such phenomenon, and can it really be concluded that such a thing is just a random occurrence?

new video (nothing paranormal that I spot)

37:13 in an old photo of a woman in front of the midget house, appears to have horns or something on their head. . . strange.

These videos get a bit addictive.

Definitely some interesting things to look into
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTbUY ... WC9CRkDaVA

One is a mansion built for $40 million and left abandoned with someone who was friends with Robert Mugabe.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... dated.html

This seems odd (possibly 2008 banking crisis really screwed them over and they had to abandon the home?)


The video early on talks of Queen Katherine Parr's burial sight being found after the structure had been destroyed by the Civil War, though the burial has a far more elaborate description of it being dug up and looked at over centuries, even being pulled out and danced with. . .

Queen Katharine’s restless bones
https://www.historiamag.com/queen-katha ... ess-bones/


One of the most impressive castles I've seen, named Castello di Sammezzano, was apparently built in early 17th century, yet in one website they claim it was built in the last century (1909-1913) and later became Europes biggest drug (heroin) laboratory.
https://romanrobroek.nl/this-abandoned- ... aboratory/
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-new ... s-24282167

Google maps shows it listed as built in 1605, and I suspect it had some updates more recently as it looks like something that would have been very difficult to preserve or build in 4 short years. I highly recommend checking the photos on google maps.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:00 pm

Original shadow person video (which they revisit in an earlier post)

Some possible EVP (listening to Sennheiser studio monitoring headphones I would often try to crop such EVP to keep aside and document.)

11:21 "I hate them in this place"
12:10 "yeah"
19:30 is definitely a shadow ghost anomaly, and I noticed an odd bright orb-like appearance along the bottom (leg?) and you can barely make out what seems like an EVP when listening with headphones, possibly saying, "I'm right here," though it's hard to make it out, though at 19:38 it sounds like a faint "caught you in my home."
23:52 is very distinctly saying, "yeah, two or three."

Nothing else really seems to stand out though this was a great video, and I might come back and edit the comment if I I find anything else.


The guy who created this channel worked at Gearbox and was also the voice actor for the character in Borderlands named Scooter (which as soon as I hear the intro and how he exclaimed himself I had to look it up just to be sure.)

The only X-Men movies I've found any desire to watch were the Wolverine movies, though I've yet to see anything beyond Origin.


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:43 am

Remains of the old London Bridge
https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMaga ... on-Bridge/

Abandoned Nunnery exploredNear the end a grow operation was uncovered.
44:52 seems to have an EVP saying, "I'm blessing you."

That is pretty crazy what was going on in that building, and it almost seems to suggest they were operating a drug grow operation so as to funnel money to ISIL operations?

America's Largest Abandoned Subway - Cincinnati Subway Explored!

The Vallecas case: the true story behind Veronica movie
https://auralcrave.com/en/2019/10/27/th ... ica-movie/
https://www.atticvoices.com/2019/estefa ... rez-lazaro

(this may not be the actual movie.)

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by starjots » Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:17 pm

Dune - watched it with the family at home as a Christmas thing, because who wants to watch another Christmas movie?

I give it high marks, it reminded me of the book I read decades ago and all the "wonder what those worms eat?" type questions actually originate in the book itself. I also appreciated that you didn't have to read to the book to keep up and overall a solid sci fi movie. My oldest, who is far more tuned into the nuance of art and so forth, said for him this might be what it was like for our generation to see Star Wars for the first time in 1977. That's pretty high praise. And the story itself seems relevant to the modern world (unlike Star Wars). Looking forward to part 2 whenever that comes out.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:39 pm

It goes without saying the median is a fraud and was known to be one in the 1980s when he seems to have been known as a journalist which turned "psychic" which may also have inspired David Icke to start on his path.

Culzean Castle has some really cool walls filled with muskets, etc. (I was reading up on it because Trump's golf course nearby opposed some windmills that were going to be installed on land of this castle which was in view of Trump's golf course.) Trump is a bit of a dick, as I was just reading about how he acquired some historic building that had historically valuable statues installed into the structure that the MET museum were promised to acquire, and even though he agreed to it he decided to instead smash it all up to get rid of the building. Trump is a piece of shit, which most people with enough sense probably already know.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:55 pm

1984 Daphne Arcade system Laserdisc

vs the Mega CD 1992 (nearly a decade later. . .)

You can get every Daphne rom ever made with included emulator (which doesn't always work well, as odd as that sounds because they were basically just cd players.) It will take about 10 hours to download.
- https://archive.org/details/daphne-g2g

I was going to start getting into Saturn games and was trying to use a boot drive with Batocera, though the interface is much clunkier than typically Emuelec, and many things will load but not run for some reason, though I have managed to get Gaiapolis and Gauntlet Dark Legacy to run, which may just be because of memory options and nothing special. Half of the functionality of traditional emuelec software (such as in-game changes or saving from menu,) but also it seems you can run the risk of totally overriding other hard drives because they programmed some option to copy the Batocera drive onto another disk within the menu which seems very risky (and it doesn't have much forwarning or limitations,) but also when initially restarting the computer it literally seemed as if the bios had been overridden and corrupted to the point I wasn't sure if the blank screen would return to normal functionality, and when I pressed the power button down it made a beep and then it came back (which may be why the bios has a 'Secure Boot' function that shouldn't be overridden. . . and I had to to get it to boot from the drive.)


Retroarch can autotranslate Japanese games?

First I heard of Shadowrun CD. Often the CD releases were just an excuse to add better music quality to existing cartridge games, and Shadowrun was small enough that technology would allow for 54mb games (so it was certainly manageable,) so they could easily have just called it something else to differentiate it from the known US release. Any attempt to create a patch translation resulted in a Cease and Desist order (even though Sega is only a shadow of itself, I guess they figured the franchise was still relevant to modern games, even if they are widely different from this one by how it looks?) This game reminds me of Shining Force, and looks very different from other versions.


As shown on Amazon
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Tue Dec 28, 2021 10:00 am

Under the Sun (North Korea) doc with smuggled footage

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