What are you watching?

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:36 am


The Achitect

The guy was connected to Standard Oil (converting it to gasoline)

He only lived in it for 5 years, when he died, and it seems to have mostly been unoccupied for several decades prior to being taken over by these Catholic nuns.

https://web.archive.org/web/20121226002 ... cciop.org/

Perhaps the 45 rooms were fairly useful, though the amount of neglect the building had even once abandoned for only a decade, clearly showed how much the upkeep was to preserve it (and yet nearly the entirety of the interior is being scrapped to convert it into something different. . . So much for preservation?)


More movies (mostly bad)

Willy's Wonderland 2021 starring Nicholas Cage ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8114980/ )

Alien World's comics
https://archive.org/details/AlienWorlds ... rlds%2001/

Highlander TV series Season 4 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103442/episodes?season=4


Every Loony (the old junk) Tunes and other stuff

Some classic films (some are dubbed in foreign language though. . .)
https://archive.org/details/COUATITW/Th ... .in_SQ.mkv
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:36 pm

https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/diary_ ... _girl_1981
download: https://archive.org/details/diary-of-a- ... 7085599333

Underworld (1927) by Josef von Sternberg

Download B&W (with subtitles SRT): https://archive.org/details/los-hermano ... ierro-1961

etc https://archive.org/details/@ion_exe

Modern Looney Toons clips (7-8 minutes on average)

The Adventures of Robinhood (1938) - English with foreign subtitles

Errol Flynn was assisted by a legendary Archer named Howard Hill (who is not this guy since he would be over 100)

Hoard Hill was unmatched
https://www.theerrolflynnblog.com/2020/ ... st-archer/

The 1990's Speed Racer was canceled due to a lawsuit, so this was the last series.

These are considered very influential animes.

Seems like all these guys are dying in the last year or two.


Yasujirō Ozu: Noriko Trilogy
https://www.closeupfilmcentre.com/film_ ... o-trilogy/

Late Spring (1948)
By far the smallest file of them all at 300mg, considering the breadth of info on this on wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Spring ) it's assumed to be insufficient.
Sadness beneath the smiles
https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/grea ... pring-1972

It might be best to get this one

Early Summer (1951)
https://archive.org/details/early.-summ ... 4.-aac-vxt

Tokyo Story (1953)
Found on the website and greatly regarded as Ozu's best work (amongst a pretty well regarded career.)



This one is considered an influential 1-hr "masterpiece" (picked by men which probably mean's otaku.)

Go, Go, Second Time Virgin – 1969, Koji Wakamatsu
https://wondersinthedark.wordpress.com/ ... wakamatsu/

Has English subtitles
https://archive.org/details/yuke.yuke.n ... matsu.1969

Other Japanese films to look into:
https://archive.org/details/%40wkk643?& ... ate&page=2

Pornostar (1998) by Toshiaki Toyoda aka Tokyo Rampage https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166314/
https://archive.org/details/pornostar.- ... 4.-aac-vxt

Another strange one (more dealing with the topic of Yakuza and the profession of porn, without any porn,) and had a Criterion edition.

https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/pornographers (100% favored)

This film has no subtitles but some are comparing it to Jean-Luc Godard

CONFESSION (1968) Nobuhiko Obayashi

House (1977) Nobuhiko Obayashi
Best quality with English srt file https://archive.org/details/house.-1977 ... ac-yts.-mx


https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/gu ... uc-godard/

A different kind of film, evidently.

Breathless 1960 by Jean Luc Godard

Masculin Féminin (1966) - dir. Jean Luc Godard - English Subtitles

Band Of Outsiders (1964)

Alphaville (1965) is a pseudo-Blade Runner (which was largely influenced by Neuromancer)
https://archive.org/details/alphaville- ... eddie-cons
Needs these added: https://subdl.com/subtitle/sd25969/alphaville

Other versions have other subs already and it would interfere, and the videos, despite being larger don't look any better.

Contempt (1963) aka Le Mepris



Other films https://archive.org/details/@shadows_of_the_dark

I'm going to probably focus more on Western and European films

https://www.freegreatmovies.com/Movie-D ... Herzog/649

250 Quintessential Film Noirs
https://worldscinema.org/category/250-q ... ilm-noirs/

More of a documentary film Director.

Dusan Hanák

Or can download it: https://archive.org/details/pictures-of ... world-1972

Another one they did (about a person's ills and societies.)

322 (1969) by Dušan Hanák
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:26 pm

Watching some clips from Wargames (1983,) I was prompted to think of whether or not anyone could survive 2-3 miles of swimming unaided without drowning, even with knowledge of how to swim. (Alcatraz is about a mile from land according to satellite images though some say it's 15 miles??)

A ton of films/docs related to hacking.

A one I overlooked is called Sneakers (1992)

Wargames was still the usual cliche nonsense where they don't expect people to be familiar enough with the topic to be highly critical of how it's presented, though it was much closer to the possibility of how a hacker would bypass security by exploiting the social systems in place that reinforce security protocols (such as leaving a password accessible to those not permitted to use it.) It was much closer to the reality of people that have been caught.

And even rare IQ people seem to fall prey to exploitation and have their Facebook accounts hacked, where they set up a new one and some random spam bots start redirecting them in the comments of their new account, to consult with some random person on Twitter, and multiple similar spam bots will do the same en masse.

If you point out fake accounts to Facebook or the numerous people who think they are posting to some random Army General and "supporting the troops" (which if they were sensible they would know their stupidity of being sent to random shitstorm engagement with foreign military are not "supporting" anyone) the people will blindly stand behind and think nothing of why a random Army General who doesn't even have time to take photos (and only seems to post 8-10 year old stock photos available online) would start chatting it up with a European with broken English.

Between China and Africa it seems the internet is going to be hacked out of existence.


All Back to the Future movies (all one file, and it's better to download the ogv files since it's 1.3 gig instead of 13 gig.)

If Sneakers was a 1980s film it would more likely have been renamed Squeakers, involving Russian bioengineered rats that were weaponized to deliver lethal nerve agents. It turns out the Chinese were involved in chemical manufacturing, and it leads to WW3.

This is only funny if people recognize squeaker as a euphemism for fart.


Going back over some documentaries presenting the argument that Ukraine was the instigator of Crimean atrocities. (Most of this is copied from what I wrote to someone who spams my email and never wrote back)

Several videos discuss Ukraine's involvement wth the Crimea region, and evidently, things could have been handled better.

"Donbas: 8 years of war" - Documentary by French journalist Anne Laure Bonnel (2016) [EN-FR]

Someone argued the inequalities the west are known for are a byproduct of greed and crony capitalism, and I argue that much of it is inherent to any system of governing/corruption.

Perhaps true though it's not so blanketed as assuming it's a cause of (basically) financial corruption and racketeering unique to the west. As for how much money is printed by the Federal Reserve is backed by foreign loans, could be questioned. It's a bit like how China targets poor countries and then when they default on payments, they basically start taking over.

This book was written and published after Putin first invaded Crimea (2014,) and it highlights why he failed in Ukraine as result of autocratic leadership (2023.)

Putin's Kleptocracy: Who own's Russia book by Karen Dawisha

Armies and Autocrats: Why Putin’s Military Failed
https://www.journalofdemocracy.org/arti ... ry-failed/

Most all debts are basically I.O.U. loans using the USD and various properties as collateral, and the fiat system is propped up on perceived value in the "stock" of the US government, et al. The intellectual property (brands and technology designed in the US, which includes technology shared with Taiwan involving silicon chip manufacturing,) as well as military defense with shared nations, as well as future interest in business (which as you point out is largely a byproduct of greed from the US in cheap labor--hence when profit's drive motivation for production with covid policy, Apple closes for business in China, which is very similar to what Andrew Carnagie had with his union strike a century ago--and then the public relations any government will present is the illusion of charitable giving and coming to foreign aid (not unlike Russia or China when it wants to be perceived as "assisting" minorities or the perceived down-trodden; and likewise the USA uses such perception to drive "democracy" when it seeks to have it's presence known in areas that might negatively impact the long term goals in certain regions.)

Whether governments intend to give the work forces just enough leverage to keep them complacent with the illusion of choice in the matter, or it's merely smokescreen from the fallout of when governments are afraid of how they can maintain the image of power and prestige; a good example could be looked upon with profit driven educational and healthcare systems with attrociously bad standards when it comes to predatory practices, as likewise a government that requires an overreliance on the service sector to maintain any sense of normalcy can't be good for autonomy, since most all industries are being scooped up by big companies like Blackrock. And then you have CNBC promoting the allure of people that jump on the idea of buying up real estate to generate revenue and acquisition of property; and then you have a legal system that reinforces the "haves and the have nots" who choose to join the circus shit show.


He points out a report that CNN news was covering reports of Ukraine attacking the Donbas region (which I point out the specifics of the incident)

Timestamp 48:20

My response

If that was a year ago, it was after Zelensky had him (Petro Poroshenko) indicted for high treason, following his loss of reelection for the Presidency.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/ ... of-treason
https://www.euractiv.com/section/europe ... h-treason/

"Ukrainian authorities placed former president Petro Poroshenko under formal investigation for high treason on Monday (20 December), accusing him of links to financing separatist forces in the eastern Donbas region."

Putin wants to reinstate Viktor Yanukovych

https://fortune.com/2022/03/02/viktor-y ... ne-russia/

He is well known for corruption (which is why all elected officials must disclose wealth for public access)



Abby Martin interview with CIA researcher

https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/ci ... ta-method/

I was wondering what Abby Martin was doing, as she was always an advocate for Ukraine even when working "for Russia."


I've been thinking a lot about how the internet and consumerism is making people lose their identity and purpose, or meaning. People frame their identity around behavior and reward-seeking motivation, much as culture is a byproduct of how to adapt in order to survive.

https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/th ... isconnect/


100 documentaries (that could change the world?)
https://www.filmsforaction.org/articles ... or-action/

I'm surprised this wasn't listed:

Under Fire: Journalists in Combat (2012)
https://tubitv.com/movies/582348/under- ... -in-combat


Ghostbusters Afterlife (2021)
https://archive.org/details/ssam_202112 ... (2021).mp4

Many different movies including Top Gun Maverick (1.2 Gig video is the best one) including 'The Batman' which I just now found out exists. . . Several other decent films are recent (one called Farha deals with the Palestinian and Israeli conflict, requiring subtitles.)

Movies in the collection that had highly rated
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/everyt ... ll_at_once
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/glass_ ... ut_mystery
(An insanely overlooked movie that only made $50k at the box office???) https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/vesper_2022

This is one of two short cartoons (along with Beauty and the Beast)

The Top Gun Maverick movie has continuity errors, where it shows 'Rooster' (the child of Goose from Top Gun who died?) in the cockpit after they start a training mission, where they soon show him on the ground doing pushups (presumably having never left the tarmac because he was abrupt with Tom Cruise's character Maverick (partly because he was a bit of a dick for holding him back to Top Gun for 4 years?) and then as the scene in the air continues it ends with Rooster getting into some Boomber/Mellinial bromance contest of who can hold out the longest before getting trigger happy from all the oozing gayness, where he again returns to the tarmac and get's all homoerotic with anger?

Should he have only been doing pushups after getting shot down, if they clearly showed him in the air prior to the training exercise?

This movie is really shit, and not only would Ed Harris' have lost his Geritol at the beginning as Maverick was flying overhead, but the kinds of flight maneuvers being done by Maverick would have had him court-martialed for putting the training students in jeopardy. No where does the apparent reality of Maverick's achievement of achieving Mach 10 seem apparent, nor do they reveal the apparent severity of the explosion and ejecting in the middle of the air (the only reason he appears in the diner is because the studio is making the audience feel as though they are engaging with the movie, as they identify with the characters.) The movie is consumer-grade mindless porn. . .

The uncomfortable truth:
https://studybreaks.com/tvfilm/opinion- ... ick-sucks/

And why isn't it obvious that modern Hollywood (or modern streaming services at this point) is just regurgitating garbage because they suck at any honesty with their programs?


IP Man movies


Dune Saga Collection (Brian Herbert, Frank Herbert)
https://archive.org/details/dune-saga-c ... 20Herbert/

They are numbered in a weird way (kind of like how Star Wars looks at first glance.)

How to Read the 'Dune' Books in Chronological Order
https://collider.com/dune-books-in-chro ... of-release


Dune 1984 fanedit (the best version of this?) 3hr
https://archive.org/details/dune-1984-a ... -flac-subs

It seems to have gone by 'Dune the Complete Saga'

Dune 1984 regular release (2hr 25 min apx)

Dune 2021
https://archive.org/details/doon.2021.7 ... 4-GalaxyRG


A baptist page of all things has these videos
https://archive.org/download/national-t ... -2007-720p

Take and ye shall recieve.
Last edited by Catoptric on Sat Apr 01, 2023 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Apr 01, 2023 6:31 am

I'm not even sure how this exists:



Just looked into this:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_J ... 0insurance

I came across some claims that musicians will be killed off in order to make the record companies more profits. It would be pretty weird if this was actually testimony regarding the Producer. Alcohol was not used as only pills were found at toxic levels in Hendrix's system.


After actually watching Birdman, I realize it was a James Joyce alliteration of Daedelus, through an adaptation of 'Ulysses' and 'Finnigan's Wake.'



I sort of expected 'Boyhood' to be based on the actual life of a person, rather than just a child actor that grows up within the length of the movie (and all the contrived story-telling that comes with that.)



Short videos from 1900-1930s etc
https://archive.org/details/1900s-1920s ... XMH_5U.mp4

Public Domain Review has similar stuff as shown on Archive, but less of the BS.

https://publicdomainreview.org/collecti ... icans-1920

“Mother Will Be Pleased”: How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900)
https://publicdomainreview.org/collecti ... e-run-over

A bunch of videos that would be easier to "play as all" from the Public Domain Review Page on Youtube, but also searching the name of the website and using video search.


https://www.pbs.org/video/the-private-l ... 33-0ga70m/

Book being referenced
https://archive.org/details/final-event ... e-pdfdrive

Tinker Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Monty Python Season 1-4
https://archive.org/details/monty-pytho ... sc-dvd-set

The concept of ghosts in antiquity


I was just looking over 1966 Batman and though it's evident it's intentionally trying to be comical, I'm surprised at how absurd it is. I started looking into some of the old Superman movies and came across a few though found far more other movies that are public access.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by HighlyIrregular II » Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:22 am

Interview with a guy who fell 22 stories on 9/11. The description links to the full documentary which includes the second part of the interview.

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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Thu Apr 06, 2023 4:24 am

Berlin Alexanderplatz Book: https://archive.org/details/AlfredDobli ... anderplatz

Miniseries by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin_Al ... iniseries)


Ivan the Terrible Part 2 was delayed for a decade after Eisenstein as well as 5 years after Stalin's death, because Stalin censored it from release due to how it was a critique of the Bolshevik revolution as well as (perceived to be?) a veiled critique of Stalin.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_the_ ... 1944_film)
https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrit ... eisenstein

The first can be downloaded here https://archive.org/details/@nosesilo
Part 2 I managed to save through y2mate (though if you aren't using malware, popup, and privacy blockers, it seems to have a greater risk of getting viruses--specifically one called y2mate virus--however, even when using Archive to get better quality mp4 Netcraft detected a phishing exploit, which was a bit strange given the location and how the files are linked to the website.) Supposedly even email images can have exploits within them, so it's possible something triggers when running the files.

This film might have kept Eisenstein alive for longer (Stalin killed the people in charge of earlier film production)


I'm still not sure of Frankie Rowe's claim about what her father told her as it just doesn't seem to mesh with other accounts of the area, as these documentaries never get into specifics about the various alleged crashes, all of which could just be people making up stories well after-the-fact.


'I Was Taken Captive And Threatened I'd Be Executed By The Taliban'


The first Halloween movie is probably the only one worth watching, though here are all of them
https://archive.org/details/halloween-1 ... ween-kills

Some other movies, including the 1911 (first full-length Italian film) Dante's Inferno (L'Inferno)
https://archive.org/details/%40skynet_c ... te&page=3

Alternatively, this is available

12 years a slave

The Sergio Leone trilogy A Fistful of dollars, A Few Dollars More, and The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
https://archive.org/details/a-fistful-o ... 964_202210

Detective show called Mannix https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0061277/

1990s TV (recorded randomly)

Mostly I would just post this: The full series of 'The World of David the Gnome'

I think it made me more receptive to RPG games.


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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Fri Apr 07, 2023 9:29 am

Apocolypse Now 5-hour Workprint
https://cinephiliabeyond.org/the-holy-g ... lypse-now/

Crappy VHS aimed at a projector screen version
https://archive.org/details/vts-01-4_20 ... S_01_2.VOB

Or the 12 gigabyte 3 disc ISO (to burn to discs as otherwise it won't play?) official release version

Coppola seems to favor the Final Cut version which is just a rescan of the master film stock which models the Theatrical release.
https://screenrant.com/apocalypse-now-d ... explained/

I kind of like the Redux version, since it added something interesting (though it seems it takes away from the story arch.)

One of the films above (shown below) has Julian Sands (January 4, 1958-?) who has been missing since 13 January 2023 and is presumed dead.


Bruce Lee subtitles (search) : https://subdl.com/search?query=Bruce+Lee


The Three Stooges (Specials) - 180 hrs (some different versions)

Not sure, but this seems more sensible (8 hr)
The Three Stooges Complete Set - Episodes 1 -through-25


Other films (better quality than usual)
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sat Apr 08, 2023 7:38 am

Most of what they seem to be showing are chromatic aberrations and the weird way digital interprets visual data. Even without filters and other factors in recording, the lenses alone are known to not retain good details, especially when digital zoom is used.

Even in some of the shots such as 11:20, you can see a similar effect to the city lights below where the object is flying around.

I also "know" that ufos are flying above us and consider myself an 'Experiencer,' though I know that many people can fall into the trap of relying too much on the limitations of technology, and for a while the trend was in using uncollimated telescopes to interpret similar anomalies with stars, which people interpreted through the restrictions of the atmosphere, as somehow showing anomalies that weren't a bit like an inkblot/Rorschach test of cognitive biases. For some time I assumed that people who thought ufos or UAP phenomenon weren't trying to mimic our terrestrial air traffic were somehow "off" until I drove out to a light that wasn't stationary near an airport but rather was above a city nearby, and the object started to drift back over the area I came from and then on its own axis rotated and disappeared, not more than a 150-200 yards away.

So is it possible that the objects shown at the beginning of this video are a UAP phenomenon? Perhaps, though judging by how the camera picks up common city lights in the same color details shown, it's unlikely the colors are an accurate representation of the UFO and not lens flaws/designs.

I should say that after watching it more, it does put together ideas that are worth checking into, whether you have doubts about what the footage is showing at the beginning, as it does tie together a hypothesis of bioelectric organisms which would tend to favor some concept popularized by Jacques Vallee and J Allen Hynek, regarding the Interdimensional Hypothesis. The video is just presenting ideas that perhaps we don't know, but that certain aspects could be similar to how the deep sea ocean finds communication possible, and that we could just be dealing with a new kind of organism (or if you consider the ocean, certain very small animals join together to form what becomes a much larger appearing organism that at first appears to be much larger.) If the universe itself is hypothesized to be conscious (and we are just observers that interact as part of one larger construct of that consciousness,) perhaps any lifeform could somehow operate in ways that collectively interact as though by some quantum entanglement phenomenon?

https://movieweb.com/why-fawlty-towers- ... -episodes/

John Cleese's Fawlty Towers with his then wife Connie Booth (who would divorce him during the reboot for season 2)

A lesser quality with widescreen warping of the original 4:3 aspect ratio is here, if that is preferred

I had just completed getting the 4 seasons of Monty Python, and am getting different things together associated with the group.

Fawlty Towers episode 3 'Wedding Party' had a French character, played by Yvonne Gilan:

One of her sons disappeared into thin air without any explanation:
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... d-air.html

Even the show in Episode 5 demonstrates some of the issues that chefs have (a lot of them are drunks or have some kind of mental health issues, and the son was a chef.

New Study Reveals Just How Unhealthy It Is to Be a Chef
https://www.vice.com/en/article/ypagxv/ ... -be-a-chef

Both sons also seem to have had issues with dyslexia (the other was a writer that had to dictate everything, and the Chef probably chose his profession for similar reason; both had issues with alcohol.

The woman died two years after her other son, and that one role in the brief life of the sitcom is what made her "famous."

I should also point out (which I suspected at the beginning) that the Spanish character, Miguel, is British.

This should be worth listening to

He is actually rebooting Fawlty Towers in 2023
https://deadline.com/2023/02/fawlty-tow ... 235252175/


Not sure what to make of it. This would have been made around 2000 when a lot of the internet had covered the subject of things like NLP, and hypnosis.

I knew of someone that was one asked to go up on stage where a hypnotists asked him to hump a table, and he has no recollection of what he was doing. The kind of hypnotism in the video above seems like a therapy focused meditation or something (I have yet to play it.)

Probably more important




Battle of the Planets (1978-1980) is basically a localized version of Gatchaman. (1972)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_N ... _Gatchaman

Some differences
https://scifimusings.blogspot.com/2013/ ... haman.html


Never Ending Story had a German and an American version which differed slightly,

Differences shown

And here is a text based game from 1985
https://archive.org/details/d64_Neveren ... 1985_Ocean

Michael Ende (the writer of Neverending Story) hated the movie and wanted no part in it. I started reading up on him (looking for pdf's to download and couldn't find any,) and his book Momo was basically anticonsumeristic, and I was reminded of how books like Wizard of OZ were basically anti-populist, regarding the sway of various ideologies, in a similar way to Momo, was decrying political sway on individuals (which might explain his opposition to the movie, even if his books were inherently capitalistic?

Corrupting Capitalism: Michael Ende’s Momo and “Cathedral Station”
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... al_Station


Wolf Hall


Harold Loyd films: https://archive.org/details/harold-lloyd-films


Probably his best, or most iconic movie, (where I think he maimed his hand doing the clock hand stunt.)

Last edited by Catoptric on Sun Apr 09, 2023 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Sun Apr 09, 2023 4:57 pm


A Professor spent a lot of time researching that book/movie.

Supposedly this guys work began on the abobe before it was finished, and the abstract art at the beginning is distinct.

https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/ar ... ns-movies/

https://www.indiewire.com/2014/04/why-j ... -of-28089/


The filming location was unique. . .
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Re: What are you watching?

Post by Catoptric » Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:50 am


Charlie Chaplin S01 Keystone (1914)

Charlie Chaplin S02 Essanay (1915-1916) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essanay_Studios


Another silent film Pandora's Box (1929)


Kung Fu TV series (Pilot and aired shows from the early 1970s)

David Caradine meme

I mostly know him from the 1990s show and have ignored anything else by him outside of that.



I'm looking for non-verbal films.

The moth creature will suffice.


Nature documentaries


https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_pr ... landscapes
https://video.alexanderstreet.com/watch ... ial-theory

Peter Tscherkassky's

Penetration time? (update: apparently it isn't Corpus Christi)

Peter Tscherkassky - Train Again, 2021

Societal egress and ennui
Hello / Goodbye / Just a moment / Nothing / Cosmic / Man / Dream / Civilization / Open / Contact / Tremble / Gas / Memory / Transcend / ^2

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